GOPIKA.N Flat No.*c,
Mobile: 859-***-**** Asset Homes
Life Space,
Irimpanam P.O,
Ernakulam (Dist),
Kerala, India.
E-mail : ******.***@*****.***
To seeking the challenging environment and use my creative abilities for the
development of the organization.
Academic Profile
• Qualified CSIR- UGC(Earth Science) held in December-2011
• Qualified CSIR-UGC-NET(Earth Science) held in June-2006
• M.Tech Atmospheric Science (2005-2007)
Cochin University of Science & Technology
Class: First Class, CGPA: 7.9
• M.Sc Physical Oceanography (2001-2003)
Cochin University of Science & Technology
Class: First Class, CGPA: 7.3
• B.Sc Physics (1998-2001)
Calicut University
Class: First Class, Percentage: 76
• Plus-Two Science (1996-1998)
Board of Higher Secondary Examination, Kerala
Class: Distinction, Percentage: 75
• S.S.L.C (1996)
Board of Public Examinations, Kerala
Class: First Class, Percentage: 76
Other Qualification
• Attended Indian Institute of Remote Sensing (IIRS) outreach E-Learning
Education Programme- Certificate course on Fundamentals of Geographical
Information System(GIS) and Global Navigation System.
• Attended ESRI training on ArcGIS.
Main Skills
• Research experience in Oceanography, Meteorology, Air-Sea interaction,
Ocean and Atmospheric Dynamics, Climate Change etc.
• Remote sensing and GIS processing, data management and analysis.
• Geoprocessing with ArcGIS and QGIS, Spatial Analyst, geodatabase creation
and management, raster and vector processing and analysis.
• Reporting (reports, peer-reviewed publications, seminar and conference
• Experience in Assignment/Project helping in Earth and Planetary Science.
Technical Skills
• MS Office, Linux
• Fortran, C-Programming
• Ferret, Grads, Surfer, Grapher
Area of Specialization
• GIS-ArcGIS and QGIS- Good knowledge in GIS and Remote Sensing
Domain. Good understanding of Coordinate System, Map Projection, Datum,
geospatial data formats(vector, raster, imagery), Geospatial Data
Development, Conversion, Manipulation, Topology correction etc.
• Oceanography
• Meteorology
• Air-Sea interaction
• Atmospheric Physics
• Waves and Tides
• Climatology
• Environmental Oceanography
• Dynamical Oceanography
• Atmospheric Dynamics
• Tropical Oceanography
• Numerical Weather Prediction
• Coastal Oceanography
Academic Projects
• Undergone 4 months M.Sc project on the topic “Variability of Latent Heat
Flux over the Indian Ocean during the period 1988-1998”.
• Undergone 1 year M.Tech project on the topic “Air-Sea Coupling over the
Equatorial Indian Ocean” carried out at National Institute of
Oceanography, Goa.
Organizing ability, Punctuality, Willingness to learn new things, Committed to the
responsibilities, quick learning.
Research Experience
1) M.Tech (Atmospheric Sciences) Project-“Air-Sea coupling over the
equatorial Indian Ocean
Institute: National Institute of Oceanography, Goa
Time period: 2006-07
Dissertation Guide: Dr. S. Prasanna Kumar, Chief Scientist, NIO-Goa
Research Description: This dissertation focused at understanding the upper
ocean variability of the Equatorial Indian Ocean and then to explore the
atmospheric forcing responsible for it. Here I was involved in the collection of
both in situ data and remote sensing data; Calculation of mixed layer depth,
barrier layer depth and mid-thermocline depth; found the seasonal variability
of oceanic and atmospheric parameters; then explained how the atmospheric
forcing controls the ocean dynamics. In this study I used “Fortran” for data
sorting and calculation of air-sea parameters; Ferret, Surfer and Grapher are
used to interpret the data.
2) ICAR Network Project- “Impact, adaptation and vulnerability of Indian
Marine Fisheries to Climate change”
Institute: Central marine Fisheries Research Institute, Cochin
Position: Senior Research Fellow
Time period: 2007-08
Principal Investigator: Dr. E. Vivekanandan, Principal Scientist, CMFRI
Research Description: I was involved in the collection and analysis of
physical oceanography parameters (SST, wind speed etc) near the eastern and
western coastal regions of India.
3) INCOIS-INDOMOD Project-“Dynamics of the coastal waters of south-west
coast of India and it’s impact on fisheries"
Institute: Dept. Of Physical Oceanography, Cochin University of science and
Technology, Cochin
Position: Senior Research Fellow
Time period: 2010-11
Principal Investigator: Dr.R.Sajeev, Assosiate Professor, Dept. of Physical
Oceanography, CUSAT
Research Description: I was involved in the calculation and analysis of heat budget
parameters of the Arabian Sea and found its relationship with fisheries. One of my
work is published in a Conference Proceeding.
4) UGC-Junior Research Fellow
Institute: Dept. Of Physical Oceanography, Cochin University of science and
Technology, Cochin
Position: Junior Research Fellow
Time period: 2012-13
Research Guide: Dr.R.Sajeev, Assosiate Professor, Dept. of Physical
Oceanography, CUSAT
Research Description: The main objective of my research is to investigate the
variation of heat budget in the various regions of the Indian Ocean and to
examine the ocean mechanisms responsible for this variation; then evaluate
the influence of extreme climatic events (Indian Ocean Dipole, El-Nino etc)
on the heat budget of the Indian Ocean.
Personal Profile
Spouse Name : Darsan.S
Date of Birth : 29-03-1981
Gender : Female
Marital status : Married
Linguistic abilities : English, Malayalam
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is true to the best of my
knowledge and belief.
Place: Cochin
Date : 04/12/2014 Gopika.N