Curriculum Viate
Name: Dr. Dinesh Kumar Upadhyay
Date of birth: 01-07-1979
Nationalit y: Indian
Marital status: Single
Designations in different Institutions/Organizations :
i) Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Manipal College of Medical Scien ces, Pokhara,
Nepal from 7 August, 2003 to 7 August 2006.
ii) Assistant P rof e ss or, Department of Pharm acology, Manipal College of Medical Sciences,
Pokhara, Nepal from 8 August, 2006 to 16 July, 2014.
ii) Chief, Department of Hospital & Clin ical Pharm acy, Manipal Teaching Hospital, Pokhara,
Nepal from 7 August, 2003 to 16 July, 2014 .
iii) Head, Drug Inf ormation & Pharm acovigil ance Center, Manipal T eaching Hospital, Pokhara,
Nepal from 7 August, 2003 to 16 July, 2014.
iv) Member Secretary, Drugs & Therapeutics Committee of Manipal Teaching Hospital, Pokhara,
Nepal from 7 August, 2003 to 16 July 2014.
v) Assistant Director and Associate Professor in Bhagwant Institute of Pharmacy, Bhagwant
Group of Institutions, Muzaffarnagar, Uttar Pradesh, India from 13 Au gust, 2014 to till date.
Contact address
Residence address:
Daya l Ba g, Paliya Purab, Post: Musafirkhan a, Dist: Sultanpur
State: Uttar Pradesh, India. Pin code : 227813
Phone: +91-894*******
E-m ail: dinesh17dec@ ; ialsoe xit1979@gm
Present address: Assistant Director and Associate Professor, B h a g w a n t I n s t i t u t e o f
Pharmacy, Bhagwant Group of Institutions, Bhagwantpuram,
Miliestone, Bijnor-Delhi Highway, Near Ganga Barage, Distt.
Muzaffarnagar, Zip code: 251315, State: Uttar Pradesh, India.
Languages: Known to talk: English, Hindi and Nepali
Kno wn to read: English, Hindi and Nepali
Kno wn to write: English and Hindi
Aca demic Qualifications
C o u rs e Board/ Universit y Passing Year Marks Universiti Sains Mala ysia,
20 1 3 Awarded
PhD in Pharmacy Practice
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia
Manipal Academ y of Highe r
Master of Pharm acy
20 0 3 68 %
Education, Manipal, Ka rnat a ka, I n dia
M.J.P.Rohilkhand Universit y,
Bachelor in Pharmacy 20 0 0 7.26 (DGPA)
Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India /1 0
Note: DGPA= Degree Grade Point A vera ge
1) T raining program in Qualit y Control department at multinational Pharmaceutical
company, Nicholas Piram al India Lim ited, dist, Dhar, Madh ya Pradesh, India and
handled diff erent analytical instrum ents like UV sp ectrophotometry, Inf ra red
spectroscopy, HPLC, HPT LC, Osm olity t esting durin g B. Pharm course . These
instruments we re handled again by m e throughout M. Pharm program very caref ully and
2) Eighteenth national training course on “Rational Use of Drugs” organized b y
International Network f or Rational use of drugs (INRUD) in collaboration with Ministry of
Health Nepal, f rom 15-20 April, 2005 in Kathmandu, Nepal.
1) Registered in Uttar Pradesh Pharmacy Co uncil in India.
Conference s / seminars / W orkshops and Training participation
1) ‘National Seminar on Biotechnolog y Challenges and Prospects ’ organized b y
the laboratory of applied biology held at St. Aloysius Co llege, Ma ngalore, Karnataka,
India, 4-6th January, 2002.
2) W orkshop on ‘Recent Trends in Pharmacogenomics ’ organized b y College of
Pharmaceutical Sciences and Departm ent of Biotechnology, MAHE, Manipal,
Karnataka, India, 11 th – 13th November, 2002.
3) W orkshop on ‘Current Trends in Herbal Drugs and Standardization ’ organized b y
department of Pharmacognosy, Colle ge of Pharmaceutical Sciences, MAHE, Manipal,
Karnataka, India, 24 & 25th January, 2003.
4) ‘Fift y sixth Indian Pharmaceutical Congress ’, December 3 -5, 2004, Science City
Convention Canter, Kolkata, India.
