*. Name : Sri Ritesh Kr. Tanti
*. Father's Name : Sri Madhu Tanti
3. Permanent Address : Hunwal Tea Estate
P.O. & P.S.-
Dist. -
Pin. - 785634
4. Date of Birth : 10th July, 1988
5. Nationality : Indian
6. Religion : Hinduism
7. Caste : MOBC
8. Gender : Male
9. Educational Details:
1) HSLC : Passed from St. Antony's High School, Mariani in 2005.
2) H.S. : Passed from Mariani College, Mariani in 2007.
3) B.A. : Passed from Mariani College, Mariani in 2012.
10. Other Qualification : 1) Diploma in English Type Writing
2) Diploma in Office Operating
3) DOEACC "O" Level
11. Marital Status: Unmarried
12. Language Known: English, Hindi, Assamese
I do hereby declare that the above mentioned informations are true and
correct to the best of my knowledge.
Place : Mariani
Phone No. +919*********