Shannon Lynch Williams
C urriculum Vitae
A ddress:
W illis, TX 77318
P hone: 4 09 - 283 - 1974
E mail: s *****@****.***
S am Houston S tate University, Huntsville, TX
P h.D. in Counselor Education A nticipated
S tatus: D octoral Candidate, ABD D ecember 2 014
P roposal Defense Date: 2 /14/2014
F inal Defense Date: A nticipated September 2014
D issertation Title: C onservati ve Christian parents’ e xperiences following
d isclosure of a child’s homosexual identity: A hermeneutic phenomenological
D issertation Chair: D r. Rick Bruhn, Ed.D., LPC - S, LMFT, Texas MFT Board
M ember
L amar University, B eaumont, TX
M .Ed. in School C ounseling 2 006
L amar University, Beaumont, TX
M .Ed. in Instructional Supervision 2 002
S tephen F. Austin State University, Nacogdoches, TX
B . S. in Interdisciplinary Studies 1 996
S pecialization s : E lementary Education, Reading, English
C urrent Texas Licenses
L icense d Professional Counselor # 66084
C urrent Texas Teaching and Professional Certifications
School Counselor (grades EC-12)
Educational Diagnostician (grades EC-12)
English as a Second Language (grades 1-12)
Secondary English (grades 6-12)
Secondary English Language Arts (grades 6-12)
Elementary Self-Contained (grades 1-8)
Elementary English (grades 1-8)
Elementary Reading (grades 1-8)
I nf ormation Processing Technologies II (grades 1 - 8)
S hannon Lynch Williams, Vitae P age 1 o f 6
S ole Proprietor, S oul Solutions, PLLC
O ffice i n Shenandoah, TX 1 0/2013 - P resent
P roviding mental health services to children, adolescents, and adults in a
p rivate practice setting;
I dentifying and implementing research - based interventions in sessions
u niquely tailored to the needs of e ach client ;
M anaging all aspects of business, including patient scheduling, billing,
a nd marketing, among others ;
M aintaining all client documentation in accordance with ethical a nd
legal guidelines and contractual commit ments to third party payers ;
C ollabor ating with patients, insurance p roviders, and other mental health
c ar e professionals t o d etermine p atients’ a ppropriate t reatment needs, to
a ssess their progress toward goals, and to ensure continuity of care
a cross providers ;
C onducting intake assessments with clients and determining appropriate
d iagnoses, when necessary ; a nd
C onsulting other professional c ounselors regarding difficult client cases,
o bscure ethical dilemmas, and best practices in the field
V ision Consulting, Inc., Jasper, TX
1 /2012 – 6 /2012
C ontract Therapist
W ork ed o ne day each w eek to provide p erson- centered c ounseling services
t o geriatric clients living in long - term residential facilit ies;
M aintained a w eekly caseload of 10 - 15 clients spread across three facilities;
C ollaborated w ith treatment team to d etermine appropriate goals a nd
i nterventions for clients;
A sses sed c lients’ t reatment progress and need for continuing services;
M aintained t imely and accurate written documentation;
C oordinated t reatment schedules to allow for clients’ maximum
i nvolvement in social and familial activities; and
A ssisted c lients in processing end - of- life concerns
S am Houston State University, H untsville, TX
6 / 2011 – 5 / 2014
D octoral Assistant, Department of Counselor Education
Coordinating and managing daily operations of The Woodlands Center Community
Counseling Clinic, including client scheduling, record-keeping, and collaborating with
departmental professors to ensure procedural continuity across teaching sections (four
Supervising master- and doctoral-level students enrolled in supervised practica
courses (typically 5-7 students each semester for the past eight semesters);
Conducting weekly one-hour supervision sessions (i.e., individual, triadic, and group)
with assigned supervisees each semester;
Collaborating with departmental professors on various research projects;
Conducting interviews with candidates for SHSU’s master program in Counseling;
Assisting professors and both master- and doctoral-level students in their work with
clients at The Woodlands Center Community Counseling Center and at the Jack
Staggs Counseling Clinic ;
Modeling effective counseling for students with the use of role-play activities; and
Filling in as a substitute therapist on occasion for students who are unable to see their
clients due to crises, illness, and other personal matters that prevent them from comi ng
to the clinic
S hannon Lynch Williams, Vitae P age 2 o f 6
S plendora High School, Splendora, TX
H igh School Counselor : Grades 9 & 10 2 010 - 2 011