5) ‘Research Methodolog y W orkshop on Social Issues in the Use of Medicine ’
held f rom 21st to 24th December 2008 at the Manipal College of Medical Sciences,
Pokhara, Nepal.
6) ‘National Se minar on Modern Trends in Medical Education ’ organized by
Kathmandu Universit y Medical Journa l (KUMJ) in association wit h Kathmandu Medical
College (K MC) held at Kathmandu, Nepal f rom 30 th January to 1st February 2009.
7) ‘Orienta tion Training on W orld Health Organization Good Manufacturing
Practices (W HO GMP) and Pharmac y Professio nal in Nepal’ organized by School of
Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences, faculty of Sciences and T echnology, Pokhara
Universit y, Kaski Nepa l and Graduates Pharm acists’ Association of Nepal on 24 th & 25th
July 2009 at Lekhnath, Kaski Nepal.
8) ‘Inte rnational Conference on HIV / AIDS in Nepal -2010’ organized b y Depa rtment of
Microbiology, Manipal College of Medical Sciences in association with International AIDS
Conf erence -2010, Vienna, Austria held at Manipal Co llege of Medical Sciences, Pokhara,
Nepal on 3rd & 4th Septem ber 2010.
9) As resource person in ‘National W orkshop on Qualitati ve Research: Research be yo nd
numbers ’ organised by School of Health and Allied Sciences, Pokhara Universit y, Lekhnath,
Kaski district, Nepal on 17 th December 2010.
10) ‘National Pharmacoeconomics Roadshow : Introduction to Pharmacoeconomic
E valuation’ on 15th & 16th December 2012 at the School of Pha rmaceutical Sciences,
Universiti sains Malaysia, Penang, Mala ysia.
11) ‘Medical Teaching Technolog y W orkshop’ organized by Departm ent of
Microbiolo gy f rom 8 July to 14 th Jul y 2013 at Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara,
12) “International Conference on Pharmaceutical Sciences” organized by Division of
Pharmaceutical Sciences on 14th & 15th February 2014 at Shri Guru Ram Rai Institute of
Technology and Sciences, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
Paper/Poster presentations in conferences
1) Arun Shirwaika r, Annie Shirwa ikar, H.N. As watharam, Dinesh Kumar Upadh ya y, Prith wira j
Mohapatra. “Formulation and E valuation of Boswellia serrata Tablets” in 55 th Indian
Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC-2003) in December 2003, Chennai, India.
2) Subish P, Mishra P, Shankar PR, Dubey AK, Upadh ya y DK. “ E valuation of the drug
information services provided b y drug information centre in Manip al Teaching Hospital,
Pokhara, Nepal”. International Sem inar on Pharmacovigilance and Drug Saf ety on 11 -13
December 2003 at JSS college of Pharm acy, Myso re, India.
3) Bista D, Subish P, Upadh ya y DK, Setty “ Impact of educational
M, Mishra P.
inter vention on Inhaler Techniques” in 56 Indian Pharmaceutical Congress on 3 -5
December 2004, Science City Con vention Center, Kolka ta, India.
4) Upadh ya y DK, Shankar PR, Setty M, Bista D, Mishra P. “Performance of Drug
Information Centre in W estern Nepal” in 56 th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress (IPC-2004),
3 -5 December 2004, Science city Convention Center, Kolkata, India.
5) Bista D, Mishra P, Shrestha BM, Subish P, Prabhu S, Upadh ya y DK. “ Spontaneous
reporting of adverse drug reactions in a tertiar y care hospital in Nepal: a surve y”.
International workshop on adverse dru g re action monitoring & 4 th Annual Conf erence of Society
of Pharm acovigilance India on 22-23 January 2005 at MJP Rohilkhand Universit y, Bareilly,
6) Shankar PR, Partha P, Dubey AK, Upadh ya y DK, Mishra P. “Drug utili zation usin g the
defined d aily dose(DDD) concept in medical in -patients” in 37 Annual conf erence of the
Indian Pharmacological Societ y in Januar y, 2005 at Kolkata, West Bengal India.
7) Shankar PR, Mishra P, Subish P, Upadh ya y DK, Dube y AK. “ Drug inf ormation services
in a teaching hospital in W estern Nepal” in 38 th Annual conference of the Indian
Pha rmacological Society, Chennai in December 28 th to 30, 2005.
