Cindy Miller
Certified nurse aide
Commerce City, Colorado (Greater Denv er Area) Hospital & Health Care Past
Certified nurse aide at Woodridge terrace Wanda Miller 720-***-**** Certified nurse aide at Pauline Dean 720-***-**** CertifiednurseaideatBearcreekcarecenterNancy Ayers303-697-8181 Education
0 connections
Cindy Miller's Summary
I hav e been a certified nurse aide for 23 y ears I think I hav e a lot to offer an would make a great asset to y our company . In my career I hav e work with many different kinds of residents the thing I like most about my job is knowing at the end of the day I hav e made a difference in someone's life.
Cindy Miller's Experience
Certified nurse aide
Woodridge terrace Wanda Miller 720-***-**** August2012-July 2014(2years)Commercecity
Total patient care
Certified nurse aide
Pauline Dean 720-***-****
August 201 0 - June 201 4 (3 y ears 1 1 months) Aurora,Colorado
Priv ate care total patient care an light hours keeping
Certified nurse aide
BearcreekcarecenterNancy Ayers303-697-8181
January 2010-March2013(3years3months)MorrisonColorado
Total patient care also work on the rehab unit Cindy Miller's Volunteer Experience & Causes
Animal Welfare
Disaster and Humanitarian Relief Health
Cindy Miller's Skills & Expertise
Health Certified nurse aide Total pt care Nursing Care Skilled care Geriatric Rehabilitation Cindy Miller's Education
Certified nurse aide, Nursing Education 1990-1991