M iami FL 33131
PH: 786-***-****
E-mail: j *********@*****.***
ISPJAE 1985 - 1990
H avana, Cuba
C ivil Engineer, Expertise: Structural Works.
Latour Design and Development, Inc. 2013-to present
M iami Beach, FL
Working as superintendent and foreman in various projects: remodeling homes,
building business center, beauty salon, remodeling and rebuilding apartments and
four levels house. All sites in M iami Beach and some sites highlights near Biscayne
FRIUSA 2008 - 2012
H avana, Cuba
Buyer and Seller for Spanish Importer and Gourmet Company
As a seller a nd buyer of refrigeration equipment ; I p repared offers, a nd oversaw
shipments a nd orders received. We distributed a ll matters in food refrigeration
equipment for gastronomic buffets a nd great hotels i n cities across the country.
E laborated m aintenance p lans to ensure that t he client h ad all the necessary spare
parts i n case t hey needed it.
LANCOMET 2004 - 2008
H avana, Cuba
Factory building system, based on elements of roof and facade, as key-pattern ti les
galvanized and pre-painted, stuffed polyurethane panels of different thicknesses to be
used as closing walls and roofs, as well as development of elements of kick, working
i n the department -commercial technician, performing technical -commercial offers
c lients and providing technical supervision of installation work in cold chambers
hotels, shopping centers, offices, schools and warehouses for storage.
C IMEX 1990 - 2004
H avana, Cuba
Construction’s supervisor; foreman and chief engineer in the preparation
of works, project analysis, programming, l istings, hir ing and purchasing
m aterials, developed gas station, hotels, hospitals and schools
remodeling, construction and remodeling shopping centers, residential
remodeling, general maintenance malls, commercial offices and more.
Established good relationship with suppliers in Spain and Canada to
ensure the supplies had on consignment in our warehouse.
1. F luency in reading drawings, including specialties such as plumbing,
electrical, low voltage and mechanics.
2. H igh through the English language.
3. Computer programs: Word, Excel, Outlook.
4. Certificate 10 hour occupational safety and health OSHA.