8) Upadh ya y DK, Subish P, Mishra P, S hankar PR, Alam K, Bhandari RB, Bista D.
“Impact of educational and managerial intervention on impro ving rationa l use of
medicines- results from a tertiar y care teaching hosp ital in Nepal” in Sixth annual
conf erence of Society of Pharm acovigilan ce (India) on 11 th & 12 th November 2006, Kurupanidhi
College of Pha rm acy, Bangalore, India.
9) Upadh ya y DK, Su bish P, Shankar PR, Mishra P. “Know ledge, Attitude and Practice
about Diabetes among diabetes patients in W estern Nepal” in W estern development region
dissem ination wo rkshop on research f indings organize d by Nepal Health Research
Council (NHRC); 10-11 October 2007 at Manipal College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara,
Ne pal.
10) Upadh ya y DK, S ubish P, Mishra P, Shankar PR, Sah AK, Bista D. “Pattern of
potential drug-drug interactions in diabetic Outpatients in a tertiary-care teaching
hospital in Nepal” in W estern development region dissem ination wo rkshop on resea rch
f indings organized b y Nepal Health Research Council (NHRC); 10 -11 October 2007 at Manipal
College of Medical Sciences, Pokhara, Nepal.
11) Dinesh K Upa dh ya y, Subish Palaian, Pran aya Mishra, Pathiyil Ra vi, Anil Kum ar sah,
Durga Bista. “Pattern of Potential drug -drug interactions in diabetis out-patients in a
tertiar y care teaching hospital in Nepal” in Seventh annual conference of society of
pharm acovigilance (India) on 24 th & 25 Novem ber 2007 at National Institute of Medical
Sciences, Jaipur, India.
12) Shankar PR, Upadh ya y DK, Subish P, Bhandari RB, Das B . “ Drug utilization
among elderl y inpa tients in a teaching hospital in W estern Nepal”. in W estern
development region dissem ination workshop on research f indings organized b y Nepal Health
Research Council (NHRC) on 10 -11 October 2007 at Manipal College of Medic al Sciences,
Pokhara, Ne pal.
13) Subish P, Mishra P, Alam K, Upadh ya y DK, Bhandari RB, Bista D. “ Performance of
medication counseling center in a teaching hospital in Nepal”. Sixth IPSF Asia pacif ic
Pharmaceutical Symposium on 18th to 22nd July 2007 organ ized b y t he Department of
Pharmacy, Kathmandu Universit y, Dhulikhel, Nepal.
14) Subish P, Mishra P, Upadh ya y DK, Ala m K. “ Role of Pharmacist in Nepal countr y for
a better health care s ystem”. Sixth IPSF Asia pacif ic Pharmaceutical S ym posium, 18th-22nd
July 2007, organized b y the department of Pharm acy, Kathmandu Universit y, Dhulikhel, Nepal.
15) U p a d h y a y D K, M o h a m e d I z h a m M I, M i s h r a P, A l u r k a r V M . “ I m p a c t o f
pharmacist led intervention in improving health -re lated quality of l i f e
(HRQoL) of new ly diagnosed diabetes mellitus patients in a tertiary care
teaching hospital in Nepal” . International Confere nce on P ha r m a ceu tic a l
S c i e n c e s h e l d o n 1 4 th & 1 5 th F e b r u a r y 2 0 1 4, o r g a n i z e d b y t h e D i v i s i o n of
Pharmaceutical Sciences of Shri Guru Ra m Rai Institute of Technology and
Sciences, Dehradun, Uttarakhand, India.
1 6 ) Ibrahim MIM, Upadhya y DK, Mishra P, Alurkar P. Are patients satisfied with pharmaceutical
care activity? Impact assessment of newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus patients in a ter tiary care
teaching hospital in Nepal. (Poster). 11th International Conference on Urban Health. Manchester,
United Kingdom. March 4-7, 2014.
17) Ibrahim MIM, Upadhya y DK, Mishra P, Alurkar P. Impact assessment of pharmaceutical
care intervention on newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus outpatients in a tertiary care hospital of a
sub metropolitan city of western Nepal. (Poster). 11th International Conference on Urban Health.
