G loria Sanchez-Escalante
Highland, I N 46322
Objective : A responsible and challenging position with a progressive organization that
w ill utilize my
skills, expand my knowledge and offer opportunit ies for professional growth.
E ducation : Sawyer College of Business, Hammond, I N. Certificate, Clerk-Typist Program
( May 1983)
Area of Expertise
*Accounts Payable * Billing * Customer Service * Client Relations * Dispatching * Data
E nt ry*
*Organizing and Planning * Payroll *QuickBooks * Shipping and Receiving * Typing (45-50
Computer Skills: M icrosoft Office, ADP, JD Edwards, Plex, TMW and TOPPS
2012-Present A dministrative Specialist Continental Midland
Park Forest, I L
*Audit paperwork for next day shipments
*Call carriers to arrange pickups
*Print paperwork for warehouse personnel
*Create Bills of Ladings
*Asn Master Bills of Ladings
*Create Paperwork for global shipping
*Customer Service
*Create daily sorting, label and pack line schedule
*Ship small packages through UPS, FEDX and DH L.
2010-2011 D ispatcher Cws Inc.
Gary, I N
*A r r ived drivers at the scheduled t imes on company’s computer system and
*Departed drivers at the scheduled t imes on company’s computer system and
* Called drivers to verify scheduled pick up times.
* Filled out accident reports.
*Called emergency repair for drivers if needed.
*Created a tu rnover paper for following shift.
2007-2008 Ship Date Specialist D irectBuy Mer r illville, I N
*Calling, faxing and /or emailing suppliers for order shipping information
*Updating shipping history on TOPS
*Advising centers for new shipping dates on orders
*Assisting Merchandise Specialist by checking shipping status on orders
*Following up with suppliers to receiving shipping information
R eferences furnished upon request