Y IYANG Y UAN **********@****.*** 310-***-**** https://www.linkedin.com/in/yiyangyuan
o 2-year experience with SAS Base, SAS Macro, SAS GRAPH and SAS SQL in statistical
University of California, Los Angeles
programming and data analyses, Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9
Master of Public Health 2012 - 2014
o 1-year experience in geographic data analyses with ArcGIS
Major: Public Health, Epidemiology
o Self-trained in clinical data management in REDCap, programming in R and Python
o Firm knowledge base in study designs, bias analyses and field practices
Honors/Awards: Minority Training
o Abundant hands-on experience in questionnaire design and survey research
Program in Cancer Control Research
o Biological Sciences background, bilingual in Mandarin and English
Fellowship (2014)
East China University of Science and
Certification - SAS Certified Base Programmer for SAS 9 (License BP042691v9)
Bachelor of Science 2008 - 2012
Computer – SAS, ArcGIS, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, EndNote, R, Python, REDCap
Major: Biological Sciences (3.5/4.0)
Biology - Cell Culture, PCR, RT-PCR, SDS-PAGE, Western Blot, ELISA, etc.
Honors/Awards: Shanghai Outstanding
Graduate (2012); National Scholarship
Bruin Biometrics, LLC Consultant Mar. 2014 - June 2014
East China Normal University
Designed data entry tools and conducted dual entry from case report forms (CRFs) with
Associate Degree 2009 - 2012
colleagues for four clinical trials. Ensured quality control through data reconciliation in SAS
Minor: Applied Psychology
with minimal guidance. Documented study files. Programmed in SAS and R. Evaluated and
validated standardized macros. Actively engaged in other office duties.
o Statistical analyses conducted on longitudinal data include Wilcoxon Rank Sum Test, Linear
Epidemiology: Study Design; Prediction
Mixed Models and Type 3 Tests, etc.
and Validity; Analysis Methods;
o Drafted interim report to determine the effect of one potential confounder on the development of
Management of Epidemiological Data;
pressure ulcer
Applied Multivariate Biostatistics;
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health Data Analyst June 2013 - June 2014
Computer Management with Health
Led statistical analyses in innovative survey study Flu Customer Satisfaction Evaluation at
Data in SAS; Adva nced SAS Techniques
its initial phase: conducted systematic literature review, established exploratory model with
for Management and Analysis of
supervisor, interpreted findings from statistical analyses independently to predict potential
Epidemiologic Data
factors influencing people’s flu shot perception and satisfaction. Volunteered in medical
Control of Infectious Disease
chart abstraction at Veterinary Division.
Questionnaire Design and
o Exploratory model is based on Andersen’s Behavioral Model of Health Services Use
Administration; Introduction to GIS
o Programmed in SAS: Logistic Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Factor Analysis
o Drafted one manuscript to be published
University of California, Los Angeles Teaching Assistant Sept. 2013 - Dec. 2013
Public Health Student Association
Led 3 weekly 75-minute discussion and/or review sessions for more than 70 students. Held
(PHSA) at UCLA 2012 - 2014
2 office-hours weekly to tutor and assist students individually or in small groups.
Vice President, Communications
o Prepared review sheets and quizzes to be shared with the entire class before exam
Composed and delivered school-wide
o Complimented by several students as “best TA ever had”
weekly newsletter, What’s Bruin; Edited
One Year in Review video to showcase
the best moments during 2013-2014
Dietary fat intake intervention and breast cancer recurrence: A randomized trial Using Data
school year at the Fielding School of
from Women’s Intervention Nutrition Study (WINS) – Group project
Public Health Annual Banquet
Solved data issues with Multiple Imputation, Principle Component Analysis. Demonstrated that
Member, Survey Committee
fat intake would not have a significant impact on preventing breast cancer recurrence with
Designed, promoted the Annual PHSA
Student Survey for two years; Multiple Linear Regression, Logistic Regression, Survival Analysis. Programmed in SAS.
A Randomized Trial Proposal on MRSA Infection Control in Prison – Group project
presented findings to the Dean;
negotiated with school to establish two Analyzed current obstacles in implementing effective MRSA infection control at County Men’s
“common hour” Central Jail. Designed a hypothetical 4-arm randomized trial to test our intervention method.
Los Angeles County HOLC Maps and Medically Underserved Areas – Group project
PUBLIC HEALTH EXPERIENCE Used ArcGIS to show a correlation between today’s medically underserved areas in Los Angeles
Mobile Clinic Project County and the 1930’s historical redlining maps
Hepatitis B Control in China – Individual project
o Provided health education and hygiene
kits to homeless population on Mobile A paper and presentation to give an overview of the history and current issues in Hepatitis B
Clinic sites Control in China, focused on implementing a more robust surveillance system
o Conducted satisfaction survey and Perceptions and Behaviors During Flu Season in UCLA Students – Individual project
collected data among the homeless Designed questionnaires, interviewed a dozen students, summarized findings in paper
who are receiving care
Study on Domestic Violence and RESEARCH EXPERIENCE
Human Trafficking Virulence Related Functional Genes of Edwardsiella tarda and Vaccine Development Using
o Translated PSA scripts to support the General Process of Reverse Vaccination Apr. 2010 - June 2012
Chinese-speaking women suffering Located two potential genes for vaccine development and measured virulence level
DNA-based Quantitative Detection of Cashmere and Wool Mixture Sept. 2011 - June 2012
from dom estic violence
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank Assisted in sample preparation, in DNA extraction with Promega DNA IQ™ System, and in
o Community service to distribute food RT-PCR data interpretation