Center of Spoken Language Understanding (CSLU) 971-***-****
Oregon Health and Science University *******@*****.***
**** ** ********** **, ***#224
Hillsboro, Oregon, 97124
• US. Greencard
• More than 10 years R&D experience on computer vision and image analysis in both academic and industrial
fields, with strong background in computer vision, image analysis and processing, multiple-view geometry
• Expertise on image registration, tracking, motion estimation, feature detection and tracking, image stitching,
image denoising, structure from motion
• Skillful use of the developing tools of C/C++, matlab, VTK/ITK.
• Knowledgeable to Unix/Linux, python programming, OpenMP, SSE
• Tracked record of publications in international journals and conferences on computer vision and medical
image analysis (PRLetter,Medical Physics,CVPR,MICCAI,ICPR,BMVC,FIMH).
• To find a R&D scientist position related to medical image analysis, computer vision, pattern recognition and
machine learning.
Working Experience
• Oregon Health and Science University, School of Medicine Portland, OR
Senior Research Associate 2010/9 – present
– Supervisor: Xubo Song, Ph.D.
– Research interest: deformable (nonrigid) image registration, diffeomorphic motion estimation from 4-D
echocardiography, MRI (cine-, tagged- and DENSE), object tracking, optical flow, functional imaging
and modeling of heart, relation of cardiac motion and the myofiber orientations, cardiac strain analysis,
feature extraction and tracking, finite element, parallel computing
• ASMPT (machine vision-based semiconductor assembly equipment manufacturer) Hong Kong
R&D engineer of core vision team 2008/8 – 2010/8
– Development: develop image and vision-based pattern recognition and alignment software for the
assembly equipment
– Research: computer vision, deformable alignment, image processing, shape and object recognition,
object alignment and tracking, feature based tracking, real-time object tracking, matrix computing,
linear equation solving, sparse matrix
– Libraries platform: Intel MKL, IPP, Matrox MIL
• The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Surgery Department Hong Kong
Research Fellow 2006/6 – 2008/6
– Supervisors: James, Yun wong Lau, Chung kwong Yeung
– Research Interest: image registration, intraoperative ultrasound and preoperative CT registration,
augmented ultrasound
• The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong
Ph.D. EE 2000/10 – 2005/09
– Advisor: Hung tat Tsui, Ph.D.
– Thesis: Variational and Spline Based Multi-modal Nonrigid Registration and Applications
– Research interest: Medical image analysis, Image registration, Reconstruction, Segmentation, Computer
vision, Pattern recognition, inte-subject registration, freehand ultrasound, Machine Learning, Applied
mathematics, Scientific visualization, finite element and variational methods
• Xi’an Jiaotong University China
M.Sc. EE 1997/09 – 2000/06
– Advisor: Zheng Tan
– Thesis: Panoramic Image Navigation Based on a Compressed Data Stream
– Relevant courses: Image processing, Wavelet, Numerical methods
• Xi’an Jiaotong University China
B.Sc. EE 1993/09 – 1997/07
– Thesis: Implementation of Hidden Surface Removal Algorithm and Texture in Computer Graphics
– Relevant courses: Advanced mathematics, Linear algebra, Signal and system, Wireless communication,
Electromagnetic field and wave, Principle of antenna, Circuit, Electronic circuit, Digital circuit,
Assembly language, Signal and information transmission, Data structure and algorithm etc.
