W illiam H. Bradley
Macon, Ga. 31211
D udley M. H ughes Vocational School
Additional Accomplishments
Performance M anagement T raining
Ga, I nstitute of Technology/Dept. of I ndustrial Education
Stewaed Supervisor T raining
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service
CNC Machining P rogramming
Pitta rd Machine
A utomatic Screw Machine Engineering
M H R Resources
Dec.2011-P resent Cu r rently unemployed due
t o closing my
m y machine shop.
Dec. 1980- 2003 Rheem M fg.Co.
T i tle Tool & Die M aker (A)
T ool & Die M aker
S upervisor
T ooling Engineer
B uilding and maintain
sheet metal dies
P rogressive, t ransfer,
d raw, dies as well as
F orming equip.
S upervised 18 tool & Die
m akers
R esponsible for all
t ooling in plant
P u rchasing all new
t ooling that came into
P lant.
1978-1980 I T T/SSD (Suspension
Systems for Ford
L ayout Technician
Q uality of machined,
stamped pa rts as well
P u rchased par ts.
1976-1978 Tool & Cutter Grinder /
M achinist
M anufactu re of ordinance
p ar ts for the Gov.
M ake and grind cutting tools.