Manchester, United Kingdom. March 4 -7, 2014.
Volunteer experience (Certificate of Ap pre ciation)
1) Pulse polio prevention program me in 1998-99 in dist Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, India.
2) Comm unity W ellness Programme on 6 th June 2012 at Jalan Makloom 1 Malaysia
Com m unity Hall, Pualau Pinang, Malaysia.
3) Comm unity W ellness Programme on 30 th Septem ber 2012 at IJM Flat, T aman Sri
Dam ai, Batu Lanchang, Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.
Computer know ledge (Medical)
1. Microm edex electronic database .
2. Me dli ne/Med s cape /Pub m ed / Hi n ari/Els e vie r datab ase/ Science direct database .
3. e -T G electronic data and Several online journals.
Computer know ledge (basic ): Internet, Microsof t word, Microsof t power point,
Microsof t excel, SPSS.
Teac hing and Academic experiences
i) Undergraduate: More than three years teaching e xperience as a Lecturer in
Pharmacology f or undergraduate m edical students (MBBS) at Manipal College of Medical
S ciences, Pokhara, Nepal and continue in the same prof ession as an Ass istant Prof essor
since 8 August, 2006 to 16 July, 2014.
ii) Postgraduate teaching learning program: Guiding MD and MSc pharmacology
students in their teaching learning program and assisting them in their dissertation work
from 2009 to 2014.
iii) Hospital pharmac y acti vi ties: In volved in selection of drugs in the pharm acy, invento ry
c o n t r o l, handling of controlled drugs and, hospital pharm acy and staff management in Manipal
Teaching Hospital from August, 2003 to July 2014 .
iv) Drug Information: Invo lved in drug inf ormation and related activities of the Drug
Inf orm ation Centre, Manipal T eaching Hosp ital, Pokhara and written severa l articles in
Drug Inf orm ation Bulletin, a quarterly pub lication of the Drug Inf orm ation Center and
presently the member of editorial board of drug inf ormation bulletin from August 2003 to July
2014 .
v) Medication counselling and related acti vities: Invo lved in va rious activities of the
m edication counselling centre, Manipal T eaching Hospital with the objectives of im provin g the
services pro vided by the centre . A ct ive l y pa rt icip ated in cou n se llin g a n d e d u cat io n of p a t ient s
suf fe rin g f rom ch ron ic d isea se con d it i ons. Coordinated f ew research programs related to
medication counsellin g.
vi) Ad verse Drug Re action monitoring (Pharmacovigilance): Invo lved in ad ve rse drug
react ion reporting and monitoring at Pharm acovigilance centre at Manipal Teaching Hospital.
vii) Pharmaceutical Care: Involved in variou s pharmaceutical care program in disease
condition like diabetes, asthm a, hypertension etc.
Present area of w ork
Currently working as Assistant Director and Associate Professor in Bhagwant Institute of
Pharmacy, Bhagwant Group of Institutions, Muzaffarnagar, UP, India and teaching Pharmacology
to B. Pharm and M.Pharm students apart from administrative responsibilities.
Resea rch experiences
Conducted/coordinated seve ral research projects in the area of patient counsellin g,
deve lopment of standard treatment guidelines, Hospital pharm acy activitie s, Drug utilization
studies, drug-drug interaction study and pharmaceutical care at Manipal College of Medical
Sciences and Manipal Teaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal .
M y s tud y pro jec ts
Master of Pharmac y: Form ulation and Evaluation of Boswellia serrata tablets f or
its anti- inf lammatory and anti-arthritic activit y.
Doctor of Philosophy: “Im pact assessment of pharmaceutical care intervention on
newl y diagnosed diabetes mellitu s patients in a tertiary ca re hospital of a sub
m etropolitan city of western Nepal”.
Publications (Biomedical journals)
1) Dinesh K Upadh ya y, P.Sub ish, Durga Bista, Kadir Alam, Pranaya Mishra. Eva luation
of the impact of pharm acist provided m edication co unseling in term s of patient perception,
expectation and satisf action with the pharmacists. Journal of Nepal Pharmaceutical Association
2006; 1 (24): 90 -95.
Upadh ya y DK, P Subish, Shankar PR, Mishra P,
2) Sah AK. Prescribing pattern in
diabetic outpatient s in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Nepal. Journal of Clinical and
Diagnostic Resea rch (JCDR) 2007August; 1(4):248-255.
