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Manager Sap

December 15, 2014

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Rajesh Jain PMP®

***, ****** - ** • Faridabad • Haryana • I ndia - 121007 +91-98-101-**-*** ***********@*****.***

F unctional consultant i n IBM with 8 plus years of SAP experience . Certif ied SAP M M (Ver 4.7) and

SAP SRM (Ver 7.01) .

Lead consultant for large scale G lobal SAP I mplementation a nd support projects for clients like

Heinz, Pfizer, Merck, Nestle, Saint Gobain etc.

Team lead for rollout of Merck in EMD Serono (Boston USA) .

Implemented GTS module for procurement in Merck Rollout (Boston USA).

Team Lead for MM team in Saint Gobain ( France).

Implemented Supplier Network collaboration module in Pfizer (Philadelphia, USA).

Integrated Ariba 9r1 spend management with SAP in Pfizer (Philadelphia, USA).

Resolved issues like ( ALE idocs, User exits, function modules, LSMW, SQL Query etc.) .

Expertise in developing custom workflow for approval of PR, PO, Contracts .

Expertise in using Solution Manager in various phases of project .

Technical Skill Set, Certifications and T rainings

SAP: Certified SAP MM (4.7)

Certified SAP SRM (7.1)

Supplier Network collaboration

SAP Solution Manager

D MS (SAP Training)

CRM 7.0 ( Marketing )

Warehouse Management

A riba

B aaN : C3, C4, Baan Tools

L anguages : C#, Java, Oracle SQL, BASIC

Soft skills : Well t rained in Presentation skills, Listening skills, In terviewing skills,

I nterpersonal skills, Public

Speaking skills .

P resent Designation : Package Solution Consultant Work Experience :

M ay 2006 - till date

P resent Company : I B M I ndia Pvt. Ltd.

Detailed Work Experience

Client : Heinz A ugust

2013 - till date

Role : A MS Team member for M M and P roject Lead

Client Profile : H . J. Heinz Company and its subsidia ries manufactu re and market a line of

p rocessed food products throughout the world. The Company’s principal products include

k etchup, condiments and sauces, frozen food, soups, beans and pasta meals, infant food and

o ther processed food products .

Project Scope : T he project scope was for providing support for SAP related issues.

Responsibilities :

Analyzing and resolving incidents raised by end users wi thin the SLA T imeframe .

Performing configurations related to number ranges, release strategies and pricing

p rocedure .

P roviding estimate for enhancement efforts for all the developments .

Monitoring jobs as and when requi red .

Performing all activities related to P roject Management by assisting the P M .

Client : IEE (Luxembourg) January

2014 - t ill date

Role : Support for incidents and enhancements

Client Profile : I E E is based in Luxembourg and is in the business of manufactu ring and selling

i ntelligent body sensors. The main production facility is in Echte rnach, Slovakia and China .

T he company also has office in US, Japan, Korea . The company has a strong customer base

consisting of Major Auto manufacturers like Audi, G M, K IA, Ch rysler, Hyundai, Jaguar etc.

a nd also other organizations using sensors . I t has a tu rnover of approximately 162 million

E u ros .

P roject Scope : T he project scope was providing support for SAP related issues.

Responsibilities :

Developing cross functional enhancements as requi red by end users of PP/ M M etc.

Gathering requi rements by discussing wi th business users .

P repa ring functional specs of the development .

P roviding effort estimates by discussing with ABAPer .

Performing functional testing and integration testing .

Resolving issues faced by end users .

Client : Bio Rad. December

2012 - June 2013

Role : Member Support Team

C lient Profile: B io Rad. is a World leader in providing a broad range of products for the life science

r esearch and diagnostic markets . Sales ~ $ 1.8 billion . Over 20,000 products . ~ 7,000 employees

w orldwide . Offices in over 30 count ries and customers in over 130 count ries .

Project Scope :The P roject scope was to provide support for SAP incidents and enhancements.

Responsibilities :

Performing configuration in the system as and when requi red .

Responsible for resolution of incidents raised by end users .

Meeting SLA for incidents .

