Priyanka Sunil Dhende
Career Objective
To grow with the organization and make it achieve its aims through team work and utilizing my skills
and abilities in the IT industry that offers professional growth while being resourceful, innovative and
Academic Profile
First Class
B.E. (I.T.) B.V.C.O.E.W., Pune University of Pune 2014 67.4% with
First Class
S.M. Choksey Maharashtra State
H.S.C 2010 70%
Jr.College Camp,Pune Board
S.D.Katariya High First Class
Maharashtra State
S.S.C School, Gultekdi Pune- 2008 85.38% with
37 Distinction
Overall engineering aggregate: 56.64%
Seed InfoTech Ltd. Undergoing Diploma in Software Testing Course
Technical Skills
windows XP, windows 7, Linux, Unix
Operating Systems
C, C++, Java
Languages Known
Web Technology
SQL Server 2008, Oracle 11g, MySQL
Manual Testing
Software Testing
Automation Testing Tool- Selenium V1.0.2, QTP V9.0
Testing Tools
Defect Tracking Tools - Bugzilla V3.4.4, QC V9.0
Test Management Tool - Test Link V1.7
Co- Curricular Activities
Certification of .net level 1 from Microsoft Technology Associate
B.E. Project Paper Presentation in International Research Conference on “Recent Advances in
Engineering and Technology (IRCRAET – 2014) Vol 2 held at Pune.
Project Profile
Software Testing Project
Title: Orange HRM
Role: Software Tester
Testing: Manual Testing
Orange HRM is a solution for the efficient management and development of human
resources. It assists in the complex and strategic process of managing resources of
Final Year Project in BE(IT)
Title: A Personalized Mobile Search Engine
Technology/Platform: Java, Android 2.2
Team Size: 4
Description: To create a personalized mobile search engine that captures user preferences in
the form of concept by mining their clickthrough data . The user preferences are organized in
an ontology-based, multifacet user profile, which are used to adapt a personalized
ranking function for rank adaptation of future search results.
Third Year Project in TE(IT)
Title: Medical store management.
Technology/Platform: VB.NET, SQL Server, Win XP .
Team Size: 2
The aim of project is to minimize manual work and help in keeping the records of Medical Store.
One can easily get information about Customers, Dealers, Medicines, Bills.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Successfully completed a period of two years as NSS volunteer from 2011-12 to 2012-13 under
the National Service Scheme of the Govt. of India.
Achieved Certificate for volunteering in Mock Placement As Event Head at Jishin’13.
Achieved Participation Certificate in Inter College Volleyball 2012.
Achieved Participation Certificate in Annual Social Gathering “Golden Petals “ 2014.
Participated in Paper Presentation at ” Dynamech’14 ” in PVG College.
Achieved 2nd prize in English Elocution Competition,2008.
Achieved Certificate of Appreciation for excellence shown in Navneet Drawing
Achieved Consolation Prize in State Level Sakal Drawing Competition in Phaltan,2001.
Personal Information
Contact Address : 2/24, Mukundnagar C.P.W.D Colony Pune-37
: 19th June 1992
Date of birth
Marital Status : Single
Positive attitude.
Team Player, Confident.
Hobbies and Interests
Planting trees
Playing Volleyball
I hereby declare that the above mentioned information is true up to best of my knowledge.
Place: Pune
Date: Priyanka Dhende