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High School Data Entry

Bartlett, IL
September 09, 2014

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************@*******.*** •


**** ***** ** ***** ****** • C hicago, Illinois

* ****

Summary of Qualifications

Equipped w ith a valuable array of s kills and talents at my dis pos al, I am prepared to take on virtually any tas k

w ith a keen s ens e of determination and a meticulous knac k for quality. I pride m ys e lf on being detail-

oriented, reliable, c onsistent, punc tual and tire le ssly devoted to the tas k at hand. Confid enc e, c harac ter and

c haris ma are s ome of my s tronges t and mos t enduring attributes . My c areer is a metaphor for my life

cons tituted on res pec t, anchored in dignity, and s ustained by dedication.

Core Competencies

Fit Phys ique L iftin g & Hand li n g

T aicrosoftaOffice Suite

Ms k Man g em en t Sales POS**

Inventory T rainin g SmartCar d**

Clerical Skills HHT**

OSHA General

Industry and Health

Data Entry Customer Servic e

Opening and Closing


**Indicates comput e r program / software

Professional Experiences

Nike [South Chicago] C h ic a g o, I L

C ustome r Servic e R e presentative

T his warehouse division of Nike w as uniquely res ponsible for fosteri n g and fac ilita ti n g c ommunities

from o utlet s tores to s upplying premium merc handis e from a global c orpo ration. Naturally,

p r o d u c t k n o w le d g e, and s tellar c ustomer s ervic e w ere the primary res ponsibilities of this position. In

addition to a becoming acquainted w ith a variety of c omputer s ystems and technological jargon, I als o got the

opportunity to hone in on my c us tomer s ervic e s kills . Us hering c lients through the v arious updated

p roduc t inventory, and ens uring that they w ere both informed and prepared, w ere my c ore res ponsibilities .

6th District Fire Department C hic ago, IL

A ssistant Office Representative/ Internship

Along w ith my c lerical res ponsibilities, w hic h ranged from ans w ering phones promptly and c ourteously, to

c reating w ork invoices and keeping the w orks pac e c lean, I als o developed a profic ient s avvy w ith office

related res ponsibilities . Being a team player, ac ting w ith s w iftne ss, but s a fe ty, and remaining patiently

invested to the tas k at hand w ere s ome of the mos t valuable less ons I learned from this job experie nc e.

Village Leadership Academy Chicago, IL

F ood Inventory and Stock/ Internship

T his work initiative w as geared tow ards s cheduling and receiving food and beverage deliveries, checking

delivery contents for verification of quantity and quality, while also keeping record of food and equipment

inventory. Instilled w ith an apprec iation for s ervice, and eager for any opportunity to s port my manual

dexterity, this experienc e provided me w ith the c hanc e to c onnec t w ith likeminded young s ocial activists who

are interested in learning about the nutritional systems placed in our schools .


Harlan High School Chicago, IL H. S. Diploma

Chicago Police and Firefighter Training Academy Chicago, IL Certificate

Kennedy-King College

Chicago, IL

**Re fe r e nc e s a v ai l a b l e u p o n r e q u e s t ** Applied Science

In Progress

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