Mark E. Everett, AICP, P.P.
Shamong, NJ 08088
C: 610-***-****
• Provided environmental compliance services to hazardous waste and solid waste industry
for over twenty five years;
• Prepared permit compliance plans under Superfund, RCRA, and Clean Air Act.
• Provided environmental compliance strategies for AshBritt Environmental during
Superstorm Sandy. Directed best management practices (BMPs) when implementing
control measures for debris management area during cleanup. Directed restoration
services for damaged walls, parking lots, buildings, and athletic fields. (2012 - 2013)
• Prepared environmental contingency plans for solid waste facilities in Pennsylvania and
New Jersey;
B.A., Economics and Geography, Bucknell University, 1981
M.A., City Planning, University of Pennsylvania, 1983
Sanitary Landfill Gas and Leachate Management, Univ. of Wisconsin Extension, 1986
40-hour OSHA Hazardous Materials Health and Safety Course, Confined Space Operations
Project Management Training, 2002
Continuous Quality Improvement Trainer, 1998 - 2000
Rutgers Continuing Professional Education, NJDEP Soil Remediation Standards, April 2009
Interstate Technology & Regulatory Council, Risk Assessment Training, 2010
National Incident Management System Training 2013
10-Hour OSHA Hazard Recognition Training for Construction Industry (ISEI), 2014
A.I.C.P.: No. 6233 (1988)
P.P.: New Jersey – No. 5132 (1991)
Area Marketing Representative, Shamong, NJ (2014)
Prepared marketing strategies for disaster recovery projects in Northeast United States. Prepare
bid strategy for dredge and restoration projects for the New Jersey and Delaware coastal area.
Developed multiple project teams to bid on multiple projects during 2014.
Senior Project Manager, Lakewood, NJ (2012-2013)
Provided environmental compliance strategies for debris staging areas used during cleanup of
Hurricane Sandy throughout New Jersey. AshBritt transported 3 million cubic yards of debris
during a five month time period. Responsible for environmental sampling and closure of over 40
Temporary Debris Management Areas. Prepared damage assessments and environmental
assessments in coastal areas to comply with FEMA and NJDEP requirements.
Client Manager Environmental Compliance, Exton, PA (2011- 2012)
Responsible for business development, marketing, and quality control for environmental
compliance and design services for Pennsylvania region. Environmental compliance services
included environmental permitting, environmental compliance reporting, safety compliance,
engineering design, and air quality consulting. Participated in cross functional teams to permit
complex solid waste facilities under changing regulations.
Senior Project Manager, Mount Holly New Jersey (2005 – 2011)
Provided environmental services, including air permitting, solid waste permitting and
compliance services for landfills, transfer stations and solid waste processing facilities in the Mid
Atlantic Area. Mr. Everett has prepared a number Phase I/II assessments site investigations for a
wide variety of sites including industrial, commercial and residential development.
Principal and Project Director for Hazardous and Solid Waste Group, Valley Forge, PA
(1998 – 2004)
Responsible for group management, senior-level project management, corporate quality
improvement for US EPA ROCs program. Included management of task delivery of
environmental investigation of DOD sites throughout the United States. Project Director and
Project Manager for environmental services related to munitions cleanup, processing facilities,
air quality and remediation projects.
Project Manager (1989 – 1997) Projects included strategic planning, cost analysis, and energy
evaluations for a wide variety of waste management facilities, including transfer stations, studies,
technological evaluations, planning studies, process design, permitting, remediation, air quality
evaluations, construction services, and operations consultation. Many of these projects address
the feasibility of new environmental systems to meet regulatory requirements or provide more
cost effective services.
Brownfield Remediation and Redevelopment, Hercules Chemical Site, Burlington Township,
NJ Provided technical review of site redevelopment and remediation of former chemical plant
for Burlington Township Planning Board. Project was awarded “2009 Creative Deal of the Year”
by the New Jersey Chapter National Association of Office and Industrial Properties. Virdian
Partners received the award for the cleanup and repositioning of a 130 acre site. The project
included state of the art lagoon solidification technology, treatment of shallow metal impacts,
removal of old manufacturing foundations and importation of 300,000 cubic yards of processed
dredge material for fill. Developed QA/QC Plan for acceptance of contaminated soil. Performed
construction oversite of site development.
