Amanda Chaney
Philadelphia, Pa 19148
To be responsible and fulfill all duties that is expected.
Bj's Wholesale
Ersa Court Reporters
Answered Phones, Scheduled Depositions, binded all
depositions, and shipped them out to who was receiving them. (2007-
Michael Henry, Esquire
Secretary, Filed, Answered phones, and took care of the
clients coming in for appointments. (2005-2007)
David Offen, Esquire
Filed, answered phones and took care of mailing. ( During
High School)
Schubert Bellwoar, Cahill and Quinn
Filed, answered phones, and worked in
mailing room.(During High School)
Traffic Court
Checked clients in before going in front of the Judge.( Judge Howlett.) (
During High School)
Royal Court Reporting
Administrative Assistant- Billing, Answered Phones, Scheduled depositions,
Production of transcripts. (April 2013-Present)
:Preparatory Charter High School (2005)
University of Phoenix ( Some credits)
Kaplan University (2013-2014) Some Credits
Answering phones, taking care of clients, Microsoft word, typing
letters, Filing, Mailing, Copying, Rb8, and Faxing!