Topro Oil and Gas LLC Well-site Geologist
April of 2012-Current Day
Logging programs (WellSight)
Correlate gamma logs
Analyze, and log geologic samples
Process samples with alizarin, UV light, microscope, and
acid tests
Create geologic reports
Find geologic tops using rate of penetration, gamma,
and sample analysis
• Nabors 108AC
• April 2012-June 2013
• 16 Bakken wells
• Nabors B-12
July 2013-October 2014
16 Three Forks and Bakken wells
Summer of 2010
September 2009-July 2011 Paleontology Prep. Worker
Museum of Geology, Rapid City, SD
Restored fossils
Created bedding jackets and stabilized fossil material
Cataloged samples
SD School of Mines and Technology, Rapid City, SD
B.S. in geology/paleontology
Graduated 2012
Geologic field camp in Turkey
• Learned to create geologic maps and interpret
geologic environments
Greg Pruett Directional Driller 307-***-****
Christopher Kakolewski Geologist 845-***-****