Research Background ( 15 Years of Academic and Industrial Experience with Images)
• Medical Image Computing and Analysis, Image registration, Reconstruction and Segmentation, Image
Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Vision, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Motion Estimation,
Deformable Registration, Optical Flow, Variational Method and Partial Differential Equation, Finite
Element, Numerical Method, Optimization, Image Guided Surgery, Matrix Computation, Computer Graphics
and Scientific Visualization, Cardiac Image Analysis, Brain Image Registration, Brain Functional Mapping,
Freehand Ultrasound Imaging
• Mathematics: Numerical analysis, Matrix computation
• Numerical Tools: Matlab, Mathematica, GNUplot
• Operating Systems: Windows/NT, Unix/Linux, DOS
• Computer Programming: C/C++, Matlab, OpenMP, Latex, Python, Java, Tcl/tk
• Software Toolkits: VTK, ITK, FLTK, Elastix, GIMIAS, Intel IPP& MKL, openCV
• Medical Image Software: Paraview, Freesurfer, 3D Slicer, Volview, SPM, FieldII
• English Proficiency: Excellent reading and writing, fluent spoken language
• Member of America Society of Echocardiography (MASE) (2013), member of IEEE (2008)
• Reviewers for 15 international journals and conferences(70+ manuscripts reviewed) including IEEE
Transaction on Medical Imaging (TMI), IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), Medical
Physics, Physics in Medicine and Biology, Journal of Neural Engineering, SPIE journal on Electronic
Imaging, Journal of Computer Science of China, Circulation: Cardiovascular Imaging, Signal, Image and
Video processing Neurocomputing, Journal on computer vision and robotics, International Journal of
Electronics and Communications, International journal of life science and medical research, International
journal of Biometrics, MICCAI conference
Publications (available at
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
13. Feng Liu, Zhijun Zhang, Lianqing Zhu, Yajun Liu. Propagation Modeling of Point Source Excited
Magneto-inductive Waves based on a New Plane Wave Expansion Approach. (Submitted to Mathematical
Problems in Engineering. IF:1.38)
12. Zhijun Zhang, Muhammad Ashraf, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song. Right Ventricular Motion Analysis from 3D
Echocardiography by using Temporally Diffeomorphic Motion Estimation. (in press, Medical Physics, IF:3.012)
11. Muhammad Ashraf, Zhijun Zhang, Meihua Zhu, David J. Sahn, Xubo Song. Image Based Evaluation of
Regional Right Ventricular Mechanics Using Full Volume 4D Echocardiography Data Sets. (under revision for
Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine, IF:1.532)
10. Zhijun Zhang, Feng Liu, Fuqing Deng, Hungtat Tsui. 3D B-spline Based Inter-subject Non-rigid Registration
with Geodesic Closest Points Constraints. (under revision for journal of Electronic Imaging. IF: 1.02)
9. Meihua Zhu, Zhijun Zhang, Eriko Shimada, Cole Streiff, Xubo Song, Sumito Kimura, Muhammad Ashraf,
David J. Sahn. Regional Strain Determination and Infarction Detection by Vendor Specific and Vendor
Independent 3D Echocardiographic Imaging Software. (under revision for PLOS ONE, IF:3.73)
8. Zhijun Zhang, Feng Liu, Xubo Song, Hungtat Tsui, Yunwong Lau. Multi-scale Adaptive Region Mask
Intensity Based Rigid Intraoperative Ultrasound and Preoperative CT Image Registration Application to
Liver Images. (in press, Medical Physics. IF:3.012)
7. Feng Liu, Zhijun Zhang, Xiaotong Zhang, Jinwu Xu. 2-D Honeycomb MI Wave Communication System,
Journal on Communications. (in press)
6. D.J. Sahn, Muhammad Ashraf, Xubo Song, Zhijun Zhang, Meihua Zhu. Define Right Ventricular Strain
Mechanics with a New High Resolution 3D Motion Analysis Method. Journal of American College of
Cardiology (JACC), Vol.61, No.10s, page E900, 2013.
5. Feng Liu, Zhijun Zhang, Yanhong Yang, Yajun Liu. Research on the Transmission Diversity Characteristics
of a Quadrifilar Helix Antenna and Its Application in the Industrial WSN. Journal of Convergence Information
Technology, Vol.8, No.8, page:1175–1186, 2013.
4. Meihua Zhu, Cole Streiff, Jill Panosian, Zhijun Zhang, Xubo Song, David J. Sahn, Muhammad Ashraf,
Regional Strain Determination and Myocardial Infarction Detection by Three-dimensional Echocardiography
with Varied Temporal Resolution. Echocardiography, 12(5), 2014. (IF:1.261)
3. Zhijun Zhang, Muhammad Ashraf, David J. Sahn, Xubo Song. Temporally Diffeomorphic Cardiac Motion
Estimation from Echocardiography by Minimization of Intensity Consistency Error. Medical Physics.Vol.41,
no.5, 2014. (IF:3.012)
2. Zhijun Zhang, Yifeng Jiang, HungTat Tsui. Consistent Multi-modal Nonrigid Registration Based on a
Variational Approach. Journal of Pattern Recognition Letters, Vol.27(7), page:715–725, 2006. (IF:1.27,
1. Lisheng Wang, Zheng Tan, Zhijun Zhang. Sufficient and Necessary Condition for Local Exponential Stability
of Bidirectional Continuous Time Associated Memory Neural Networks. ACTA ELECTRONICA
SINICA,Vol.7, page:119–121,1999. (citation:8)
Manuscript Drafting
5. Jerome Schmid, Zhijun Zhang, Yan Bailly. Vascular Tabular Structure Tracing with Automatic Branching
Detection. (Drafting for IEEE Transaction on Medical Imaging, IF:4.04)
4. Zhijun Zhang, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song. Temporally Diffeomorphic Motion Estimation from Cardiac Image
Sequences and Its Parallel Implementation by Freeform Deformation. (Drafting for IEEE Transaction on
Biomedical Engineering. IF:2.348)
3. Zhijun Zhang, David J. Sahn, Xubo Song. Temporal Diffeomorphic Cardiac Motion Estimation with
Constraint of Myofiber Strain Homogeneity. (Drafting for Medical Image Analysis. IF:4.08)
2. Zhijun Zhang, Muhammad Ashraf, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song. Cardiac Strain Analysis from Multimodal images
application to Healthy Subjects and Patients. (Drafting for IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering.
