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Sales C

Fort Atkinson, WI
September 10, 2014

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Ren ee Mat u la ***- ***- ****

*** ***** *** ***, *** tfor d Wi. 530 27 r eneematula7 @hmail .c om

Pro f es si o nal Pro f i l e

Exper ie nc ed c us tomer s er vic e pr ofes sional s eek s an oppor tunity to lev er age exper tis e gained

ov er a c ar eer in r etail s ales .

Retail Managemen t: inc ludi ng pur c has ing, Fr ont- line bus ines s oper ations

inv entor y, c us tomer s er vic e, and pr oduct exper ienc e in Sales and Ser v ic e

pr omotions Cur r ic ulum c oor dinator and tec hnic al

Logis tic s and oper ations managemen t tr ainer

Pro f es si o nal Ex p eri enc e

Badger Midwes t Tr ans port, Har tfor d, WI

09/200 8 - Pr es ent

Di s p atc h an d O f fi c e Man ag er

Ac hiev ements :

Succ es s fully managed logi s tic s, ac quir ed and s cheduled domes tic fr eight

r eloc ation

Res pons ibili ties :

Logis tic s

Fr eight ac quis ition and s cheduli ng

O ffic e managemen t

Wis c ons in Har ley, O c onomowoc, WI

04/200 8 - 09/2008

Sal es - Par ts Dep ar tm en t

Ac hiev ements :

Dev eloped, maintai ned and s er vic ed new c lientel e

Exper t in ac quir ing antique par ts for their Antiqu e Har ley s er vic e depar tment

Res pons ibili ties :


Pr oduc t pr omotion and s howr oom dis play s

Cus tomer s er vic e

LA Weigh t Los s, Wes t Bend, WI

11/200 7 - 02/2008

Wei g h t L o s s Co u ns el o r

Ac hiev ements :

Succ es s fully helped c lients ac hiev e their weight los s goals by dev eloping

per s onal weight los s plans

Renee Matula 262- 689- 9547 r enee_matula @y ahoo.c om

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Res pons ibili ties :

Client ac quis ition and mainten anc e ( i.e. phone s uppor t)

Pr ov ided 1X1 c ouns eling and s uppor t for c lients to r eac h their weight los s


Pr oduc t pr omotions and pr oduct dis play s


Subur ban Motor s, Thiens v ille, WI

05/200 1 - 10/2006

Team A s s i s tan t Man ag er an d Par ts Tec h n i c i an

Ac hiev ements :

Leader in s ales and c us tomer r etention

Dev eloped and taught women's mainten anc e c las ses

Har ley Dav ids on's Chr ome Cons ultant

Res pons ibili ties :


Shipp ing and r ec eiv ing of s pec ial or der par ts

Cus tomer s er vic e

Pr oduc t pr omotion: Inter net s ales and in- hous e pr omotion ac tiv ities

Pr oduc t dis play s

Inv entor y managemen t

After mar k et dealer s hows

Ed u c ati o n

Mor aine Par k Tec hnic al Colleg e, Fond du Lac

Co s m eto l og y

05/199 5

Ref erenc es

Rob Bluma - Subur ban Har ley - 262-*-**-*-***

J im Stoebe - Subur ban Har ley - 262- 242- 2464

Renee Matula 262- 689- 9547 r enee_matula @y ahoo.c om

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