Hazardous Waste Landfill Design, Response Action Contract (ROC), Front Royal, VA,
U.S. EPA Region 3. Project Manager for feasibility study and design of hazardous waste
disposal cell at the Avtex Fibers Superfund site. Site constraints included a 100 year floodplain,
wetlands, existing basin, fly ash disposal areas, and on-site contamination. The work included
leachate management, geo-technical evaluation, liner design, and landfill operations. The
landfill design entailed using fly ash for sub-grade development for its location along the 100
year floodplain. A long-term groundwater monitoring plan was developed as part of this federal
Superfund site.
Confidential Client, NJ. Project Director and client contact for thirteen RCRA waste sites.
These sites are in various stages of clean-up ranging from no further action to advanced stages
remedial investigations. Many of these sites consist of small solid waste landfill sites created
prior to existing regulations. The current monitoring system has demonstrated these limited use
landfills to be of limited threat to the environment. Some of these sites will result in removal
actions pursuant to state regulation; others will monitor until the use of the property changes.
Environmental Assessment of 1,076 MW Combined Cycle Electrical Generation Facility,
Niles, Michigan Environmental Manager for third party assessment of a phased merchant
electric facility. The first phase involved a 656 MW natural gas-fired simple cycle plant
consisting of four Siemens V84.3A gas turbines. The second phase involved conversion to a
1,076 MW combined cycle plant. Environmental review included a review of the permit
conditions for carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (N02), sulfur dioxide (S02), ozone,
particulate matter, BACT assessment, Title V permit, and review of FERC application.
Phase I and Phase II Site Assessments, Various Clients in Mid-Atlantic Area, Prepared over
twenty-five (25) site assessments under ASTM Standard Practice for Environmental Site
Assessments E 1527-00. Provided documentation for the innocent landowner defense. Review
local, state, and federal databases and performed site inspection for evidence of recognized
environmental conditions.
Landfill Gas to Energy Project, City of Bethlehem Landfill, Bethlehem, PA Project Manager
for gas collection design and turbine generator to generate electricity at municipal landfill. A gas
management and collection system was designed as part of landfill closure plan. Landfill
emissions were calculated using EPA’s Landfill Gas Emission Model (LandGEM). The model
was used to calculate methane, carbon dioxide, nonmethane organic compounds, and individual
air pollutants.
401 Water Quality Certification, Northeast Corridor Improvements Project,
New Haven, CT, Amtrak, Quality Assurance Manager of the 401 Water Quality Certification
submitted to the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection for Amtrak. Evaluated
water quality impacts of overhead roadway bridge reconstruction and rail under-cuttings on the
Northeast Corridor main line. The project involved the installation of 156-route mile of overhead
catenary and modification to seven overhead bridges to provide necessary clearances.
Air Quality Permitting, Morristown, NJ, Morris County Municipal Utilities Authority, Project
Manager for air quality permitting under RADIUS which included Title V compliance, dust
control, and OSHA compliance issues. The project resulted in the modification of one 1,300 ton
per day transfer station to an intermodal facility. These physical modifications were instrumental
in lowering the transportation cost on a five year bid that will save millions of dollars over the
life of the contract.
Wayne Junction to Glenside System Improvement Project, Southeastern Pennsylvania
Transportation Authority, Philadelphia, PA Environmental Manager responsible for
evaluating environmental impacts to system improvements on a 7.5 mile passenger rail line in
Philadelphia. Environmental sampling included polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) sampling in rail
ballast, ties, and transformers and asbestos and lead sampling of catenary structure and facilities.
Evaluated environmental impacts including noise, air, and water quality.
Greenhouse Gas Reduction Survey, Lumberton Township, Lumberton, NJ, Prepared survey
of methane monitoring wells to determine feasibility of installing landfill gas flares for passive
gas collection system on the township landfill. Township landfill was closed in 1990s.
Township has requested NJDEP comments on site selection of 3 MW Solar Farm on former
landfill. NJDEP suggested that Township monitor groundwater and landfill gas conditions to
update NJDEP on existing conditions at the landfill. Project also included evaluation of
community net metering and the benefits of negotiating a purchase power agreement with the
Township school district.
Permitting for Radioactive Monitoring, Various Landfills, Transfer Stations, and Resource
Recovery Facilities, Pennsylvania, Project Manager for radioactive material monitoring at
various landfills, transfer stations, and residual waste facilities in Pennsylvania. With increasing
frequency, radioactive materials have been detected in the municipal waste stream. PADEP
required all solid waste facilities in PA to install radioactive monitoring devices and to train solid
waste operators to identify and properly dispose of radioactive materials depending upon the
type and level of radiation. Action Plans for each operating facility were developed in
accordance with the Atomic Energy Act, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, and laws of
the Commonwealth.