3) D. K. Upadh ya y, S. Palaian, P.V. Kishore, R. Paudel, P.R Shankar, P. Mishra . Drug review-
Pa racetamol. Journal of College of Medical Sciences (JCMS), Nepal 2006; 3(1):24-31.
4) Upadh ya y DK, P Subish, Shankar PR, Mishra P. Price Variation among oral
hypogl ycem ic agents in a teaching hospita l in Nepal. Journal of Nepal Pharmaceutical
Association (JNPA) 2008;25:40 -44.
5) Upadh ya y DK, P Subish, Mishra P, Shankar PR, Sah AK, Bista D. Pattern of
potential drug-dru g interaction in diabetic out-patients in a tertiary c are teaching hospital in
Nepal. MED J MALAYSIA 2007 October; 62 (4):11-12. Also available online at D%20J%20 MALAYSIA %20VOL%2062%20NO%2
04%20OCT %202007 .pdf
6) Upadh ya y DK, P Subish, Shankar PR, Mishra P. Drug Re vie w- T ramadol. Journal of
Institute of Medicine, Nepal, Decem ber, 2006; 28:3 57-61.
7) Upa dh ya y DK, P Subish, Shankar PR, Mishra P. Knowled ge, Attitude and Practice
about Diabetes among diabetes patients in W estern Nepal” Raw al Medical Journal
(RMJ), Pakistan, June 2008; 33(1): 8 -11.
8) Upadh ya y DK, P Subish, Prabhu M, Shankar PR, Mishra P. Drug Re vie w- “Insulin
Glargine: a novel daily insulin preparation”. Journal of Institute of Medicine,
Nepal,2008; 30:1 72 -77
9) Upadh ya y DK, P S ubish, Shankar PR, Mishra P. A f ollow-up study on rational drug
prescribin g and dispensing in outpatients in a tertiary care teaching hospital of W estern
Nepal. Journal of Institute of Medicine, Nepal, 2008; 30 (2):33-38.
10) Dinesh K.U, Moham ed Izham M.I, Alurkar V.M, Pranaya M. Evaluation of the Impact of a
Pharmaceutical Care Program f or Diabetes Patients in Nepal: A Prelim inary Stud y. Indian
Journal of Pharmacy P ractice (IJOPP ) 2011; 4 (4): 49 -61.
11) Dinesh K Upadh ya y, Moham ed Izham M.I, Vijay. M Alurka r, MD, Prana ya Mishra, Subish
Palaian. Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of newly diagnosed diabetes patients-a
baseline study f rom Nepal. International Journal of Pharmacy T eaching and Practice
(IJPTP ), 2012, 3(2), 245-252.
12) Dinesh K Upadh ya y, Moham ed Izham M.I, Vija y. M A lurka r, Pranaya Mishra, Subish
Palaian. Evaluation of knowledge, attitude and practice of newly diagnosed diabetes
patients-a baseline study f rom Nepal, in Journal Watch Section of Public Health
Perspective - the f irst online public health newsletter of Nepal, July 2012;2(7 ):6.
( hall.yo /publication.php )
13) Shankar PR, Dubey AK, Upadh ya y DK, Subish P, Deshpande VY, Mishra P.
Sessions on rational use of m edicines: Student feedback . Pharma cologyon line
(Newsletter), 2007;1:162 -172.
14) Prabhu M K, Mishra P, Subish P, Malhotra A, Sharma P, Upadh ya y DK. Chem ical
Journal of
Pleurodesis Using Powde red T etracycline Tablet f or Recurrent P neumothorax.
Nepal Medical Association, 2004; 43: 322 -32.
15) )PP.R.Shakar, r, .A.KDubub; y;. P. Mis; ra; Upadh ya y,ya .y, ub isS;ub ish; Deshpande . Student
15 .R.Shan nka A K . D eye P Mishra h D. D. Upadh P S P. h V.Y. V.Y.
