**** ******** ***** 314-***-**** (Residence) 314-***-****
St. Louis, MO 63129-1567 314-***-****
Apr 2012 - Present
ProEnergy O&M Contract Management - Power Plant Manager (present assignment)
The original assignment at this plant as the Operations and Maintenance Manager began on April 9, 2012. On June
1, 2012 the assignment was changed to Plant Manager, Escanaba, Michigan Municipal Power Plant. The position
reports to the Director of ProEnergy O&M Services in Sedalia, Missouri and to the City of Escanaba, MI Electrical
Advisory Board.
In this current position, it is my responsibility to assure the plant is operated efficiently, effectively and safely and
to act as the primary interface between the City of Escanaba and ProEnergy Services. To date, those obligations
have been completed effectively while making numerous improvements in the plant’s business process
management systems and improvements in the material condition of the plant generating equipment. There have
been no accidents or incidents at the plant and the generating units have been available 100% of the time. The
current position will terminate when the power plant is sold to a new owner. The date of the sale is pending.
Jan 2012
ProEnergy Contract Assignment
This contract assignment was a consulting position for the owners of Prairie State Generating Campus. The 1600
Megawatt Power Plant was under construction and in the process of developing their management plan. During this
period I consulted with their Operations Management Team on numerous subjects and wrote their “Control of
Hazardous Energy, Lock-Out /Tag-Out Program”. Unit 1 was placed in commercial operation and the contracted
consulting work came to an end in January 2012.
AMEREN CORPORATION – St. Louis, Missouri Apr 1972 –
Oct 2008
(Formerly Union Electric Company) Retired: Nov 1, 2008
Director, Business Process Management (2007 – 2008)
Ameren Generation Engineering and Technical Services
This position required the direction of the Company’s due diligence efforts and standard project management
practices during the construction of large capital projects including Scrubbers, Precipitators, and Water Treatment
Plant projects. The Business Process Management Group Developed a detailed “Project Controls Strategic Plan”
for these projects at one of Ameren’s regulated coal-fired power plants in Missouri and at two unregulated coal
fired power plants in Illinois. In addition, the Business Project Management team developed an Operating Model
and Strategic Plan for integration and operation of the new equipment.
Concurrently, the Business Process Management Team developed an initiative to evaluate design configuration and
design basis management of all aging power plants in the Ameren fleet beginning with a single coal fired plant in
the regulated business. Engineering companies submitted proposals and the projects were successfully completed
shortly after my retirement. In this position I reported directly to the Vice-President, Generation Engineering and
Technical Services.
Director – Ameren Combustion Turbine (2005 – 2007)
Co-Generation, Combined Cycle and Power Module Fleet
This assignment required responsibilities associated with the operation, maintenance, and administrative functions
of the Combustion Turbine fleet including budget and manpower management of multiple power plants including
simple cycle combustion turbine-generator plants and a combined cycle power plant in Southern Illinois. In
addition we also managed two co-generation power plants in Illinois providing service to a distillery production
company and to the Caterpillar Plant in Mossberg, Illinois. The entire fleet included a total of 108 generating units
with a total net output of 4920 megawatts operating in the regulated and un-regulated businesses.
During the Combustion Turbine Fleet assignment, we were assigned a key role in the performance of due diligence
and evaluation of maintenance, operations, and annual O&M costs prior to purchase of three combustion turbine
power plants. Ameren purchased Goose Creek and Raccoon Creek plants from Aquila (Illinois) and Purchased
Audrain plant (Missouri) from NRG. A similar review of power plants in Kansas was assigned. The purchase of
these plants was abandoned due to our study of the operations, maintenance and long term viability of the assets.
Other initiatives of note during this period:
Disposed of unproductive power module assets (diesel generating units) to reduce fleet operating and
maintenance costs. Some of the diesel generators were sold to the United States Government to assist in
the recovery efforts following the Hurricane Katrina disaster.
Negotiated new operating contracts for portions of Combustion Turbine Generating Fleet that reduced
Ameren’s fleet operating and maintenance cost by approximately $1 million per year. (ProEnergy Contract
with Ameren)
Split regulated and deregulated combustion turbine-generating sites into separate business units in order to
strictly comply with FERC Code of Conduct Rules regarding disclosure of market sensitive information.
