S teven H. Deschner
Mechanicsville, Va 23111 Telephone: (804)
EXPER IENCE: Assistant Professor of Medicine, VCU Spine Center
**** – present
Responsible for the non-interventional management of the
p atient
experiencing chronic pain caused by disease processes,
t r auma or
pr ior intervention. I work both independently and with
fellows or
residents (1/2 day, 2 days per week) routinely seeing 20 –
30 patients per day. I determine whether the patient is
best managed without surgical or procedur a l intervention
o r make the decision to refer for intervention when it is
a ppropri ate. When the intervention is complete, the
p atients a re then retu rned to my pr actice.
Responsible for education and tr a in ing Chronic Pain
Fellows and
Residents in the Physical Medicine and Rehabil itation
p rogram in
t he diagnosis, physical examination, and treatment of
p atients
with a var iety of problems associated with neurological
chronic pain syndromes due to a myriad of disease
p rocesses.
T ypical patients population include spina l cord inju ry,
m ultiple sclerosis,
neurodegenerative diseases (i.e. Park insons), headache,
d isorders, tumors resulting in neurologic dysfunction
a nd/or pain, post-
stroke pain syndromes, joint syndromes and a l l aspects of
neck and
back misalignment. Patients with chronic pain
syndromes, i.e. CRPS
I/ I I, fibromyalgia, etc., a re an integra l pa rt of the patient
m ix.
Professor of Anatomy, Depa rtment Chai r
Saba University School of Medicine
Responsible for cur r iculum development for Gross
A natomy, Gross Anatomy Cadaver L aboratory, H istology
a nd Embryology. Responsible for hi r ing Staff Assistant
P rofessors, l aboratory technicians for the depa rtment.
Responsible for a l l Gross Anatomy lectures, setup
a nd coordination of the Gross Anatomy Cadaver
l aboratory and for monitoring staff professors for qua lity
l ectures and l aboratory presentations.
Deschner, Steven
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Associate Professor of Anatomy
1989 – 1994
Parker College of Chi ropractic, D a l l as, Texas
Course di rector for gross anatomy didactic and l aboratory
p rogram.
Responsible for managing staff and instructors in the
education of
over 150 students each term. Responsible for cur r iculum,
g ross
anatomy cadaver l aboratory practicum and evaluation of
staff and students
E D UCAT IO N: Fellowship Spinal Cord I nju ry Medicine
Dept. of Physical Medicine and Rehab
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virgini a
Fellowship Research – Acute Pain 2006
St. Luke’s-Roosevelt Hospitals
Columbia University
New York, New York
Residency Neurology 2002 2005
Depa rtment of Neurology
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virgini a
I nternship Neurology 2001--2002
U niversity of Arkansas for Medical
Little Rock, Arkansas
M.D. Saba University School of Medicine
1997 2000
Ga rdner, Massachusetts
Ph.D Depa rtment of Anatomy
Texas A& M University
College Station, Texas
Deschner, Steven
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Medical School: Dean’s L ist with Honors Core Clinical
C lerkships
D ean’s List with Honors Basic Sciences
Excellence in Teaching Awa rds:
S aba University School of Medicine
1996 – 1998
Teacher of the Year:
S aba University School of Medicine
1998, 1999
D octor of Medicine
V irgini a Board of Medicine -
C ur rent
Board Certification - Neurology
C ur rent