Sweta Kumari H No. – **
B.Tech ( Mechanical & Automation Engineering) Sector-37, Noida
M . Tech (P roduction & I ndustrial Engineering) (UP), India
Tel: +919*********
A position in a results-oriented Organization that seeks an ambitious and career-conscious person, where
acquired skills and education will be utilized towards continued growth and advancement and also learn new
technical skills and enhancing those which I have already acquired.
Ergonomics AutoCAD
Quality Engineering TORA Operation Research Software
Lean Methodologies Minitab Statistics Software
Supply Chain Management ERP
Operation management Injection molding
Industrial Engineering Mechatronics
Automation system TQM
Production Engineering Continuous Improvement
P rocess improvement Prioritize and execute task in high pressure situation
Research & Development Production, Planning & Control
Master of Technology (M.Tech) in “Production and I ndustrial Engineering” Sharda
U niversity, Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh) in 2011-2013.
C GPA: 8.3(On scale of 10).
B.Tech (Mechanical and Automation Engineering) - A mity University, Noida (UP) in 2006-2010.
C GPA: 6.66(On scale of 10)
12th G rade (B IEC, Patna) - SGSMSMNNJ College Khajedih, Madhubani (Bihar) in 2004.
P ercentage: 65%
10th G rade (CBSE ) - Indian Public School, Madhubani (Bihar) in 2002.
P ercentage: 80%
S R T u rbo Energy Pvt. Ltd., Mohan Nagar, Ghaziabad(UP) - F reelancing
Sr. Mechanical Engineer- Ma rch 2014 – May 2014
J ob Responsibilities
Providing t raining on Mechatronics & Power Plant Technologies.
Preparing t raining material.
Making Technical t raining manual and reference guide for t rainee engineers.
Checking drawings.
Helps in procurement processes of power plant.
Validating the report furnished by site engineers,
Making Technical Presentation.
Helps in solving the technical problem occurs at site.
Skill Used
MS Office
Haldi ram Snacks Pvt. L td., Sector-63, Noida (UP)
Officer Operations – August 2013- Februa ry 2014
Job Responsibilities
Responsible for making D aily and Monthly P roduction M IS .
Active Team member of i nte rnal audit Team, Conducting audit i n each month and
r eport fu rnished to management .
Assisting in the preparation of AOP (Annual Operational Planning) and setting ta rgets.
Part of activity group involve in i mplementation of new technologies.
Completed the project on O verall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE).
Worked on I mplementation of Lean Manufacturing in P rocesses.
Worked the capacity planning of process line.
Co-ordinator of G E MBA Meeting and O wner of GE MBA BOARD.
Skills Used
Minitab Statistics Software.
MS Office (Excel & PowerPoint)
H i-Tech Builders Pvt. Ltd., Noida (UP)
P roject Engineer – July 2010-June2011
Job Responsibilities
Responsible for making reports (Daily & monthly) and as per requirement.
Checking the daily progress of ongoing projects.
Making audits and furnishing report to the management.
Handling the technical issues.
Making presentation.
Checking drawings.
Skills Used
MS PowerPoint
I ndust rial t raining & P rojects
6 weeks t raining in T albros Automotive Components Ltd., Fa ridabad (Ha ryana)
Study about overall functioning of plant and its various components.
Completed a project on G asket M anufactu ring.
Internship at K unstocom ( India) Limited, Phase-I I (Noida).
Submit ted a report on study of plant layout.
Submit ted the project on R eduction of scrap production due to color change.
Internships a t LeLogix Design Solution on I n te rnational Business Development.
4 month t raining at I ndia Ma rt.
Conducted a survey considering E rgonomics factors.
M .Tech P rojects & Responsibilities
Completed a project on Application of Ergonomics in Manufacturing.
Completed a project on Quality Management.
Completed a Workplace Comfort survey considering Ergonomics factors.
Completed a case study on Operation Management.
Making presentation for t raining and education purpose.
Part of training and placement team.
B.Tech P rojects
Design and Analysis of Crash Surviving Car: Design and analyses a car using laws of mechanics
as a part of Minor project.
Design of Automatic Braking System: Designed an Automatic braking System using Embedded
M icro Controller and also made a prototype for that.
Completed a certificate course on Workstation E rgonomics.
Completed a Certificate course on B ack Safety .
Leadership, Management and Achievement
Won 1st P rize in G.K. & Essay Competition a t District Level.
Member of M echanical Modeling Club, Amity School of Engineering and Technology, Amity
U niversity, Noida
Runner-up of F OR MAC ION during ACT 2010 organized by ASET held at Amity University, Noida.
Organizes and worked as E vent Co-ordinator of R OBOTRO N ICS during ACT 2010 organized by
ASET held at Amity University, Noida.
Joint-Secreta ry of Skill Learning and In tellect Promotion Society (SLIPS), Sharda University,
G reater Noida.
Organizes many Technical/Non-Technical events at Sharda University.
Head Technical Co-ordinator (mechanical) Chorus’2012 held at Sharda University,Greater
Certificate of Excellence f rom Mechanical & Automobile Department, Sharda University, Greater
Noida (UP) for l eadership and co-ordination.
Hobbies and I nterest
Surfing Internet
Reading & Writing
Learning new things
Puzzle solving
Effective speaker and a patience listener.
Flexible to new environment, customs, cultures.
Easer to learn new thing.
Work effectively in a team- oriented, collaborative environment.
Quick learner.
Citizenship : Indian
DOB : 23rd November 1986
Language Known : Hindi, Maithili & English
I hereby declare that the above-mentioned information is correct up to my knowledge and I bear the
responsibility for the correctness of the above-mentioned particulars.
Sweta Kumari