Seth Austin Barner
Local Address Permanent Address
Planning to Relocate 4693 Captain John Smith Rd.
Williamsburg, VA 23185
EDUCAT ION/ B.S., Biology ; M inor, Medicine and Society, Magna Cum Laude
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA
GPA: 3.56
National Academy of Sports Medicine
Certified Personal Trainer
RELEVANT Orthopaedic and Spine Center: Physical Therapy Technician
E XPER IENCE Responsible for dealing with 20+ patients per day
Built relationships with patients during their time spent in rehab
Dealt with difficult, sometimes confrontational patients
Responsible for patient experience and upholding reputation of clinic
American Family Fitness: Personal T rainer
Built relationships and established rapport with gym members, new members, and clients
Sold personal t raining packages and contracts, with upselling as the client progressed
Continued establishing new clients through personal service sales after leaving American Family Fitness
Amway Global, D irect Sales Distributor
April 2011 - Current
Website promotions, product promotions, and product sales through direct sales.
Acquired new customers th rough cold contacting; delivered products and built relationships with customers.
Attended training and received mentorship on sales, marketing, leadership, atti tude, and personal growth
S KILLS Computer Software
Highly proficient and f luent in a variety of computer software systems including: MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint
Att ributes
Excellent inter-personal skills
Effective Communicator/Listener
Able to maintain a positive outlook/attitude
Able to handle objections
Inspiring enthusiasm in a mediocre environment
Thrives in a team environment
HONORS & Leadership Team Development
Circle K International Honor Society
• Virginia Tech Tr iathlon Club
• Honors Scholar of Health Studies (Virginia Tech)
• Haiti Outreach
• Boston Marathon
• Virginia Tech Engaging Leaders: Health and Nut r it ion
• Building Goodness Foundation, Hu r r icane Kat rina Relief
• Operation Crossroads Africa: Medical Outreach Project
William Richard, O rthopedic and Spine Center- 757-***-****
Michael LoBue, Department of Labor Statistics- 201-***-****