Part- II **** Result
Part-III, 2014 Results
Regi s t rat i on No. : 420******* ExamRol l No. : 120554288
Degree : B.Com. Cours e : HONS
Paper Name Marks
RB-Non-Hi ndi 35
Urdu(Comp.) 28
Fi nanci al and Corporat e Account i ng(Hons .)-P-I 70
Audi t i ng(Hons .)-P-II 64
Pri nci pl es of Bus i nes s Management (Sub.) 55
Bus i nes s Economi cs (Sub.) 38
Paper Name Marks
RB-Non-Hi ndi 34
Urdu(Comp.) 39
Bus i nes s Regul at ory Framework(Hons .)-P-III 72
Secu. Anal . and Port .Manag.(Hons .)-P-IV 66
Monet ery and Fi nanci al Sys t em(Sub.) 46
Indi an Economy(Sub.) 46
Paper Name Marks
G.E.S. - A 30
G.E.S. - B 33
Fi nanci al Management (Hons .)-P-V 60
Cos t and Management Account i ng(Hons .)-P-VI 73
Income Tax(Hons .)-P-VII 51
Bus i nes s St at i s t i cs -P-VIII 65
Tot al of Hons (Part I+II+III) 521
Res ul t 1s t Cl as s
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