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architectural design

Thousand Oaks, CA
September 07, 2014

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CHARL OTTE HENDERS ON *********.*********@*****.*** 347-***-****


+ Mast er o f Arch it ect u re Yale Univ er sity School of Ar chitectur e New Hav en CT 2007

+ I n t en sive F ash io n Desig n Pro g ram Par sons School of Design New Yor k NY Summer 2002

+ Arch it ect u re Career Disco very Pro g ram Har v ar d Gr aduate School of Design Cambr idge MA Summer 1999

+ Bach elo r o f Art s in Visu al Art s - Mag n a Cu m L au d e Aubur n Univ er sity Aubur n AL 1999


+ S e t D e s ig n e r

Off Br oadway T heater – Little Shop of Hor r or s New Hav en CT 2007

Volksbühne - MacBeth Design Assistant to Z ane Pihlstr om Ber lin Ger many 2008

Yale Oper a – LA Boheme Design Assistant to Z ane Pihlstr om New Hav en CT 2006

+ Art ist Assist an t

Sar ah Oppenheimer Studio New Yor k NY 2007

Drafting and F abric ation As s is tanc e

Mar r y Miss Studio New Yor k NY 2003

Drafting and F abric ation As s is tanc e


+ Arch it ect u ral Desig n er

Pelli Clar ke Pelli Ar chitects New Hav en CT Summer 2006

T ok y o Am eric an C lub R edev elopm ent 426, 000 SF Sc hem atic Des ign

Liv erpool One Liv erpool, England 42 ac res Des ign + Doc um entation/ Vis ualiz ation

Mack Scogin Mer r ill Elam Ar chitects Atlanta GA 1999- 2002

J ean Gray Hargrov e M us ic Library Berk eley, C A 28, 000 SF Des ign + Doc um entation/ Vis ualiz ation

Studio Addition at N om entana R es idenc e M aine 625 SF Projec t M anager

A C ountry Hous e Wes tc hes ter, N Y U nbuilt Des ign Dev elopm ent/ Vis ualiz ation

Bailey Studio Hous e Atlanta, GA 4, 200 SF Des ign Dev elopm ent/ Vis ualiz ation

+ Arch it ect u ral I n t ern

SANAA T oky o Japan Summer 2004

La Gran M arina M as terplan C om petition 2004 Las Palm as, C anary Is lands, Spain 600, 000 SM Des ign + Doc um entation/ Vis ualiz ation

T oshiko Mor i Ar chitect New Yor k NY Summer - F all 2002

C raft M us eum C om petition 2002 N ew York, N Y Des ign + Doc um entation/ Vis ualiz ation

Darw in D. M artin Hous e Vis itor C enter Buffalo, N Y 7, 775 SF Des ign + Doc um entation/ Vis ualiz ation


+ Pro d u ct io n, Market in g an d S ales Assist an t

Pizza S h irt s Mar keting Assistant Santa Bar bar a Califor nia 2011- 2013

Soc ial M edia M ark eting As s is tanc e, Inv entory M anagem ent, Order F ulfillm ent

Raaka Ch o co lat e Pr oduction and Sales Assistant Br ookly n NY 2010 – 2011

Des ign and F abric ation of Produc t Pac k aging and Pop-U p Holiday Shop, Produc tion Logis tic s

+ Ret ail Asso ciat e

Peet’s Coffee & T ea Bar ista West Holly wood Califor nia F eb. – May 2014

Macy ’s Santa Bar bar a Califor nia Dec. 2013- F eb.2014

Sales and m aintaining the v is uals and organiz ation of s ales floor

+ Art Gallery Assist an t

En Plein Air Car penter ia Califor nia Dec. 2013 – F eb. 2014


+ New Yo rk S t at e S u mmer S ch o o l o f t h e Art s T eaching Assistant in F ilmmaking Ithaca NY 2008

+ Yale Un iversit y Art Hist o ry Dep art men t T eaching F ellow - Histor y of Moder n Ar chitectur e New Hav en CT 2007

+ No rwalk Co mmu n it y Co lleg e Adjunct Pr ofessor in Ar chitectur al Design Nor walk CT 2007


+ Micro so f t Of f ice S u it e, Ad o b e Ph o t o sh o p /I llu st rat o r/I n Desig n, S ket ch u p, Rh in o

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