Client : P fizer Global SAP implementation J une 2010

- N ovember 2012

Role : Team Member Solution Team

Client Profile : P fizer is a G lobal Leader in Pha rma I ndustry . The scope was to deploy standard

a nd integrated global business processes – Manufactu ring, Supply Chain, Finance,

P rocurement, OTC and Commercial . I mplement one global solution, advance Pfize r’s

b usiness objectives and new Business Model . D r ive cost effective t ransaction processing .

P rovide timely and accurate ente rp r ise - wide information to monitor business performance .

Responsibilities :

As a member of Global solution team, was involved in Direct and Indirect Procurement related activities for

enhancement to the Global model of Pfizer .

Responsibilities in Di rect procurement :

S upplier network collaboration :

Attended a three day t raining on SNC conducted by SAP America .

Project plan Preparation for implementation of Supplier network collaboration module .

Prototype preparation of various business processes like Purchase order collaboration, Vendor managed

i nventory, Invoicing to demo the same to the business owners .

Performing all the configuration in ECC for above scenarios .

Workflow :

Developed a workflow for approval of direct procurement purchase order with Real time interface to

PeopleSoft for determining approval hierarch .

Developed a workflow for approval of Contracts .

Tested the enhancements for workflow of vendor master create and change process .

R esponsibilities in I ndi rect procurement :

Testing of various interfaces between SAP and Ariba related to Vendor Master Data, purchase

orders, goods receipt and invoicing .

Testing Interfaces with other legacy systems for procurement of consumables and spares .

Creating scripts in HPQC for various end to end scenarios related to In terfaces for various processes

l ike vendor master creation and change process . Purchase order creation and change process and

i nvoicing .

O ther Responsibilities :

Developed enhancements for uploading of price scales in info records and contracts .

Preparation of time and effort estimates of various enhancements required for direct procurement .

Preparation of functional specs for the enhancement .

Creation of test plan and test cases in HPQC for functional testing and integration testing .

Executing test cases and raising and resolving defects .

Co-ordination with change management team .

Client : Me rck

A pril 2009 - May 2010

Role : I mplementation, Lead Consultant

C lient Profile : M e rck is a Global Supplier of Chemicals . Me rck was rolling out the SAP template

for E M D Serono in USA . E M D Serono migrated from Oracle e-business to SAP to manage key

F inance and Supply Chain business processes (ERP).

Responsibilities :

Gathering a thorough understanding of the Merck template from the Client Team members in their

H Q in Germany .

Understanding the detailed business process and requirements of the Rollout site in USA by discussing

w ith a cross-functional team of Purchase, Inventory and Finance key users and designing

enhancements and workarounds for the GAPS .

Developing enhancement for procurement of services from Health care professionals to meet the

federal requirements .

Developing interface between legacy Warehouse Management System and SAP for Procurement and

I nventory modules .

Configured over 300 release strategies to meet the requirement for approval of Purchase requisitions .

Preparing and reviewing the functional requirement specifications with users ABAP team for the

configuration/ enhancements .

Developing the Functional test cases in HPQC .

Preparing the In tegration test cases in HPQC .

Preparing the UAT test cases in HPQC and resolving of defects raised from time to t ime .

Preparing field mapping document for Data migration of Material master, Vendor master and other

purchasing master data .

Raising Incidents in the Incident Management tool .

Preparing end user t raining document .

Client : Saint Gobain

M a rch 2008 - Janua ry 2009

Role : Support, Team Lead

Client Profile : S aint Gobain is a F rench Major w i th plants all over Europe, Asia and South

A merica for Manufactu ring I ndustrial and automotive glass and other building products .

Responsibilities :

Team lead for the M M team .

T rained the M M team on various business processes, SAP solution and client tools for

r esolving incidents and enhancement requests raised by end users in M M and SRM area .

Met the quality and SLA requi rements of deliverables .

Developed new programs, modified existing programs as per client requi rement,

d ebugging existing programs .

Testing the development before release to P roduction envi ronments . Performing

configuration as per user requi rement .

Developing LS MW for upload of master data .

Client : Nestle May 2006 -

January 2008

Role : Support, Team Member

C lient P rofile : Nestle Globe is one of the largest SAP Implementation involving more than 500 plants and

100,000 users . Due to vast size of the globe project it is divided into three regions . Europe (EUR), Asia and

A frica (AOA), Americas (AMS) and uses split architecture.

