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RN clinical manager

Bellingham, WA
August 24, 2014

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W axhaw, NC. 28173

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R egistered Nurse, BSN

C urrently working a s C linical M an ager in home care, p roviding a ssistive c are a nd a dult

s killed nursing s ervices . T his i ncludes providing p rivate duty nursing fo r c lients w ith

o ngoing c omplex, high - tec h t racheostomy a nd v entilator c are . C lients with c hronic illness

s uch as ALS, C VA, a s well as s pinal cord and traumatic brain i njury, and o ther d isabilit ies.

C urrent duties i nclude s k illed and non - skilled c linical o versight a nd client case

m anagement, c oordinating services, c onduct ing client assessments and completing t he

c are planning process. U nderstanding and w orking w ith a variety of r eimbursement s ources

s uch as M edicaid p rograms a nd insurance. A dditional responsibilities i nclude leading f ield

s taff in deliv er ing excellent client s ervice and c linica l care, e nsuring compliance with

p olicies and procedures, s taff e ducation and d evelopment, a nd e valuation .

E xperience in patient education with good communication skills and experience with

p atients from a variety of cultural and socioeconomi c backgrounds, and able to converse in

S panish with a knowledge of medical terminology.

P revious experience includes 1 0 years practical e xperience in medical - surgical a nd CCU

n ursing in acute care hospital .


B oard Examination 1 986

L icense, State of Washington 1 986

L icense, State of North Carolina 2 007


B achelor Degree in Nursing M ay 1986

W SU Intercolleg iate College of Nursing

2 917 West Fort George Wright Drive

S pokane, Washington 9 9224 - 5291

C harlotte AHEC C ompleted December 2007

N urse Refresher Program


C linical M anager J anuary 2 011 - Present

F ield Staff Nurse J uly 2011 – D ecember 2 011

B ayada H ome Heal th Care

1 606 East Roosevelt Blvd, S uite 210

M onroe, NC 28112

7 04 - 289 - 6000

T amie Craddock, Director

7 04 - 295 - 1200, 8 03 - 327 - 8900

M e dical/Surgical and CCU N urse M arch 2008 - S eptember 2011

S prings M emorial Hospital

8 00 W. Meeting Street

L ancaster, SC 2 9720

( 803 - 286 - 1497)

S andra Carpenter, Clinical director

J anet Sanders, Assistant Clinical director

W ycliffe Bible Translator M issionary J uly 2002 – M arch 2008

W ycliffe Bible Translators

P .O. Box 628200

O rlando, FL 32 862 - 8200

M edical/Surgical Nurse J uly 1 991 - J une 1994

S t. Joseph Hospital

2 901 Squalicum Parkway

B ellingham, Washington 98225

3 60 - 734 - 5400

C ross - Cultural Missionary A ugust 1994 – J une 2 002

C hristian Academy of Guatemala S eptember 1989 – J une 1991

G uatemala City, Guatemala, Central America

M edical/Surgical Nurse O ctober 1986 – M ay 1989

S t. Joseph Hospital

2 901 Squalicum Parkway

B ellingham, Washington 98225

3 60 - 734 - 5400


W orked in short term mobile clinics in poverty stricken areas of rural Guatemala,

s pecifically with indigenous populati ons. Clinics provided medical and surgical intervention,

n utrition support as well as optical and dental care for people without resources or

o pportunities. Nursing activities included assessment, triage, assisting physicians, and

p atient teaching concerni ng treatment, medication, nutrition and a variety of health and

h ygiene issues common to poor and indigenous people

D evelopment of a weekly children’s program for street and poor children. This included a

f eeding program providing a nutritious meal, along w ith a Bible lesson, craft and other

a ctivates design to educate. Additionally educated, mentored and developed leadership

s kills with indigenous employees .

E xperienced in activities t hat i nclude assisting to coordinate grant writing and reporting

p rocess. C omp uter proficient in working within Microsoft Word, Excel, Publisher, and

P owerPoint.

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