Fully automated all units to be operated centrally and unmanned (when required) from Ameren’s St. Louis
Central Dispatch and Marketing offices. Unregulated sites are operated by Ameren Energy Marketing and
Regulated sites are operated by Ameren’s Energy Supply Operations.
The position reported directly to the Vice-President, Ameren Energy Resources.
Manager, Grand Tower Power Station (2001 – 2004)
Grand Tower Illinois
Assumed the Plant Manager position near the end of construction of a Combined Cycle Power Plant located in
Grand Tower Illinois.
Successfully completed and closed the Grand Tower Plant repowering project. Grand Tower Plant was repowered
as a Combined Cycle Plant utilizing the existing turbines and two SW 501FD2 Combustion Turbines. The power
plant construction project at Grand Tower Plant was severely over budget, poorly supervised, and not able to
operate successfully. Immediate and long term changes included:
Evaluation of construction labor requirements and competency of the construction labor force. Following
the evaluation, contractor labor requirements were reduced significantly and over 100 construction
personnel were removed from the site in three months. Shortly thereafter, all construction personnel were
dismissed and the plant assumed custody and control of the generating assets.
Successful commissioning and commercial operations of the generating units. During the summer of 2002
Grand Tower plant personnel operated the plant continuously for 82 straight days.
In 2003, Grand Tower Power station was ranked #1 combined cycle plant nationwide in all categories as
benchmarked by Navigant, an independent company engaged in plant performance comparisons.
In 2004, reduced operations and maintenance union work force by entering into negotiations with two
separate labor unions and successfully eliminating the presence of entire bargaining unit from Grand Tower
Manager, Venice Power Plant – Venice Illinois (1990 – 2001)
This position required management of plant operations, maintenance and engineering of the Venice Power Plant
Venice Illinois. This plant was a 420 megawatt power plant with eight, coal, oil and natural gas fired boilers and six
turbine generators. The plant went through a number of manpower reductions and operating changes but continued
to operate successfully until 2001 when it was formally retired.
Personally led the team tasked with automating all Power Plant Workman’s Protection requirements in the Ameren
UE Generation Fleet.
Hand-selected a team that in less than six months was able to beta test a new automated Workman’s
Protection System that had direct interface with the existing maintenance management system. The
program continues in use today with countless thousands of man-hours saved in productive time and
improved safety throughout power plant facilities.
The position reported directly to the Vice-President, Ameren/UE Generation.
Facilitator, Quality Improvement Process (1989 – 1990)
Ameren Generation
Developed and personally led 25 Quality Management Teams within UE Generation to identify and improve
quality of service and production within power plants.
This position reported to the Senior Vice-President Ameren UE Power Operations
Venice Power Plant – Venice, Illinois (1972 – 1989)
Operations & Maintenance – Roles & Responsibilities
Plant Manager
Superintendent of Operations
Assistant Superintendent of Operations
Station Supervisor
Boiler Room Foreman
Boiler Operator
Assistant Boiler Operator
ID and FD Fan Tender
Mill Tender
Ash Handler
Building Mechanic Helper
In connection with this work held a Stationary Engineers certificate in Madison County Illinois.
Diploma: Bayless High School – St. Louis, Missouri
General Studies: St. Louis Community College – Kirkwood, Missouri
Basic Training – Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri
Advance Infantry Training – Fort Ord, California
Special Ammunition Support Command – United States Army Infantry
Phillipsburg, Germany – 1968-1972
Attended Non-Commissioned Officers Academy in Heidelberg, Germany, graduating first in class status. Shortly
thereafter attained the rank of was E5, a leadership position.
During the course of my duty with the United States Army in Germany, qualified for and was granted a Top Secret
security clearance by the United States Government. The specifics of this duty are still classified but included
control of classified documents, custodial management of special weapons and related controlled documentation.
• Dimensional Management Practices
• Covey 7 Habits
• Daryl Conner “Managing at the Speed of Change” This was a three day session conducted with Dr. Connor
in Atlanta Georgia. Change management training
• Hoshin Strategic Planning
• Quality Management Training Edwards Deming / J.M. Juran
• OSHA Annual Training
• Business Process Management including cause and effect analysis and business process flow management