Conducted individual counseling sessions with students using person-centered
therapy, reality therapy, and solution-focused therapy techniques; Collaborated
with parents and students to devise personal graduation plans for students; Led
small psychoeducational groups with students on the topic of substance abuse;
Served on various campus committees (e.g., 504, ARD, LPAC); Acted as campus
PSAT coordinator and Homeless Liaison; Assisted students with course scheduling;
Collaborated with school administrators to plan, implement, and evaluate campus -
wide programs; Conducted campus-wide in-service training for teachers and
W heat Elementary School, Woodville, TX
E lementary School Counselor : Grades PK - 2 2 006 - 2 010
Conducted individual counseling sessions with students using play therapy, reality
therapy, person-centered therapy, and solution-focused therapy techniques;
Collaborated with teachers and parents to develop behavior intervention plans for
students; Worked with small groups of students to develop social skills and
awareness; Presented character education lessons to groups of students; Worked
with various community organizations to provide charitable services to at -risk
students and their families; Led 504 and Response to Intervention team meetings ;
Served as district TELPAS coordinator and campus testing coordinator;
Coordinated home-bound services for special needs students;
S am Houston State University, Huntsville, TX
6 / 201 – 8 /2012
D octoral Teaching Assistant
I nstructor of R ecord for the following undergraduate courses:
I ntroduction to the Principles of Counseling (i.e., CNE 331),
F all 2011, Spring 2012
I ntroduction to Helping Relationships (CNE 231), Summer
2 012
T eaching Assistant for the following graduate courses:
M ethods o f Research (CNE 579), Summer 2011
A ssessment in Guidance and Counseling (CNE 663), Summer
2 012
S upervised Practice in Counseling (CNE 676), Summer 2011 –
S ummer 2012
S ubstitute Instructor for the following graduate courses:
C areer Counseling Across the L ifespan(CNE 570), Spring 2012
C ross Cultural Issues in Counseling (CNE 592), Summer 2012
A ngelina College, Lufkin, TX
A djunct Instructor – M icrosoft PowerPoint 2 002
Developed syllabus and overall course structure for teaching adult learners earning
Continuing Education Units through the Community Services Department
S hannon Lynch Williams, Vitae P age 3 o f 6
I ntel Teach to the Future Program
M aster Teacher – C lassroom Technology Integration 2 001 - 2002
I nstructed teachers and administrators in Tyler County, Texas, schools in
a 4 0 - hour, s emester - long course pertaining to classroom technology
i ntegration for which three college hours could be obtained from Texas
A &M University; Course was funded in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates
F oundation and Intel; Instructed the course for two conse cutive semesters
W oodville High School, Woodville, TX
C lassroom Instructor 2 003 - 2006
T aught English III, English III AP, and ESL classes to high school students;
S erved on various c ampus committees ; M entor ed beginning teachers;
C oached U .I.L. c ross - examination debate and Lincoln - Douglas debate
t eams; Led student travel group to Boston and N ew York City
W heat Elementary School, Woodville, TX / Spurger Elementary, Spurger,
T X/Warren Elementary, Warren, TX
C lassroom Instructor 1 996 - 2003
Taught all core subjects to second- and third-grade students in self-contained
settings; Taught reading to third-, fifth-, and sixth-grade students in both
departmentalized and self-contained settings; Served on the Site-Based, Math,
Science, Technology, and At -Risk Committees; Coached U.I.L. spelling and ready
writing teams; Served as second-grade ESL teacher
U niversidad de Iberoamerica (UNIBE), San José, Costa Rica
I n collaboration with: Sam Houston State University, Department of 2 012
C ounselor Education
T ravelled with doctoral cohort and studied education and mental health
s ystems of Costa Rica for two weeks during the summer
2 008
U niversidad Autónoma de Guadalajara (UAG), Guadalajara, Mexico
I n collaboration with: Lone Star College Montgomery
L ived with a local host family for one month in the summer and studied
S panish at the Universidad; Earned Continuing Education Units to
s upport ESL certification
S tanley, S., & Williams, S. (2010). R elationship between spirituality and the existential variables
o f loneliness, well - being, and m eaninglessness among adults in Texas. P aper presented at the
S outhwest Educational Research Association Conference. New Orleans, LA.