Responsibilities :

Configuration of Plant data, Org structure, Shipping data, number range, release strategy, Pricing

p rocedure and tolerance levels, stock transport order in MM . Also configured workflow, Org

structure and vendor replication in SRM system .

Managed the complete configuration delivery for the Europe Region as per the priority levels .

Analyzed and resolved tickets related to Purchasing and inventory .

Managed a 24 x 7 support service for high priority tickets .

Met the SLA levels and deadlines for configurations and ticket .

Provided weekly MIS related to configurations and tickets status .

Provided the updates on the issues to the Client .

Logged case with SAP support as and when required .

Company Name : Goetze India Limited May

2004 - April 2006

Designation : Manager Stores

COMPANY PROFILE : G oetze I ndia L imited is now pa rt of Federal Mogul . Goetze is a market

l eader in manufactu ring Piston and Piston r ings for all major two

w heeler and four wheeler in I ndia .

Role : S uper user for SAP (VER 4.7) M M/ I M I mplementation .


Preparing "As is " business process documents and f low charts for the various processes related to raw

material in Stores, Purchase department, finished goods warehouse and excise department .

Finalizing " to be process " documents along with Implementing partners .

Identifying GAPS in the processes and finding solution through ABAP developments and work around .

Preparing master data related to Material Master and vendor Master .

Preparing cut over data for go live.

Conducted t raining programs for t raining over 50 end users in MM functions .

Company Name : JCBL L imited

J anua ry 2004 - May 2004

D esignation : M anager Stores

Company profile : JCBL is major supplier of Bus Bodies for Swaraj Mazda and TATA . I t also manufactures

L uxury Buses under its own brand name.

R esponsibilities :

Troubleshooting of all problems related to Baan ERP in stores .

Re-implemented BaaN ERP (B4C4 version) .

Layout planning for better space management and stream lining of material handling .

Handling ISO-9002 activities .

Company Name : Dr. Morepen August 2002 -

D ecember 2003

D esignation : M anager Stores

Company profile : Morepen Labs is manufacturing and marketing Loratadine and other bulk drugs from a

USFDA approved manufacturing Facility in Parwanoo H.P.India.


Independently handling complete Raw Material Stores for Bulk Drug .

Monitoring stock position of critical items .

Follow up with Purchase Department for raw material in pipeline .

Managing inbound and outbound logistics .

Maintaining GMP practice in stores .

Company Name : Birla Yamaha limited

J anua ry 1996 - August 2002

Designation : Dy. Manager Stores

Company profile : Birla Yamaha is a M anufacturer of Portable generators and Power I nvertors.

R esponsibilities:

Worked as a super user member for implementing Baan ERP (B4C3 version) Distribution Module .

Conducted "As is " business process study, Mapping of " To be process " on BaaN .

Troubleshooting problems related to BaaN ERP .

Coordinating with online BaaN support for problems related to BaaN .

Trained all end users of purchase and stores .

Worked on manufacturing and tools module in BaaN .

Re-designed the Layout of warehouse for more efficient material handling .

Co-ordination with Purchase to reduce Inventory levels by over 25% in Value.

Conducting Annual appraisal of employee and providing feedback on performance.

Company Name : Delt ron Limi ted May 1995 -

D ecember 1995

Designation : M ate rial Executive

Company profile: Deltron is manufacturer of Printed circuit board assemblies and integrated devices .

Responsibilities :

Handling a team of 10 people in raw material stores .

Co-ordination for local purchase activities .

Company Name : Punsumi I ndia Limi ted July

1991 - May 1995

Designation : Executive


Responsible for all activities relating to sales order processing and Execution for all customers.

Co-ordination with central warehouse for effecting Timely Dispatches to customers.

Lay-out planning of warehouse for more efficient space Management and t raceability of materials

Designed SOP for Implementation of ISO- 9000 systems



2013 - 2014 P G D iploma in I nformation Technology

P M P Certification


SAP H EADQUARTERS, North America, Newton Square, PA

2011 SAP SRM Certification


2006 SAP M M Certification

I M T Ghaziabad, I N D IA

1989 - 1991 M aster's in Business Administration


1986 - 1988 B achelor of Science (Electronics)

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