Jared R. Webb
** ************* ***** (Apartment #7)
Bloomington, IL 61704
Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology & Health, Expected May 10, 2014 Iowa State
University, Ames, IA.
Related Courses:
- Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- Business & Administrative Communication
- Leadership Techniques for Fitness Programs
Management of Health-Fitness Programs and Facilities
Advanced Strength Training & Conditioning
Principles of Fitness Assessment and Exercise Prescription
Experience with a variety of ages ( 15 - 60+)
CPR/AED certified with American Red Cross
ACE Personal Trainer Certification
10 week internship for The City of Boulder Recreation Center, Boulder Colorado.
Worked alongside the personal training coordinator
Personal trained clients through the Health Improvement Program
Taught two strength and conditioning classes
7 week internship in Exercise Leadership, Exercise Clinic, Iowa State University.
- Planned and taught 14 class warm ups and cool downs for university
- Worked one on one with three individual clients
Internship with Prevention Services, Iowa State University Thielen Student Health
- Freshman alcohol risk reduction project “AlcoholEdu”
- Free Condom Thursday dispenser
- Credited Internship
Jeff Pruett
Personal Training Coordinator
City of Boulder Recreation Center
Boulder, Colorado 80304
Phone: 303-***-****
Email: *@***************.***
Deb Power
Senior Lecturer
Department of Kinesiology
Room 239 Forker Building, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-***-****
E-mail: ******@*******.***
Cindy Fredrickson
Department of Kinesiology
Room 103 Forker Building, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-***-****
Marsha Wissink
Department of Kinesiology
Room 201 Forker Building, Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011
Phone: 515-***-****
E-mail: ********@*******.***