S hannon Lynch Williams, Vitae P age 4 o f 6
W illiams, S. (2002). T echnology in the second grade classroom . Presented at the 2002 Region
5 /TCEA Back - to - School Technology Conference. Nederland, TX: Region 5 Education Service
C enter.
W illiams, S. (2001). e Pals in the primary grades . Presented at the 2001 Region 5/TCEA Back -
to - School Technology Conference. Silsbee, TX: Region 5 Education Servi ce Center.
W illiams, S. L. (2012). G ay slang and lesbian lingo: How jargon helps to inform understanding
o f a culture. P resented at the 2012 Professional Development Conference. Galveston, TX.
W illiams, S. L., & Hall, S. (2012). T riangulation in the s chool counseling setting. P resented at
t he 2012 Professional Development Conference. Galveston, TX: Texas Counseling
A ssociation.
W illiams, S. L., & Hall, S. (2013, Feb. ). T riangulation in the school counseling setting.
P resented at the 2013 School Couns elor Conference. Austin, TX: Texas School Counselor
A ssociation.
W illiams, S. L., & Hall, S. (2013, Oct.). T riangulation in the school counseling setting.
P resented at Richardson ISD’s Fall School Counselor In - Service. Richardson, TX: Richardson
W illi ams, S. L., & Serres, S. (2013). F rom formidable to fun: Teaching Appraisal in Counseling.
P resented at the 2013 National Conference. Houston, TX: Association for Assessment and
R esearch in Counseling.
W illiams, S. L., & Hall, S. (20 13, Oct.). T riangulation in the school counseling setting.
P resented at the Richardson ISD School Counselor In - Service. Richardson, TX: Richardson
I ndependent School District.
W illiams, S. L. (2014, Jan.). C ounseling LGBT Clients. P resented to the cou nseling staff of
Montgomery County Youth Services, The Woodlands, TX.
W illiams, S. L. (2014, Mar.). B owen’s Family Systems Theory. P resented to students in Theories
o f Marriage and Family class (Dr. Tina Ainsworth, Instructor of Record). Huntsville, TX:
S am Houston State University.
W illiams, S. L., Bruhn, R., & Henriksen, R. (2011). Influences of training and person al
e xperiences on counselor trainees’ GLBT ally development: A case study. Q ualitative Report,
1 8 (8), 1 - 20. Retrievable from:
W illiams, S. L., F itzgerald, K., & Ane, P. R elationship between mothers’ multiple - par tner
fertility and their kindergarten children’s maladaptive school behaviors. M anuscript nearing
c ompletion.
W illiams, S. L., & Henriksen, R. T he ways in which mothers of multiple - partner fertilit y manage
t heir relationships with their children and their c hildren’s fathers. Manuscript nearing
c ompletion.
W illiams, S. (2004, Aug./Sept.). Quick connection. M ailbox: The Idea Magazine for Teachers,
3 4.
W illiams, S. (2000, Aug./Sept.). Picture - perfect portfolios. M ailbox: The Idea Magazine for
T eachers, 5 9.
S ubstitute a d - hoc reviewer for T he Family Journal, 2011, 2014
S hannon Lynch Williams, Vitae P age 5 o f 6
A merican Counseling Association
A merican Association for LGBT Issues in Counseling
A merican Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
A merican Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
T exas Counseling Association
T exas School Counselor Association
T exas Association for Counselor Education and Supervision
T exas Association for Multicultural Counseling and Development
T exas A ssociation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Issues in Counseling
C hi Sigma Iota, Beta Kappa Tau Chapter
S ecretary, 2011
E xcellence in Writing 2 013
N ominated by Dr. Richard C. Henriksen, SHSU, Department of Counselor
E ducation; Awarded by t he SHSU Writing Center and Sigma Tau Delta
( English Honor Society) for SHSU’s Across - the - University Writing
P rogram
P erfect Academic Record 2 002
A warded by the faculty of the Department of Educational Leadership at
L amar University, Beaumont, TX
S hannon Lynch Williams, Vitae P age 6 o f 6