Curriculum Vitae
Amit Chowdhury
South Baksara Sukanta Place,
P.O. - Baksara,
West Bengal,
Ph. No.-900-***-****
E-mail: *************.*****@*****.***
Carrier Object: To work in an esteemed organization where my knowledge exposure to
Proper working problems & gain experience & grow with the growth of
The company
Educational Qualification
Name of Board/University Year of passing Marks obtained
examination Percentage/DGPA
Madhyamik West Bengal Board 2006 68.9%
Examination of Secondary
Higher Secondary West Bengal Board 2008 68%
Examination of Higher Secondary
B.Tech In Computer West Bengal 2013 7.51
Sc. & Engineering University Of
Training and project
Name of Project Client Duration Project Details
PHP EjobIndia 2 month Develop a website on
Car Rental System
JEE Globsyn Skills 1 month Develop an
application on Online
Travel Deal System
ASP.NET CMC 1 month Develop a website on
Car Rental System
Final Year Project
Name of Project Client Duration Project Details
Lower Power Seacom Engineering Final Year Learnt about the
Consumption College MANET (Mobile Ad
Through Leader Hoc Network)
Selection Process
Work Experience :-- NTITY SYSTEMS PVT. LTD.
Responsibilities: Responsibilities include analysis,development, and modification of website .
Name of the website :-
Technical Skills :-- C, CORE JAVA, ASP.NET, JEE, PHP
Area of Interest : -- Java, ASP.NE, PHP
1. Played in inter departmental football match & owned the tournament.
2. Took part in inter departmental quiz contest and got the third position.
1. Listening Music.
2. Playing Football & Cricket
Personal details
Name Amit Chowdhury
Father’s name Asto Chowdhury
Address South Baksara Sukanta Place, P.O.- Baksara, Howrah-711110, West
Mobile +919*********
Date of birth 28.07.1990
Sex Male
Religion Hindu
Nationality Indian
Blood Group B+
I hereby declare that the above written particulars are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.
Date: / / 2014