Environmental Remediation and Environmental Assessment, City of Bethlehem Landfill,
City of Bethlehem, PA Project Manager for an EA of a major landfill expansion. Exclusionary
areas were determined by wetlands identification and delineation and by the distance to public
resources such as recreation areas, wildlife areas, historical sites, or public lands. Groundwater
impacts were evaluated for existing groundwater contamination. Groundwater mitigation plan
was prepared that included groundwater pump and treat program and landfill capping.
Consulting Engineering Services, Mercer County Improvement Authority, NJ. From 2002 to
2004 provided consulting services to the Authority related to solid waste management and their
transfer station. Project Manager for bidding assistance during the procurement of disposal
capacity for Mercer County for a five year period. These services include permitting assistance
and survey preparation during the re-permitting of the Mercer Country Transfer Station.
Landfill Closure, Section 1, Sussex County, NJ, Sussex County Municipal Utilities Authority.
Project Manager for closure of the 17 acre municipal waste landfill cell. Closure design included
liner evaluation, permit modification, and provisions for landfill gas operator to construct landfill
gas extraction system. Use of on-site soils required soil land geo-synthetic testing which
included moisture density testing, measurement of hydraulic conductivity, shear strength,
gradient ratio test ASTM D5101, and interface friction angle testing.
Salem County Landfill Environmental Health Impact Statement, Alloway Township, NJ
Salem County Improvement Authority – Prepared EHIS for major facility expansion. The
horizontal and vertical expansion included impact assessment and mitigation for construction
impacts, groundwater, wetlands, storm water, air quality, and other facility impacts.
Cumberland County Landfill, Phase IV Design, Millville, NJ, Cumberland County
Improvement Authority. Project Manager for the design of a 12-acre cell and leachate collection
system. The design included 60 mil HDPE liner for the primary leachate collection systems with
a secondary liner of 60 mil HDPE and two feet of clay. Project requirements involved joining
PVC/Hypalon liners to the HDPE liner system and designing a landfill re-circulation system.
Redevelopment of Solid Waste Transfer Station, Maintenance Building, and Household
Hazardous Waste Facility, Lancaster County Solid Waste Authority, PA Project Director for $
23 million site development project for the design, permitting, and construction of a new transfer
station, small facility drop-off, new maintenance facility, and renovation of Authority
administration building. Project requirements included masonry structures to fit into campus
setting next to major university, maintain existing transfer station operation during construction,
conduct groundwater remediation during construction, and provide improved vehicle queuing.
City of Hackensack South River Street Redevelopment Plan, City of Hackensack, NJ
Prepared preliminary investigation and redevelopment plan for a former fuel storage and transfer
facility along Hackensack River. Redevelopment was part of greenway development along the
Hackensack River. The site sat idle for sixteen (16) years while various owners attempted to
redevelop the site for industrial reuse. The proposed redevelopment is for multi-family
residential along the riverfront property. Remediation of the site will be completed to the
residential cleanup standard for soil and groundwater.
Municipal Waste Management Plan, Clinton County Solid Waste Authority, McElhatta, PA
Project Manager for the Act 101 revision to the Clinton County Municipal Waste Management
Plan, which includes the continued use of the Wayne Township Landfill and a method for
achieving a 35 percent waste reduction rate.
PA Route 52 Highway Relocation, Chester County, PA. Longwood Gardens, Inc.
Environmental Project Manager for the environmental assessment (EA) for the relocation of PA
Route 52 between U.S. Route 1 and T.R. 926 within Longwood Gardens, a historic property on
the national register. Responsibilities included air and noise analysis, wetlands delineation,
archaeological and historical studies, hazardous waste investigations, a Section 4(f) evaluation,
socioeconomic assessments, and coordination with participating agencies.
Air Quality Services, Mid Atlantic Region, Prepared various air quality studies and permit
applications for various industrial facilities including Title V and BACT, MACT, and PSD
requirements. Prepared permit applications for air pollution control systems for carbon injection,
NOx reduction, and further reduction in NOx emissions in order to sell emission reduction
credits (ERCs). Air Quality permitting included Title V, OSHA compliance, New Source
Review (NSR), air emission inventories, and various state permitting processes.
American Planning Association
National Recycling Coalition, Inc.
Solid Waste Association of North America
American Institute of Certified Planners
Papers and Conference Presentations
Everett, Mark E. and Christopher K. Campman, “Landfill Reclamation: City of Bethlehem
Landfill,” New York Water Environment Association, Inc., January 1996
Everett, Mark E., Refinancing of Montgomery Waste-to-Energy Facility, SWANA Planning and
Management Conference, June 2003.