**/**/**** ****** *** mat for fr esher s Resume Sample r esume templates Online Resume
No: 43A/43, Middle s t Keelpuram,
Adirampattinam (PO), T hanjavur (DT ),
T amil Nadu-614701
Phone: 805-***-****
Email_id: ms meeras ha76@gmail. c om
T o w ork in a c hallenging atmos phere by exhibiting my s kills w ith utmos t s inc erity and dedic ated s mart w ork for the grow th
of your es teemed organization along w ith mine
Academic details:
Ye ar of
Qualification Unive rs ity / Board I ns titution Aggre gate
Pas s ing
DCE DOT E Manora Polytec hnic College 2014 71%
Kottakudi - 614602.
10th Std State Board Seyad Res idential Matric ulation Higher Sec Sc hool 2009 46%
Courtallam - 627802.
Technical Skills:
• Operating Sys tems : Window s XP, Window s 7.
• Applic ations : Mic ros oft Offic e, T ally ERP 9, Autoc ad 2D & 3D, Revit.
• T ools : Photos hop, Premier Pro.
• Extra c ours es : Diploma in Cell Phone Servic e (DCS), Mas ter Diploma in Sys tem Adminis tration (MDSA).
• Won 1s t plac e for “Projec t Pres entation” in c ollege level tec hnic al s ympos ium organized by Manora Polytec hnic College.
• Won 1s t plac e for “4 x 400 Meter relay” in zonal level in kottakudi T amil nadu.
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11/13/2014 Resume for mat for fr esher s Resume Sample r esume templates Online Resume
• “Planning, Des igning and Cos t Analus is of Apartment Building” on c ivil engineering.
Extra-Curricular Activities:
• I have w orked as one of the Organizer for T he National Cadet Corps, c onduc ted by my c ollege.
• I w as the Student Repres entative for my c las s .
• I am c aptain for my c ollege c ric ket team.
Personal Strengths:
• Leaders hip.
• Quic k learner.
• Elegant team player.
• Smart w orker.
Personal Profile:
Date of Birth : 06/06/1994
Father’s Name : Mr. Rafeek Ahamed
Sex : Male
Marital Status : Single
Nationality : Indian
Languages Know n : Englis h, T amil
Hobbies : Gardening, Lis tening to Mus ic, Photography, Draw ing
I hereby dec lare that the above mentioned details are true to the bes t of my know ledge.
Date : / /
Plac e :
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