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Mechanical Assistant

Chelmsford, MA
August 21, 2014

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Steven Zacharski *** Willow Ave. Apt * Somerville, MA 02144

Materials Engineer steven .za ch a rsk i@gma 201-***-****

EIT Lic ens e # ET 011290 (P A )

Qu a l i f i c a t i o n s

Eng ineer wit h st rong back g round in eng ineering mechanics and mat erial science. A dapt ive learner in

mult idisciplinary and dynamic environment s. Hands-on wit h st rong ex periment al and analyt ical sk ills.

Knowledg able in t he desig n, analysis and fabricat ion of fiber reinforced mat erials. Charact erizat ion and mat erial

analysis of polymer and composit es. Team player wit h ex cellent communicat ion sk ills reg ularly int erfacing wit h

t echnical and nont echnical personnel. Successfully able t o balance mult iple project s.

Professiona l Exp erienc e

Mate rials Engine e r February 2011 t o Present

B rooks Automation - Chelmsford, MA

● Provide mat erial science support for all business g roups from development, product ion t o final end use.

● Responsible for mat erial failure invest ig at ions for aut omat ion, vacuum and cryog enic product lines.

A nalysis of met als, plast ics and ceramics for fat ig ue ( mechanical/t hermal), wear, corrosion,

overload, creep, cont aminat ion ( manufact uring -induced and/or out g assing ), embrit t lement .

V alidat e failure root cause t hroug h mat erial charact erizat ion, analysis of product field dat a, st ress

analysis simulat ion and desig n of ex periment s.

Recommend, develop and complet e correct ive act ions plans.

Document and complet e failure analysis report s for cust omers, vendors and/or int ernal g roups.

● Conduct and supervise t est s on raw mat erials and finished product s in order t o ensure t heir fit for use

and qualit y.

● Manag e mat erial select ion for aut omat ion, vacuum, cryog enic and life science business g roups.

A ssess mat erials for mechanical, t hermal, t ribolog ical,, out g assing, dimensional st abilit y, corrosion

propert ies.

Develop and lead qualificat ion t est ing t o prove desig n verificat ion and reliabilit y.

Ensure new mat erials meet RoHS, REA CH and conflict mat erial reg ulat ions and st andards.

● Reg ularly int erface bet ween manufact uring, eng ineering support and cust omers t hroug hout product life


Lead and est ablish collaborat ive and t rust ful environment s t hat ensure successful resolut ions t o

t echnical and non-t echnical challeng es.

Re se arc h Assistant

University of B ritish Columbia - Vancouver, B C A ug ust 2008 t o January 2011

Department of Materials Engineering

● Modeling non-linear behavior of airbag fabrics – Sponsored by TRW A ut omot ive

Development of a const it ut ive mat erial model t hat represent s fabric under deployment lik e

condit ions.

Mechanical evaluat ion of airbag fabrics under various loading condit ions

Implement at ion as an User-Mat erial-Subrout ine int o t he finit e element code LS-DYNA for st ruct ural

analysis of airbag .

● Hemp-fiber nanoclay composit es - Sponsored by Composit es Innovat ion Cent re

Development of t he vacuum resin infusion processing procedures of hemp-fiber/nanoclay

reinforced composit es using soy based polyest er resin and PLA based resin syst ems.

Charact erizat ion of composit es using DSC, TGA and mechanical t est ing .

Re se arc h Assistant

June 2007 t o A ug ust 2007

Florida Atlantic University - Dana B each, FL

Department of Ocean Engineering

● Carbon Fiber/V inyl Est er composit es – Sponsored by NSF/DOD

Independent research of t he use surfact ant s in t he product ion of carbon fiber vinyl est er

composit es.

V A RTM processing and mechanical t est ing of carbon fiber/vinyl est er composit es.

T ec hnic a l Skills

Eng i neeri ng :

Charact erizat ion of Polymers & Met als Mechanics & Processing of Composit es Failure & Fract ure of Mat erials

Desig n of Ex periment s St at ist ical A nalysis ( SPC, GR&R) St ruct ured Problem Solving ( FMEA, 8D, 5W hy) Finit e

Element A nalysis Nondest ruct ive Evaluat ion Nanomat erials & Surface Science Nanofiber Technolog y

L aboratory: Softw are:


Microscopy Mechanical Test ing Met allog raphy LS-DYNA A ut odesk Simulat ion Mult iphysics

A ut odesk Invent or Solidwork s Microsoft Office

Ed uc a tion & T ra ining

T he Unive rsity of British Columbia, V ancouver, BC

MASc in Materials Engineering -2011

Concent rat ion: Fiber reinforced polymer composit es

A wards: SA MPE 2010 Universit y Research Prog ram Finalist, MS Cat ag ory

V illanova Unive rsity, V illanova, PA

B S in Civil & Environmental Engineering - 2008

Concent rat ion: St ruct ural & Mat erials Eng ineering

A wards: Colleg e of Eng ineering Dean’ s A ward for Merit orious Service

Conti nui ng Educati on:

B rooks Automation Six Sigma Green B elt Training

Oct ober 2013

Tribology: Friction, W ear, and Lubrication

MIT Professional Educat ion Short Course - June 2012

Integrated Circuit Fabrication and Yield Control

SUNY A lbany Colleg e of Nanoscale Science & Eng ineering - A pril 2012

Overview of Vacuum Technology - A merican V acuum Societ y

June 2011

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