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Engineering Project

Columbus, OH
August 29, 2014

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* *** ***** ***** ***

Mark R Wahba D ublin, OH

( 614) 397 - 0921

m ***.*****@*****.***

O bjective

F ind and establish a career in Computer Science a nd E ngineering .

T echnical skills

L anguages

P roficient in: J ava, C / C++, H TML, JavaScript, CSS, M ySQL/ SQL, Ruby/Rails, PHP, BASH, XML

F amiliar with: R, O bjective - C, C#, V isual B asic, M ATLAB, Assembly, others

S oftware & Technologies

P latforms: Microsoft W indows, Mac OS X, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, UNIX variants

O ther: Visual S tudio, Eclipse, A pache (and server optimization), P hotoshop, Auto Desk Inventor, various CLIs

E xperience

S eptember 2013 – M ay 2014

T he Ohio State University C omputer Science & Engineering Department : Teaching

A ssistant – C olumbus, OH

W orked with the Ohio State University’s Computer Science and Engineering Department as a Teaching Assistant

f or CSE 3901: Design, Development, and Documentation of Web Applications.

P rovided the necessary help using previous real world experience to assist s tudents and the professor with any

i ssues that they needed help with.

V iewed and graded submissions for assignments based on different criteria for each project, with a typical focus

o n package and code structure, documentation (including inline/code as w ell as external/handout

d ocumentation), design, and adherence to project requirements.

T he Ohio State U niversity Biomedical Informatics Department: Research A ugust 2013 – D ecember 2013

A ssistant – C olumbus, OH

W orked i n a joint effort between the C omputer Science and Engineering and B iomedical Informatics department s

f or a research project on c ancer protein pathways under Mr. Andrew Yates supervised by Dr. Raghu Machiraju.

W orked to establish a novel way of looking at relationships between data p oints provided, serving the end goal of

f iguring out the pathways of protein signals in patients when under the effect of breast cancer drugs.

W ork consisted of being able to utilize statistical languages and programming (mainly R and Python) in order to

w ork with huge data sets.

W ork included writing the programs, documentation, subversion repository management, presenting the work

d one, testing using and with the intent of producing meaningful data, and finding a pathway to transition the

s oftware to wor k with relevant patient data.

M arch 2012 – A ugust 2013

T he Ohio Historical Society: Website Developer / Administrator – C olumbus, OH

M aintained all websites under the organization, responsibilities included design, workflows & approvals, handling

d epartment requests, solution, design, execution, & maintenance.

R esponsibilities include design, graphics, and organization of content to create a uniform web structure

t hroughout the organization’s web properties. This included importing and redesigning o ld web applications.

L ed multiple public presentations for new application launches, and led multiple trainings for the organization’s

e mployees and members to be able to use the different web services offered.

L aunched the organization’s new website (ca. J uly 2012) utilizing a third party Content Management System. Since

l aunch, the new website has generated over 90k visits per month; ~320k views/month (Nov ’13).

L aunched the organization’s Ohio History Central; an online encyclopedia serving content of a nything related to

t he history of the state of Ohio. Generating over 150k visits per month; ~330k views/month (Nov ’13).

W as responsible for setting up and maintaining multiple new servers for web application hosting. Maintenance

e fforts included optimizin g speed and content delivery for end - users.

A pproved, designed, and published the monthly electronic newsletter.

G eek Squad: Advanced Repair Agent – D ublin, Ohio M arch 2012 – A ugust 2012

H andled the repairs and/or setup of client units according to the c lients’ needs.

H andled a wide range of electronic devices to determine the cause(s) of issues the clients may be experiencing,

a nd then created the unique solutions needed for the repair of the client’s device.

C reated service orders according to the c lients’ needs, routed the units accordingly.

S ent/received units from multiple service centers and tested functionality of all received products.

H andled any additional work required throughout the store.

G eek Squad: Counter Operations Agent – D ublin, O hio J une 2011 – M arch 2012

C ommunicated with clients over the phone and in - person to understand and fulfill the clients’ needs.

C ommunicated with clients the status of their service and notified if there are any recommend services needed to

i mprove the c lients’ experiences.

H andled multiple tracking/logging systems for the service orders based on the type of unit and the repairs

r equired and processed any transactions necessary.

G as Station Assistant Manager (Retail) in B.P. – S pringfield, Ohio D ecember 2007 – N ovember 2008

W as responsible for tracking expenses, sales, payrolls, the multiple payment - handling systems, handling vendor

o rders, and inventory management.

T roubleshooting machinery and equipment issues.

C ontinued increased r esponsibilities based on demand.

F reelance Work

S t. Mary’s Coptic Orthodox Church Website:

D esigned, maintained and managed the church’s website and ha ndled all the backend systems. The w ebsite

u ses Joomla, MySQL, PHP, Apache for h osting, and YouTube for live streaming. T he system also utilizes Google

B usiness services for providing expanded functionalities.

E ngineering Projects

A u nique assembler, linker/loader, and interpreter using JAVA with proper, professional - like, d ocumentation.

C onstruct model roller coaster using resources given and obtaining relevant actual data using MATLAB.

W eb Applications project class including designing, documenting, testing/debugging, and presenting multiple

p rojects of different caliber u tilizing HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, and Ruby on Rails.

B usiness Software Documentation experiencing all of the different documentation types related to the

s oftware development life cycle; including, but not limited to: software requirements, architecture, p roject

m anagement, analysis (both business and software), testing

B iomedical informatics project design utilizing R: included researching and handling big data, required

p rocessing and building system to generate a custom graphical output for a unique vis ualization method

d eveloped under the Biomedical Informatics department at The Ohio State University.

E ducation

T he Ohio State University – C olumbus, Ohio S ep 2009 - P resent

E xpected Graduation – S ummer 2014 G PA: 2.55 (Cumulative) / 3.12 (Computer S ci. & Eng.)

C urrently a fourth year student pursuing a degree in Computer Science & Engineering with specialization in

S oftware Systems Engineering along with the Pre - Medicine professional path.

H illiard Davidson High School – H illiard, OH C lass of 2 009

R eferences

A ngela O’Neal – M anager of Genea logy, Local History and Travel

C olumbus Metropolitan Library

P hone: (614) 314 - 7890

E mail: a *****.*****@*****.***

S haron Dean, PhD – D irectory of Museum and Library Services

T he Ohio Historical S ocie ty

P hone: (614) 507 - 7665

E mail: s ******@*****.***

N aeem Shareef, PhD – C omputer Science & Engineering Professor

T he Ohio State University

P hone: (614) 2 92 - 5236

E mail: s ******.*@***.***

T ravis Vandall – G eek Squad Supervisor

B est Buy

P hone: ( 937) 309 - 9097

E mail: ******.*******@*****.***

B ryan N Edwards – I ncident Response Technician

O CIO Security, The Ohio State University

4 80 Baker Systems – 1 971 Neil Ave, Columbus, OH 43201

P hone: (330) 962 - 9599

E mail: *******.***@***.***

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