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Ph.D Environmental science (climate change)

Mainpuri, UP, 205001, India
August 22, 2014

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Dr. Shalini Chaturvedi

Email: ****************@*****.***

Phone No: +91-941*******

Correspondence Address –

House No. 3/141

Avas Vikas Colony

Distt- Mainpuri – 205001 (U.P.)


Ph.D., Soil carbon sequestration in agro and forest ecosystems,

2011. G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India

Advisor: Dr. (Mrs.) Uma Melkania. Thesis: “Soil carbon stock and

carbon sequestration potential in agro and forest ecosystems in

central Himalayan region of India”. Major: Environmental Science

Minor: Agrometeorology (7.89/10)

M.Sc., Environmental science, 2005. DR. B.R.Ambedkar University,

Agra, India. Advisor: Dr. R. M. Tripathi, Environmental Monitoring and

Analysis section, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Trombay, Mumbai.

Dissertation: “Trace metal analysis in the atmosphere” (65.4/100)

B.Sc., DR. B.R.Ambedkar University, Agra, India, 2003. Majors: Zoology,

Botany, Chemistry (67.5/100)

Intermediate, U.P. board, India, 2000. Chemistry, Physics, Biology,

English, Hindi (56.6/100)

High School, U.P. board, India, 1998. Hindi, English, Maths, Social

Studies, Science, Biology (57.3/100)

National Eligibility Test: Qualified ICAR NET-2013 (Environmental



March 2012- March 2014: Senior Research Fellow at Central Soil and

Water Conservation Research and Training Institute, Dehradun

(Uttarakhand),India in a project entitled “The Assessment of Soil

Erosion through Redistribution analysis of 137 Cs fallout in humid

subtropical region of India” sponsored by Board of Research in

Nuclear Science (BRNS) of Department of Atomic Energy (DAE), BARC,

Mumbai, India

April 2008- March 2011: Senior Research Fellow at G.B. Pant University

of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India in the project entitled

“Carbon sequestration studies and capacity building in forest and

agricultural systems of central Himalayan region of India”

sponsored by Uttarakhand State Council of Science and Technology

(UCOST), India.


Analytical Techniques: CHNS Analyzer (Euro Vector), TOC Analyzer

(SSM-5000A), UV-Vis spectroscopy (Varian 50 Bio), Flame Photometer

(TIMPL).Gamma Spectrometer

Modeling skill: Expertise on modeling turnover of soil organic matter in

forest and agro-ecosystems using process based models (e.g.

Rothamsted Carbon model -26.3)

Statistical tools: Working knowledge with SAS-9.2 software


Journal Articles

Chaturvedi, S., Melkania, U., 2012. Modeling soil organic carbon from

forest ecosystems of mid Himalayas, India. Indian journal of soil

conservation. 40 (3): 225-230

Chaturvedi, S., Melkania, U., 2013. Soil organic carbon stock in mixed

oak and mixed pine forest along an altitudinal gradient in Kumaon

Himalaya. The Indian Forester 139 (3): 218-221

Chaturvedi, S., Patra, S., Mandal, D., Sena, D.R., Mishra P.K. and

Melkania U., 2013. Comparative estimation of litter carbon inputs by two

different modeling approaches in Central Himalayan forests. Indian

journal of soil conservation. 42 (2): 135-142

Published Abstracts

Chaturvedi, S., 2009. Role of geospatial technology with reference to

climate change in agriculture. Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change

with Specific Reference to Mountain Ecosystem, Forest Research Institute,

Dehradun, India. pp. 15-16

Chaturvedi, S. and Melkania, U., 2009. Soil carbon status of agro and

forest ecosystems in Uttari Kosi Watershed in Uttarakhand. 4th

Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, G.B.P.U.A&T.,

Pantnagar, India. pp 235.


International Conference on Cooling The Earth; Tactics for restoring

climate order and saving the living planet at G.B. Pant University of

Agriculture and Technology, Uttarakhand during 15-17 November 2010.

4th Uttarakhand State Science and Technology Congress, 2009 for rural

development, Science and Technology at G.B. Pant University of

Agriculture and Technology, Uttarakhand during 10-12 November 2009.

National Workshop on Climate Change and Himalayan Environment at H.

N. B Garhwal University, Srinagar, Garhwal during 6-7 April, 2009.

Workshop on “Water Summit” sponsored by Technical Education Quality

Improvement Programme (TEQIP) at G.B. Pant University of Agriculture

and Technology, Uttarakhand during 19-21 February 2009.

National Conference on Geomatics and Impact of Climate Change with

Specific Reference to Mountain Ecosystem at Forest Research Institute,

Dehradun during 4-6 Feb, 2009.

Preconference Tutorials on Geomatics in Disaster Management at IIRS

campus, Dehradun during 02-03 Feb, 2009.

International workshop on Climate Change and its Impact on Flora in the

South Asia Region at National Botanical Research Institute Lucknow,

India during 09- 12 March, 2008.

National Conference on Ecosystem Diversity and Carbon Sequestration:

Challenges and a way out for ushering in a sustainable future at G.B.

Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Uttarakhand during 22-

24 March, 2007.


Member: Life member in Indian Association of Soil and Water



Date of Birth -02/06/1984

Sex -Female

Languages Known -Hindi, English

Marital Status -Unmarried


Dr. Uma Melkania Dr. R.K. Srivastava Dr. D. Mandal

Dean & Prof., Deptt. of Assistant Professor, Deptt. Senior Scientist, Soil

Environmental science, of Environmental science Science & Agronomy

Collage of basic science & Collage of basic science & Division

Humanities Humanities Central Soil and Water

G.B. Pant University of G.B. Pant University of Ag Conservation Research

Ag & Tech, Pantnagar – & Tech, Pantnagar – and Training Institute,

263145 Uttarakhand, 263145, Uttarakhand, 218, Kaulagarh Road

India India Dehradun-248195

Mob: +91-941******* Mob: +91-999******* Uttarakhand, India

Fax: +91-059**-***** Email:Rajeevsrivastava08@ Phone No. +91-

Email: 941-***-****

***********@*****.** Email:dmandalcswcrti@

Declaration: The above furnished information is true to the best of my


Shalini Chaturvedi

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