1. Meihua Zhu, Zhijun Zhang, Eriko Shimada, Cole Streiff, Sumito Kimura, Muhammad Ashraf, Traci Schaller,
Xubo Song, David J. Sahn. Real-time Three Dimensional Echocardiographic Evaluation of Fetal Stroke
Volume, Left Ventricular Mass and Myocardial Strain: in vitro and in vivo study. (Draft for JASE, IF:3.7)
Conference Proceedings
26. Fuqin Deng, Zhijun Zhang. An edge from focus approach to 3-D inspection and metrology. (Submitted to
SPIE Conference on Electronic Imaging 2014)
25. Xiankui Li, Shouren Lan, Zhijun Zhang, Lisheng Wang. A Novel 2D Transfer Function for the Volume
Rendering of Blood Vessels in 3D MRA. Submitted to the 8th International Conference on Bioinformatics and
Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2014) (Oral present).
24. Yang Wang, Xiankui Li, Zhijun Zhang, Benzhi Chen, Lisheng Wang. Selective Volume Rendering of MRI
Brain Structures Based on Multi-Atlas Segmentation. Submitted to the 8th International Conference on
Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering (iCBBE 2014) (Oral present).
23. Zhijun Zhang, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song, Cardiac Motion Estimation by Optimizing Transmural Homogeneity of
the Myofiber Strain and its Validation with Multimodal Sequences. In Proceeding of MICCAI (MICCAI’13),
LNCS Vol.8149, page: 493-500, Nagoya, Japan, 2013. (Acceptance rate: 32.8%)
22. Zhijun Zhang, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song, Right Ventricular Strain Analysis from 3D Echocardiography by Using
Temporally Diffeomorphic Motion Estimation. In Proceeding of International Conference of Functional
Imaging and Modeling of Heart (FIMH’13), page: 474-482, UK, 2013. (Oral present)
21. Vineet Apte, Lydia Tam, Angela Han, Meihua Zhu, Muhammad Ashraf, David J Sahn, Zhijun Zhang,
Evaluation of Circumferential and Longitudinal Strain in a Rabbit Fetal Heart Model Using 4D
Echocardiography. In Proceeding of 39th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference (NEBEC), page: 23-24,
20. Zhijun Zhang, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song, ”Diffeomorphic Cardiac Motion Estimation with Anisotropic
Regularization along Fiber Direction.” In the Workshop of Biomedical Image Registration (WBIR’12), LNCS
Vol.7359, page: 199-208, 2012. (Oral present)
19. Zhijun Zhang, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song, ”Temporally Consistent Diffeomorphic Motion Estimation with Mutual
Information: Application to Echocardiographic Sequences.” In the CVPR workshop of Medical Computer
Vision (CVPRMCV’12), page: 84-90, 2012. (Oral present)
18. Zhijun Zhang, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song, ”Frame to Frame Diffeomorphic Motion Analysis from
Echocardiographic Sequences.” In 3rd workshop of Mathematical Foundation of Computational Anatomy of
MICCAI (MFCA’11), page:15–24,2011 (Oral present)(citation 1)
17. Zhijun Zhang, D.J. Sahn, Xubo Song, Temporal Diffeomorphic Motion Analysis from Echocardiographic
Sequences by Using Intensity Transitivity Consistency. In Second International Workshop of Statistical Atlases
and Computational Models of the Heart Imaging and Modeling Challenges (STACOM’11), Lecture notes on
computer science, volume 7085, page:274-284, 2011 (citation 3)
16. Zhijun Zhang, Xubo Song, D.J. Sahn, Cardiac Motion Estimation from 3D Echocardiography with
Spatiotemporal Regularization. In International Conference of Functional Imaging and Modeling of Heart
(FIMH’11), page:350–358, New York, 2011. (Oral present)(citation 2)
15. Zhijun Zhang, Adaptive Region Intensity Based Rigid Ultrasound and CT Image Registration. In
Proceedings of International Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR’08), page: 1–7.
