Carlos Eugenio Lopes Pires Xavier Torres
LinkedIn Phone Website
htp:// +55-85-885*-**** htp://
GitHub Skype E-mail
htps:// carloseugeniotorres *******************@*****.***
Carlos Torres is a senior sofware engineer expert in web and mobile solutons development for smartphones and
tablets for iOS, Android and Web platorms with 15 years experience. Worked abroad for multnatonal companies like
Vodafone Portugal as sofware engineer on .NET platorm, Palm, Windows CE and C++ mobile development.
Experienced in fast-paced environments, team leadership, client-facing and customer relatonship. Also experienced in
the whole sofware development process, from concept, requirements, analysis, database modeling, programming,
testng, untl producton and maintenance. Works as senior sofware engineer at CACIRA.
Professional Goals
• Senior Sofware Engineer in Web;
• Senior Sofware Engineer in Mobile (iOS, Android);
• Senior Sofware Engineer Manager (Coordinator, Lead).
• MS Windows 15 years
• Apple Mac OS X 7 years
• Ubuntu Linux 4 years
Objectve-C (iOS) 6 years
Java (Android) 4 years
C++ 3 years
ASP, VBScript 4 years
C#, ASP.NET 5 years
Web Script (HTML, Javascript, CSS) 12 years
PHP (LAMP server) 8 years
Web services, APIs, JSON 6 years
• MS SQL Server 8 years
• MySQL 5 years
• Oracle 2 years
• UML, Sofware Architecture and Sofware Design 8 years
• Project management, MS Project 5 years
• Agile methodologies like SCRUM 4 years
• Subversion (SVN) 8 years
• GIT 4 years
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Professional Experience
• Founder and Senior Sofware Engineer at CACIRA, Fortaleza, Brazil, From July 2010 to Present
Company focused on mobile solutons and apps development, helping customers transforming ideas into real
products. Mobile solutons for iOS and Android platorms. Backend systems, web services, API development in PHP,
MySQL. Provides solutons for startups and big clients like banks and media groups.
• 2nd Lieutenant at Brazilian Army, Fortaleza, Brazil, From June 2012 to Jun. 2013
Served for one year as 2nd Lieutenant at Brazilian Army, specialized in IT, responsible for the IT infrastructure of
military organizaton 10º Depósito de Suprimento (10º DSup) in Fortaleza, Brazil. Had as main tasks: maintenance and
improvement of computer networking and telecommunicatons, creaton and improvement of computer programs
and systems to assist and optmize processes of 10º DSup and 10ª Região Militar (10ª RM). Also partcipated in several
military essentally missions like supply trips through the states of 10th RM, Pipa operaton (water supply in
underserved communites in the countryside), actual military training missions and military games.
• Project Manager at Synapsis Brasil (Endesa), Fortaleza, Brazil, From March 2009 to July 2010
Project management, pre-sales and sofware architecture. Managing projects, solutons and processes for utlites
sector, especially commercial systems for electricity companies like AMPLA (Rio de Janeiro – Brazil) and COELCE (Ceara
- Brazil). Responsible for sofware architecture. Using sofware engineering and analysis, business analysis, solutons
architecture, operatons, resources, along with customer relatonship. Used technologies like .NET and mobile.
• Senior Sofware Engineer, Vertgus Consultng, Lisbon, Portugal, From September 2008 to January 2009
Sofware analysis, IT solutons, operatons, project management (using Agile methodologies like SCRUM), web and
mobile solutons (for iPhone and Android). Entrepreneur, outsourcing management, client relaton. Experience in
clients in areas like government, telecommunicatons and banks.
• Senior Sofware Engineer at IBM, Lisbon, From January 2007 to October 2008
Working inside client Vodafone Portugal, analyzing and developing in house solutons for intranet and internet. Web,
desktop and mobile applicatons, C++, MS .NET platorm, Visual C# .NET, ASP.NET, Ajax, Web 2.0, DHTML, SQL Server
2000 and 2005, Oracle. Experience also in Project Management for web, desktop and mobile applicatons, managing
ofshore teams in India.
• Senior Sofware Engineer at Vodafone, Lisbon, From September 2004 to September 2008
Sofware analysis and development for intranet and internet. Web, desktop and mobile applicatons, C++, MS .NET
platorm, Visual C# .NET, ASP.NET, Ajax, Web 2.0, DHTML, SQL Server 2000 and 2005, Oracle. Experience also in Project
Management for web, desktop and mobile applicatons (using tools like MS Project, MS Visio and methodologies like
• Volunteer work: OLPC – One Laptop Per Child (htp://, From September 2007 to January 2008
Project needs a lot of help from everyone who are able to develop free sofware to empower the X0 (X-zero) machine,
the prototype of the Linux powered computer. Recently I got in touch with the project and became very impressed
with all the efort around the world created with this idea and decided to help too. I applied to the developer’s team
and received one laptop X0 (model B4) for testng purposes, to help me test the educatonal sofware I proposed to
develop, evolving mathematcs and music for children.
• Sofware Analyst and Developer, IVIA, Fortaleza, Brazil, From April 2003 to September 2004
Web and desktop applicatons, ASP 3.0, Visual Basic 6.0, Visual C# .NET, ASP.NET, DHTML, SQL Server 2000, Oracle.
• Java and ASP Programmer, Noolhar, Fortaleza, Brazil, From October 2002 to April 2003
Web and desktop applicatons, Java 2, ASP 3.0, Visual Basic 6.0, DHTML, SQL Server 2000, Oracle.
• Java Programmer, SofExport, Fortaleza, Brasil, From July 2001 to October 2001
Web and desktop applicatons, Java 2, Oracle.
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• MBA in Project Management, Fundação Getúlio Vargas, Brazil. 2009 – 2011
• Bachelor degree in Computer Engineering, Insttuto Superior Técnico, 2005 – 2006
Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, Portugal (public university, 100% scholarship by merit).
• Bachelor degree in Computer Science, Universidade Federal do Ceara, Brazil 2000 – 2004
(public university, with 100% scholarship by merit).
(as lecturer)
Mobility – Mobile computng, devices and applicatons ( htp://
• FLF university (Computer Science department, Fortaleza, Brazil) May 2014
• Unifor university (Computer Science department, Fortaleza, Brazil) August 2013
• UniChristus university (Informaton Systems department, Fortaleza, Brazil) March 2012
• FATENE university (Informaton Systems department, Fortaleza, Brazil) November 2011
• FLF university (Technology Week, Fortaleza, Brazil) October 2011
• Artcle: O computador de US$ 100: Um futuro melhor para as crianças da CPLP? 2007
Published on the Portuguese Engineering Order magazine (Ingenium) editon 102
• Paper: Symbolic treatment of incomplete knowledge on Expert Systems 2001
Area: Artfcial Intelligence
Insttuton: Computer Science department of Universidade Federal do Ceara
• Microsof Ofcial Curriculum – Course 2710 – Analyzing Requirements and Defning Jul. 2006
Microsof .NET Soluton Architectures
• ISO 9001/2000 training (20 hours) Oct. 2003
• MS .NET platorm and web applicaton development with Visual C# and VB.NET (32 hours) Mar. 2003
• MS Access and Delphi programming (100 hours) Jul. 1997
• FoxPro and Clipper programming (100 hours) Feb. 1995
• Portuguese Natve
• English Fluent
• Spanish Basic
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