Pothamshetty P rudhviraj
B hongir,Nalgonda
Telangana - 508116
Mobile: +91-994*******
p **************@*****.***
P rofessional Objective
Seeking an Ent ry Level Position with a Progressive Organization that encourages continuous
learning and creativity, providing exposure to new ideas and stimulate both personal and
p rofessional growth.
E ducation
Academic Name of the I nstitution / University % D egree / Course
2010-2014 Anur ag College of Engineering, 73.33 B.Tech in M echanical
H yderabad E ngineering
2008-2010 Na r ayana Junior College, Hyderabad 88.2 I ntermediate (MPC)
2008 A.P.SW.R.School, Bhongir 77.7 Class X
Technical Skills
Design Softwa re’s and Catia, AutoCAD,Basics in Solid Works, Basics in Ansys
Softwa re Ski l ls Windows, MS-Office, C
Academic Projects
• Major Project T itle : E lectric Util ity Vehicle
Team Size: 3
Role: Team Leader
Description: D esigned and M anufactured an E lectric U ti l ity Vehicle, runs on a motor with
t he help of a battery. An a lternative power source is generated from the wind energy using
dynamos and is stored in battery, so that battery is being continuously charged while vehicle is
on road.
• Mini Project T itle : Solar D r iven Water Management System
Team Size: 4
Role: Team Leader
Developed prototype that performs Mu lt itasking operations
Description :
l ike water car rying system, water fi lt r ation system for domestic and
d r ink ing pur poses, renewable power for whole system a nd r ecycling of
sewage water .
• Project titled, “ SOLAR DR IVEN WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM ” got approval from M NRE (M I N ISTRY OF
N EW AND RENEWABLE E NERGY) a nd w as also selected for I I T BOMBAY ’s TECH FEST 2013 for the event
U tkarsh as one of the 13 projects from 6 countries and stood 5 th .
• Participated as a student delegate at the Student Leadership Workshop conducted as a part of “ 42nd I ndi an
Society for Technical Education A NNUAL CONVENT ION ”
• Won First Prize in Technical Paper Presentation Contest at “STUDIOUS-2k12” conducted by Tudi Group of
I nstitutions.
• Stood first in the event of Technical Quiz held at Anurag Group of Institutions
• Pa rt icipated in college level Debate Competitions and stood in Fi rst Pl ace for two consecutive
• Worked as Team Leader for the LEAD I NDIA 20-20 Campaign - 2004 held at A.P.S.W.R.S Sheikpet,
R.R.District .
Workshops/Seminars/Conferences Attended and Organized
• Attended and volunteered “Autofactory’12” - a two day Workshop on Automobile Design and
S imulat ion conducted by MetaWing Enterpr ises in association with SAE I ndi a and SGT
i nternational conducted by Anurag College of Engineering, Hyderabad.
• Attended “Auto Show-2010” at H i tex, Hyderabad
• Attended a Semina r on “CNC M achining” at Anurag College of Engineering, Hyderabad
I ndustrial/ Workshops Visits
• Visited AGI Glass Factory at Bhongir, Na lgonda D istrict, Andhra P radesh
• Visited Vybra I ndustries located at Bibinagar, Na lgonda D istrict, Andhra Pradesh
• Visited Bus Body Unit, Uppal Workshop, Hyderabad
• Visited Yadagi r igutta Bus Depot to study the Bus Repai r ing Mechanisms
Roles and Responsibilities
• Organized and Coordinated Technical Paper Presentations in Texzellenz’12, a N ationa l Level
Technical Fest conducted by Anurag College of Engineering.
• Actively organized Annua l Sports Meet – 2k11 and Annua l Sports Meet-2k12 at Anurag College
of Engineering.
• D isciplina ry and Organizing Committee Head for “Invincible Mech”, a Technical Association
r un by Depa rtment of Mechanical Engineering, Anurag College of Engineering.
• Worked as Class Representative for three academic years
• Team Leader, Nat ional Green Corps at APSWRS, Bhongir, Na lgonda D istrict
Extr a-Cur r icula r Activities
• Participated in Second State Level Inter Engineering College Volleyball Tournament held at Vidya Jyothi
I nstitute of Technology.
• Participated in Division Level Chess Championships held at Bhongir.
Personal Details
Father’s Name : Pothamshetty Pr abhaka r
D ate of Bi rth : 26/09/1992
Age : 21
Gender : M a le
National ity : I ndi an
M a r ita l Status : Unma r r ied
L inguistic Abil ity : English, H indi and Telugu
H obbies : Painting
Declar ation
I hereby affi rm that the information fu rnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and I
a m solely responsible for its accuracy.
D ate: yours faithfully
P l ace: Hyderabad
( Pothamshetty P rudhvi raj)