2008 (27.9% acceptance, citation 5)
14. Zhijun Zhang, Jerome Schimid, C.K.Yeung, Multi-scale Adaptive Mask 3D Rigid Registration of Ultrasound
and CT Images. In Proceedings of British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC’07), page 770–779, 2007.
13. Zhijun Zhang, Hung-Tat Tsui. Geodesic Closest Point Constrained Inter subject Non-rigid Registration. In
Proceedings of International Conference of Pattern Recognition (ICPR’04), page 564-567, 2004. (Oral Present)
12. Zhijun Zhang, Hung-Tat Tsui, Hongning Xie. Automatic Segmentation by Using 3D B-Spline Based
Multi-modal Deformable Atlas Matching. In Proceedings of the Asia Conference on Computer Vision
(ACCV’2004), page 948–953, 2004.
11. Zhijun Zhang, Hung-Tat Tsui, Tze Kin Lau. Variational Approach for Consistent Multi-modal Non-rigid
Registration. In Proceedings of the Asia Conference on Computer vision (ACCV’2004), page: 1014–1019, 2004.
10. Yifeng Jiang, Zhijun Zhang, Feng Cen, Hung-Tat Tsui, Tze Kin Lau, ”An Enhanced Appearance Model for
Ultrasound Image Segmentation.” In proceedings of International Conference on Pattern Recognition,
(ACCV’2004). (ICPR’04),Vol.3,page:802–805,2004. (citation 4)
9. Feng Cen, Yifeng Jiang, Zhijun Zhang, Hung-Tat Tsui, Tze Kin Lau, Hongning Xie, ”Robust Registration of
3D Ultrasound Images Based on Gabor Filter and Mean-Shift.” ECCV Workshops CVAMIA and MMBIA,
page: 304-316, 2004. (citation 5)
8. Feng Cen, Yifeng Jiang, Zhijun Zhang, Hung-Tat Tsui, Shape and Pixel Property Based Automatic Affine
Registration between Ultrasound Images of Different Fetal Head. Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality
(MIAR’04), page: 261–269, 2004.
7. Zhijun Zhang, Hung-Tat Tsui, Wai Sang Poon. Application of Multi-modal Registration in Neurosurgery. In
Proceeding of International Conference on Diagnostic Imaging and Analysis (ICDIA 2002), page: 137–144,
Shanghai, China, 2002. (Oral Present)
6. Tan Zheng, Zhijun Zhang, Jianlong Zhou. Virtual Navigation based on Panoramic Images, In Proceeding of
System Simulation Technology and Applications. page: 99–103. China, 2000.
5. Zhijun Zhang, Zheng Tan. The Implementation of Compressed Stream based Panoramic Image Navigation
System. In Proceeding of the joint Qingdao and Hong Kong Conference on Computer, 1999.
4. Zheng Tan, Shuanhu Wu, Zhijun Zhang. A Class of Detail Controllable Edge Detectors.” In Proceeding of
the joint Qingdao and Hong Kong Conference on Computer, 1999.
3. Lisheng Wang, Zheng Tan, Zhijun Zhang. Algorithm for extracting the region containing features from 3D
data. International Symposium on Multi-spectral Image Processing (ISMIP’98), Proc. SPIE 3545, 474, 1998.
2. Zhijun Zhang, Xubo Song, Muhammad Ashraf, Meihua Zhu, Cole Streiff, David J Sahn, Evaluation of a New
High Resolution 4D Echo Based Motion Analysis Program for RV Strain Computation. In American Heart
Association (AHA) Scientific Session 2012. (Oral Present)
1. Kaavya Mandi, Kevin Truong, Christine Kang, Vivian Chen, Shahryar Ashraf, Cole Streiff, David Roundhill,
Zhijun Zhang, Xubo Song, Meihua Zhu, Muhammad Ashraf, David J Sahn, Strain Determination by a High
Resolution DENSE 3D Speckle Tracking Method Using a New Nongated 4D Echo Image Loops: Validation
Against Sonomicrometry. In American Heart Association (AHA) Scientific Session 2012. (Oral Present)
Teaching Experience
• Circuit Basic The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Teaching Assistant 2001
– Led seminars guiding students through difficult problems in assignments and reviewing course material.
• Electronic Circuits The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Teaching Assistant 2002,2003
– Led seminars guiding students through difficult problems in assignments and reviewing course material.
• Digital Circuits and Computer Communication The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Teaching Assistant 2001
– Led seminars guiding students through difficult problems in assignments and reviewing course material.
• Basic Circuits Experiments The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Teaching Assistant 2002
– Led seminars guiding students through difficult problems during experiments.
• Available on request.