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Data Entry Office

Medford, NY
September 08, 2014

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N icole Daukszewicz

** ********** **, ******* *****, NJ 07920 ! Phone: 908-***-**** ! E-Mail: *****************@*****.***


N ew York University, College of Arts and Sciences, May 2014

Study Abroad, NYU London, Fall 2012

B achelor of Arts in E conomics

B achelor of Arts in E nvironmental Studies

• Business Studies minor, NYU Stern


S unGard, New York, NY F eb. 2014 – M ay 2014

Supported the development of SunGard’s sustainability program and strategy through the integration of

sustainability and business, employee engagement strategies to promote positive change, sustainable building and

office practices, and communicating these practices to a global audience

Projects included working on SunGard’s Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) report; developing the platform for

SunGard’s Envizi system, which is an energy management platform; creating a more effective waste management

system; and working on company communications for various project initiatives

Took upon a leadership role where I organized, and communicated to, a global audience of 14,000 employees

to become aware of SunGard’s Earth Month initiatives and hosted events

U FG, Warsaw, Poland J uly 2013

The organization translates to Poland’s Insurance Guarantee Fund, where I worked in the data and analysis

department and was able to work on fraud research and analysis, and website translation from Polish to English

E nvironmental Defense Fund ( EDF), New York, NY F eb. 2013 – M ay 2013

As an Economic Policy Intern, I focused on economic analysis to support the development of market-based

solutions to environmental issues

Used scientific and quantitative modeling and other analytical skills to help tackle environmental problems

Projects included analysis of global data on greenhouse gas emissions through Excel spreadsheets, and research

and reports on coal use versus natural gas use, failing fisheries in Scotland, and marginal abatement cost curves

Self-initiative and multi-tasking were important aspects of internship

M unicipal Offices of B ernards Township, B asking Ridge, NJ J une 2012 – A ug. 2012

Assisted in the management and organization of the Summer Recreation Program through supply inventory, staff

and parent orientations/meetings, activity and calendar preparation, off-site and direct site supervision, and

communication pieces for community members

Director of the Counselors in Training Program (organized, planned, and managed the program)

N YC Department of Parks and Recr eation, New York, NY O ct. 2011 – M ay 2012

Worked mainly under the Office of the Commissioner to audit and assist past Commissioner Benepe to

meetings and press events

Duties were diverse and dynamic, offering a chance to learn about the Parks Department and City government

through data entry, email correspondence, projects, assignments, and departmental outings/ events

S kills

P C and Macintosh literate Proficient in Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook)

F luent in Polish; conversational Spanish

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