Calvin L Freeman
**** ********* **. *** ** ****
Atlanta, GA 30319
O bjective : Seeking a Position as an A&P technician.
Qualification Summary:
• Able to perform routine and non-routine inspection and t roubleshooting.
• Able to Repair and inspect airframe and systems.
• Remove and inspect part and replace as needed.
• Inspect test service Landing gear systems
• Inspect test f l ight control system.
• Inspect test service hydraulic pneumatic.
• Understand Maintenance manual CMM aircraft drawings Ai rworthy
d irective Engineering order.
• Understand FARs Part 121-***-***-***.
I n terior maintenance repair seats side walls carpets galleys and Lav.
Work experience
02/14-Present. AAR Aviation
D uluth MN.
I n terior mechanic on Airbus 319 320 aircraft.
Repair seats remove and replace.
Work from Aircraft drawings AMM CMM SRM.
Galleys Floor boards Lavatories and carpets seats
s idewalls.
Galley and lav inspection installation removal.
01/2008-11/2011 AI M A&P Instructor.
D uluth GA
08/ 2007- 12/2007 STS aerospace Empire Aero Rome NY. Inspection repairs
Boeing 747 A and C checks.
Jensen FL
02/2007-08/2007 Johnson Service Group
A tlanta Ga.
Keystone Helicopter Coatesville, Pa. A&P Mechanic
S-76 Helicopter Inspection Maintenance repair
06/2006-12/2006 Plane Techs Aero frame Lake Charles La. Inspections
M aintenance repairs Airbus 300/319
A irbus 300/319 A And C Check maintenance
Oak brook I l.
02/2006-12/2006 Strom Aviation. Timco Macon Ga. Inspection Maintenance
Repair Boeing 737-300 -400s C Checks maintenance.
04/2005-11/2005 STS Aviation Northwest Airline Minneapolis MN
L ine Maintenance 747/DC-9 DC-10 B-757
Jensen FL.
10/2004-02/2005 STS Aviation. Kalli t ta Airline. Inspection repair.
Boeing 747 C Check maintenance .Line maintenance.
Jensen FL
E ducation and T raining Certificate
Atlanta Technical Collage.18 month Avionic Bench t raining Certificate.
Carolina Aeronautical. 40 Hour Sheet metal Class 2012
Stratford Aviation. Stratford Conn 1984 A&P license.
707 GenFam 1991
737 GemFam 2004
Maintenance Release Engine run 707 1990
Reference available upon request