FDeshpandon Prtudem Stim ulateck LeonninProblemarm aicouoatedA Learning nain based Study.
eedback e . Soble nt Feedba d ar g in Ph St m l l gy: Question ire
Phaamaacology:aAon,uestionnaire56. sed Study. Pharmacy Education, 2004; 2: 51 -
Ph r rm cy Educ ti Q 2004; 2: 51- ba
16) Mishra P, Das RN, Prabhu M, Subish P, Upadhya y DK, Bista D. Vom iting due to
inhaled Iphatropi,um asroRN, .Prourhu l of Pharbish P,raUpadand y esearch, 2005;35(2):165.
16) Mis r ra P D B m ide J ab na M, Su macy P ctice hya R DK, Bista D.
Vom iting due to inhaled Ipratropium Brom ide. Journal of Pharmacy Practice
17) d Mishra rc,, Subish 5(2):Up5.dh ya y DK, Bista D, Alam K, Bhandari R B. Medication
an Resea Ph 2005;3 P, 16 a
Counsellin g Centre in a teaching hospital: experiences f rom western Nepal. (JNMA) J
NepalMishra sP, cSubis5; 44(160adh9a34. K, Bista D, Alam K, Bhandari R B.
17) Med A so, 200 h P, Up ):12 y- y D
Medication Counselling Centre in a teaching hospital: experiences f rom
18) stehanNar al.R,(JNMadhJ a y DK, eSubish c,P, Dubey160):129e34pande VY. Cephalosporin
Up A) yNepal M d Asso 2005; 44( AK, D - sh.
we S rn k ep P
utilization in the inpatient wa rds of a teaching hospital in we stern Nepal. Journal of
Phar mahankar mR,log ypadhDaug DKf,ety,ubish P,(7D507 -508K, Deshpande VY.
18) S coep ide P io U and yr y Sa S 2005;14 ): ubey A
Cephalosporin utilization in the inpatient wa rds of a teaching hospital in
19) stubey AK, Shankar PR,l Upadh yaar macoep idemdo log y. Ginkgo Dilug a -an fety,raisal.
we D ern Nepal. Journa of Ph y D, Deshpan i e VY and b r ob Sa app
200hmandu 507 -508 Medical Journal (2004 ) Vol.2, No. 3, Issue 7, 225 -229.
Kat 5;14(7): University
19) Dubey AK, Shankar PR, Upadh ya y D, Deshpande VY. Ginkgo
biloba -an appraisal. 11
Kathmandu University Medical Journal (2004 ) Vol.2, No. 3, Issue 7, 225 -229.
20) Shankar PR, S Handattu S, Upadh ya y DK, A K Dubey. Effect of an educational
intervention on antimicrobial use patterns in the Dermatology out -patient department.
Journal of the Institute of Medicine, 2004;26(2):14-18.
21) Shankar PR, Kumar P, Rana MS, Partha P, Upadha ya y DK, Dubey AK. Morbidity
prof ile and drug utiliza tion in a sub -health post in W estern Nepal. Calicut Med ical Journal,
22) Shankar P, Pai R, Dube y AK, Upadh ya y D K. Prescribing patterns in the orthopedics
outpatient departm ent in a teaching hospital in P okhara, western Nepal. Kathmandu University
Medical Journal, 2007;5(17):16-21.
23) Shankar PR, Upadh ya y DK. ‘Book Revie w’: Pharm acology by Rang HP, Dale MM,
Ritter JM and Moore PK. Fif th edition Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 2003. Iranian
Journal of Pharmacolo gy and Therapeutics (IJPT). 2005; 4(2): 151.
24) A.A . Shirwa ikar, Annie Shirwaikar, H.N. Aswatha Ram and D.K.Upadh yay. Form ulation and
Evaluation of Bosw ellia serrata T ablets. Indian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences,
2005, 67(4): 427 - 431.
25) Shankar PR, Upadh ya y DK, Sub ish P, Dube y AK, Mishra P. Prescrib in g patterns
among paediatric inpatients in a teaching hospital in W estern Nepal. Singapore Med J,
26) Shankar PR, Sub ish P, Das B, Dubey AK, Upadh ya y DK. Student attitude towards
integrative m edicine in a m edical college in W estern Ne pal. Journal of American Academy of
Integrative Medicine, 2006. (Available on : http://www.aaim /jaaim/jun06/attitude.php )
Shankar PR, Se n PK, Upadh ya y DK, Dubey AK, Subish P. Drug utili zation among
surgical outpatients. Timisaura Medical Journal, 2006;56( 2-3): 230 -234.
