Software Engineer
Miami FL, 33172
Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science 2000-2005
University of Matanzas
Matanzas, Cuba
Empresa de Proyectos de Arquitectura e Ingenier a (EMPAI)
Dec 2009 - Apr 2014
Matanzas, Cuba
Software Engineer
. Participated in the design and development of .NET web and windows
. Participated in the full software development lifecycle.
. Designed and coded based on specifications and user requirements.
. Maintained and enhanced existing web applications and all internal
systems that are integrated.
. Performed complete testing of web applications unit and system,
engaging users as necessary.
. Conducted all user acceptances testing and reported results.
. Designed and implemented user-driven templates, databases and
interfaces for ease of use.
. Developed database-driven web interfaces for rapid, real-time
information sharing.
. Developed external web portals allowing users to input and retrieve
accurate information.
Technical environment: C#, Net Framework 3.5/4.0, ASP.NET, WCF, Web
Services, JQuery, MS SQL Server 2008 - 2005, MySQL, NHibernate, Entity
Framework, Crystal Reports, JSON, MS Access, Joomla, VMWare, Linux.
Software Engineer Aug 2008 - Aug 2009
Copextel S.A. Matanzas, Cuba
. Designed, programmed, and maintained sales business applications,
databases and servers.
Technical environment: Visual Studio 2005/2008, .NET Framework 2, 3.5,
C#, ASP.NET, Windows Forms ADO.NET, Linq, XML, SQL Server 2000/2005,
HTML, CSS, AJAX, JavaScript, Crystal Reports, JSON, MS Access, MS
SharePoint, ERP Expertise, Pervasive DB, Visual Source Safe.
Networking Professor Aug 2007 - Aug 2008
Polit cnico de Ciencias Inform ticas (IPVCE) Matanzas, Cuba
. Taught networking concepts
. Mentor and tutor for three Technical thesis students
Banco de Cr dito y Comercio (BANDEC) Matanzas, Cuba Aug 2006 -
Aug 2007
Software Engineer
. Designed, programmed, and maintained business applications, databases
and servers.
. Developed information systems for BackOffice, compiling data from
different sources.
. Created web application for report days operations.
. Member of Leader's Expert Group of computer systems.
Technical environment: Visual Studio 2005 MS Office, MS Visio, MS
Project, Rational Rose, C#, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ASP, ASP.NET, Windows
Programming Languages: C#, Object Pascal, Visual Basic.
Technologies: ASP.NET, AJAX, Web Services, JSON, Windows Forms, WCF,
JavaScript, JQuery.
Frameworks: .Net, .Net Compact, Windows API.
IDEs: Visual Studio 2012-2003, Delphi 7-4, Eclipse.
Databases: SQL Server 2008/2005/2000, MySQL.
Methodologies and Modeling Tools: RUP, UML, Rational Rose 2003.
Other Tools: AJAX Control Tool Kit, DEVEXPRESS, MS SQL Profiler, Visual
Source Safe, Mercurial SCM, Code Smith, Microsoft Office Tools.
Excellent debugging skills.
Solid Object Oriented Programming knowledge and experience.
Thorough in the use of design and architectural patterns.
Spanish: Native language
English: Limited working proficiency
French: Basic understanding
Portuguese: Basic spoken; intermediate written