Kathleen Redlin
Ausitn, TX 78744
Work Experience
● C u r rent: Me ridell Achievement Center, Univerisal Health Services; Liberty H ill, TX.
Responsible for providing direct care and supervision to assigned patients. Assure patients are safe,
learn and practice appropriate hygiene, self-help skills, and are aware of rules and expectations. Role
model appropriate social skills for patients, demonstrating effective problem solving and decision-
making skills. Assist with recreational and therapeutic activities, t ransport patients to and from
medical appointments, assure that patients participate in scheduled treatment programming, and
p rovide assistance in school.
● F ebrua ry 2013-December 2013: Tu tor, Sylvan Lea rning L LC.
Worked as a personal English/Language Arts tutor for Sylvan Learning. Students were based in
A ustin Area High Schools and established to be in the “at r isk” population. Half of the school day is
spent in classroom, providing extra support for certain students and the other half was spent with
i ndividual students for one on one tutoring.
● W inter 2012- Fall 2012: Manager, Gypsy Streetwear, 2002 S Congress Ave, Austin, TX.
Acting management at the boutique “Gypsy Streetwear”. Responsibilities included interviewing and
h iring employees, shift schedule maintenance, general secretarial/computer work (fluent in most
p rograms), opening and closing the shop (key holder), counting and depositing all related monies and
i nventory control. Coordinated the company's marketing campaign which involved shop hosted events
and off-site vending opportunities.
● F all-Spring 2011: Research Assistant, Ha rva rd Medical School, 25 Shattuck Street,
Boston, M A.
Served as a research assistant for a nation-wide study headed by Harvard Medical School. The
study gathered information in the Pediatrics Unit of the Avera Hospital in Sioux Falls, SD. Interviewed
parents about their cigarette smoking habits, organized the data, and communicated findings to
H arvard.
● S pring 2008- July 2010: Assistant to the Operations Manager, Substance, 3220 F remont
Avenue South, #5, M i nneapolis, M N.
Substance is a non-profit organization which plans and organizes events for other groups while
d riving and maintaining their focus of promoting social justice with an emphasis in sustainability. Role
i ncluded organization of events, scheduling appointments and communicating with vendors/clients.
Assisted the operations manager with marketing and outreach for each event.
● November 2008- April 2009: Personal Advocate, Dakota Communities, 680 O’Neill Dr.,
E agan, M N.
Worked for four developmentally disabled women in a residential setting. Responsibilities included
hygienic care of residents, cooking of meals, practicing social skills, distributing medicine, and helping
residents discover and achieve personal goals.
Professional Experience
● M idwestern Gi rls Reading P rogram, Creator/Founder
W hile working towards my undergraduate degree in Morris, MN, I developed close relationships
w ith children I met through colleagues.. After I began to tutor these children,, I discovered the public
school lesson plans/curriculum for these children didn’t provide a r igorous or challenging literature
syllabus. So I evaluated skill level, school curriculum, and personal interests of each girl (total of six) in
order to tailor specific reading programs which exposed them to engaging literature and motivated
t hem to pursue their intellectual interests.
● Vermillion Coalition Against Domestic Violence:
T he Vermillion Coalition Against Domestic Violence is a coalition that is based in Vermillion, South
Dakota, and aims at ensuring the safety of victims of sexual and physical assault, reforming and
i mproving legislation based on matters of violence and protection, as well as providing a safe and
v iolence free community. For nine years I worked for the organization by assisting with child care,
mailings, and crisis calls.
● D emocracy Mat te rs:
As the co-founder and director of the Morris, Minnestoa chapter of Democracy Matters, I spent t ime
w ith community outreach as well. Community education is one of the most important strategies for
success in order to strengthen democracy in America,. As a group we attempted to achieve this by
explaining the problems with the democratic system to the community by registering individuals to
vote, and by sponsoring a free concert in the name of social justice for the campus and community. I
was also responsible for recruitment of new members as well as developing goals for the group.
● L egal Observe r:
D uring the 2008 Republican National Convention, I volunteered for the National Lawyers Guild as a
legal observer. The guild recruited individuals to attend the events of the week and provide assistance
to those individuals who were being arrested for protesting.
● S tudent Government:
As president of my high school student body, I worked closely with the community to strengthen the
relationship with the school district. I often met with community leaders to share and propose ideas for
t he improvement of the community. I was also involved in organizing and creating many fundraising
p rograms with both the school and community.
● J ournalist :
I served on a newspaper staff for two years and was yearbook editor my senior year of high school.
T he time spent as journalism staff allowed me to develop my writing and reporting in a journalistic
style as well as become well-versed in layout design and the corresponding computer software.
● L egislative Page:
As a senior in high school I served as a page for legislators in the House of Representatives at the
South Dakota State Capitol. I gained valuable insight on the inner workings of the state capitol as well
as the process of legislation and lobbying.
H igh School:
● Degree: Vermillion High School, Vermillion, SD. 1001 E Main Street. 57069
● Degree: Political Theory major, philosophy minor; University of Minnesota Morris. Morris, MN, 600
E 4th St. 56267
Graduate Study:
● One year of study, Law School . University of South Dakota. 414 East Clark Street. Vermillion, SD,
Volunteer and Community Outreach
● Youth Soccer Coach (5 years)
● U niversity of M i nnesota Mo r r is Teaching Assistant
● H ead Start Tutor
● Vermillion H igh School Mentor
Professional and Personal References
● J ohn Carson 512-***-**** j ***********@*****.***
● C aitlin Collier 605-***-**** *******.*******.***@********.***
● K alli Pulling 605-***-**** k *******@*****.***