28) Shankar PR, Subish P, Upadh ya y DK, Dube y AK, Deshpande VY. Cephalosporin
utilization in the inpatient wards of a teaching hospital in western Nepal. Journal of Institute of
Medicine, 2005; 27:7 -12.
29) P.R.Shankar, D.K.Upadh ya y. Qualit y network f or rational drug m anagement. Journal of
Institute of Medicine, 2006; 28(1):83 .
30) Shankar PR, Subish P, Mishra P, Upadh ya y DK. Ne wer antibiotics. Raw al Medical Journal,
2006; 31(2):85-88
31) Shankar PR, Mishra P, Upadh ya y DK, Lalit M, Subish P, Saha AC. Melatonin, the
hormone of darkness: a ray of hope f or m any disease s. Pharmacologyonline,2006;2:274-289.
32) Pathiyil Ra vi Shankar, Subish Palaian, Dinesh Kumar Upa dh ya y, Arun Kum ar Dubey,
Vibha vri Deshpande, Shivananda Padavagodu Ganapathi -Bhat. Antibiotic Resistance and
strategies f or prevention in Nepal and South Asia. Pharmacologyonline,2006;3: 135 -145.
33) Shankar PR, Dubey AK, Upadh ya y DK, Subish P, Alwar MC. Educational sessions on
assessing rationality of prescriptions: student feedback. Pharmacy Education,2006;6(3):191-
34) P. Ra vi Shankar, Arun K. Dubey, P. Subish, Dinesh K. Upadh ya y. Med ical Students’
Attitudes Towards and Perception of the Bas ic Sciences in a Medical College in W estern
Nepal. The journal of the International Association of Medical Scien ce Educators (JIAMSE),
2007 ;17 (1): 85 -92.
35) P.Ra vi Shankar, Dinesh K. Upadh ya y, Prana ya Mish ra, P. Subish, Arun K. Dubey,
Archana C. Saha. F luoroquinolone utilization among inpatients in a teaching hospital in
W estern Nepal. Journal of Pakistan Medical Association, 2007;57:78-81.
36) Shankar PR, Mishra P, Subish P, Upadhya y DK. T he drug inf orm ation centre at the Manipal
T eaching Hospital-Goin g be yond drug inf ormation. Drug Information Journal, 2007;41:761-
37) P. R. Shankar, P. Subish, A. K. Dubey, P. Mishra, DK. Upadh ya y. Surgical antibiotic
prophyla xis in a teaching hospital in W estern Nepal. Journal of Institute of Medicine,
2007;29(1): 41-47.
38) Shankar PR, Mishra P, Subish P, Upadh ya y DK. Can drug utilization help in promoting
the m ore rational use of medicine? Experiences f rom W estern Nepal. Pak J Pharm S ci.,
2007; 20(3):243 -48.
39) Shankar PR, Dubey AK, Upadh ya y DK, Subish P, Mishra P. Science a ttitudes and
knowledge am ong preclinical m edical students in Pokhara, Nepal. Coll Antropol.,2007 ;31(3):667-
40) Durga Bista, P. Subish, Dinesh K. Upa dh ya y, Prana ya Mishra. Im pact Of Educational
Intervention On Inhaler T echniques: A Pilot Study .The Internet Journal of Pharmacology,
2007; 5(1).
41) Shankar PR, Partha P, Dubey AK, Upadh ya y D, Mish ra P. Drug utilization in medical
inpatients. Journal of Nepal Health Re search Council, 2006;4:56 -62.
42) Shankar PR, Dubey AK, Mishra P, Upadh ya y DK. Readin g habits and attitude towards
m edical humanities of basic science students in a medical college in W estern Nepal.
Teaching and Learning in Medicine (Teach Learn Med.), 2008; 20(4):308–13.
43) Shankar PR, Upadh ya y DK, Subish P, Bhandari RB, Das B. Dru g utilization among
geriatric inpatients in a teach ing hospital in W estern Nepal. Singapore Med J, 2010;51(1):28.
44) Sharma S, Khanal A, Poudel B, Sharm a R, Srivasta v S, P a rajuli K, Upadh ya y DK.
