John Kumpunen, M.A. Tel. 289-***-**** 1-855-****-*** ****@************.***
u Need New Marketing Ideas?
I Have 487 Ways To Help You.
I am looking to work with progressive companies with rapid growth potential
through creative sales, marketing, joint venturing, and acquisitions. As a
working partner, I can handle all sales, marketing, and client communication,
strategies, tactics, campaign development, and production. Able to manage
Produc on create and supervise multimedia projects and create profitable results.
Sales Videos
Skilled in production of infomercials, sales videos, staff and
Web Infomercials
affiliate training videos, and other marketing and sales
Online Magazines
support materials. I have increased sales 100%-1000% within
Narrated Brochures
6 to 12 months. Seeking an aggressive growth opportunity.
Print Magazines
Online Catalogs
Print Catalogs
Newsle ers
Minisites LEAD GENERATION AND SALES I had the good fortune to grow up in my parents’ retail
stores and started in sales at 10. Worked as concept developer and producer with B2B and B2C
Blog Sites
adver sing agencies. Experienced with set up and management of trade shows, retail stores, and
online sales. Specializing on lead-genera on using internet and tradi onal communica on.
MARKETING COMMUNICATION Experienced working on communica on with both SBEs and
Training Videos
larger mul -million dollar transborder companies in construc on, transporta on, furniture. Part
Slim Jims of team taking $35-million company to $450-million pubic company. Increased manufacturer’s
sales 230% in 9 months without the internet.
Ar cle Marke ng INTERNET MARKETING Interested in crea ng powerful online and offline marke ng programs
for rapid expansion through geographical and cross-category selling. Increased sales 1000% with
Annual Reports
effec ve pay-per-click campaign.
Press Releases
PRODUCTION Self-starter and able to work without supervision. Capable of handling all print
White Papers
materials, video produc on, media selec on, and internet marke ng. Self-taught in a variety of
skills ranging from Forkner shorthand to InDesign, PhotoShop, Final Cut Pro, Microso Office, etc.
Logo Design
Print Prepress
Copywri ng Master of Arts, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario 1980
Specialization in Psychology of Art, Visual Perception, Cognition and Memory.
Music Bachelor of Arts (Hon.), University of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario 1976
Specialization in Psychology of Visual Perception and Reading.
Whiteboard Videos Training & Event Videos Infomercials & Sales Videos Websites & Social Media Magazines Brochures