Kno wledge, Attitude and Practice outcom es: An effect of pharmacist pro vided counselling in
hype rtensive patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital in western Nepal. International
Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 2010;2(2):583-587.
Manuscript under re view
1) Dinesh Kumar Upadhya y, Moham ed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim, Prana ya Mishra and Vijay M
Alurkar. “A non-clinical randomized controlled trial to determ ine the im pact of pharm aceutical care
intervention on health -related quality of life of newly diagnos ed diabetes patients in a
tertiary care teachin g hospital in Nepal”. He a lt h E x p e c t a t io n, 2014.
2) Dinesh Kumar Upadhya y, Moham ed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim, Prana ya Mish ra and Vija y M
Alurka r. “Im pact assessment of pharm aceutical ca re intervention on satisf action level of newl y
diagnosed diabetes patients in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Nepal: a non-
clinical random ised controlled trial”. Internation al Journal of Clinical Pharmacy, 2014.
List of book s / leaflets
1) Upadh ya y DK, Izh am M, Subish P, Mishra P, Alurkar V M. Diabetes Mellitus: An
inf ormatio n booklet for diabetes patients - A publication of Medication Counselling Centre (Unit
of Drug Inf ormation Centre), Manipal T eaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal, 2008.
2) Khanal A, Poudel B, Sharma R, Srivast a va S, Sharm a S, Upadh ya y DK, Pala ian S, Alurkar
VM. Hypertension: An inf ormation booklet for hypertensive patients- A publication of Drug
Inf ormation and Pharmacovigilance Centre, Manipal T eaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal, 2009.
Other publications (Bulleti ns)
W ritten several article s in Drug Inf ormation Bulletin, a quarterly publication of the Drug
Inf orm ation Centre, Manipal T eaching Hospital, Pokhara, Nepal in collaboration with United
States Pharmacopoeia drug quality & inf orm ation (USPDQI) and United St ate Agency f or
inf ormation & development (USAID).
1) In Com plementary Medicine s e c t i o n “ -Boswellic acid in the treatment of Rheum atoid
arthritis” in Drug inf ormation bulletin, 2003;1(1):7.
2) In Com plem entary Medicine section “Herbal Galactagogues ” in Drug info rmation
bulletin, 2004;2(1):7.
3) Drug prof ile of “Cefpirome” in Drug inf orm ation bulletin, 2004;2(2):14-15.
“ Are herbal drugs free from drug
4) In Com plementary Medicine section
interaction ?” in Drug inf ormation bulletin, 2004;2(3):13-14.
5) In Complem entary Medicine section “Therapeutic potential of Karela ” (Bitter ground)
in Drug inf ormation bulletin, 2005;3(3):15.
6) In Complem entary Me dicine section “Therapeutic uses of Turmeric ” in Drug inf ormation
bulletin, 2006;4(2):14-15.
7) In Com plementary Medicine section “Natural laxative and pur gati ves: an overview ” in
Drug inf ormation bulletin, 2006;4(3):13-14.
8) Drug prof ile of “Letrozole” in Drug info rmation bulletin, 2007;5(1):14-15.
1. Late Shri. Ishwar N. Hukkeri Award for the Best Paper in Pharmacy Practice (Clinical
Pharmacy section) entitled "Evaluation of the Impact of a Pharmaceutical Care Program
for Diabetes Patients in Nepal: A Preliminary Stud y" for the year 2011.
Supervised B. Pharm final year students of Pokhara University, Pokhara, Nepal for their project
work entitled “Knowledge, Attitude and Practice outcomes: An effect of pharmacist
provided counselling in hype rtensi ve patients in a tertiar y care teaching hospital in
western Nepal” in 2010.
Appointed as external examiner for undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy program.
Undergraduate (Bachelor in Pharmacy):
1. External examiner for the Instrumental Analysis and Quality Assurance (Lab-2) practical exam of
Bachelor of Pharmacy in Faculty of Science and Technology, Pokhara, University on 12 January,
2. External examiner for Pharmaceutical Laboratory-17 (Cosmetology) practical exam of fourth year
student of Bachelor of Pharmacy in Faculty of Science and Technology, Pokhara University on 12
June, 2011.
3. External examiner for Bachelor of Pharmacy thesis entitled “Antiulcerogenic