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Manager Oracle

Chicago, IL
August 20, 2014

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M u r a r i Meesala

Oracle DBA


mur a r i.ora83@gmai

Summa ry:

Over 8+ years of experience as an Oracle D atabase Administrator having hands

on experience in d atabase administration and performed different tasks like

i nstallation, configuration, upgrades, patches, pe rformance tuning,

b ackup and recovery, production support, cloning, space management,

d atabase security.

● Experience in Installation, Configuration and Monitoring of Oracle Server on

U N IX, L inux, AIX and Windows Environments.

● Experience in Installation of O racle Real Application Cluster (RAC) w ith ASM

and manage RAC instances using CRSCTL and SRVCTL Utili ty.

● M igrating databases to Oracle Exadata Database Machine for different

c lients

● Analyzing database performance and tuning database on Oracle Exadata

using Real Application Testing (RAT)

● I nstalling, configuring and maintaining Ente rp r ise Manager Cloud

Cont rol to monitor and manage Exadata and regula r databases.

● Configuring and implementing Oracle ASM on U N IX, L inux, and Windows

p latforms.

● Configure high availability systems like Data Guard and R AC environments.

● Installation, Configuration and Maintenance of L ogical/Physical standby

d atabases i n D ataguard.

● Experience in Implementing BACKUP and R ECOVERY s trategies using R MAN .

● Providing DBA support to multiple Cluster, Non Cluster and ASM Database in

p roduction, development and Testing Servers in UN IX, AIX & Windows

E nvironments.

● Installation and configuration of R ecovery Catalog for multiple Databases.

● Experience in taking logical backup of the database using D ATAPU MP

( Expdp/Impdp).

● Experience in O racle Patching for 9i, 10G and 11G.

● Experience in SQL tuning using E xplain Plans, H ints and developing ad-hoc


● Experience in P erformance T uning for better performance.

● Configuring O racle Golden Gate for replications.

● Configured multiple database instances using a single ASM instance .

● Experience working with I B M-T IVOL I.

● Implemented R MAN backups t hrough T IVOL I.

● Having Experience in MS SQL Server database Administration..

● Generate and interpret A utomatic Workload Repository (AWR), Active Session

H istory (ASH) and A utomatic Database D iagnostic Monitor (ADDM) reports.

● Experience in performing database related activities using O racle Enterp r ise

M anager Grid (OE M Grid) .

● Experience in U N IX Bash Shell Scripting .

Technical Skills:

Databases : Oracle 11gR2, 10g, 9i, SQL Server 2005 and 2008

Oracle P roducts : Oracle10g (Grid Control), OEM (Oracle Enterprise

Manager), RMAN,OEM 12C, SQL* Loader, Import

and Export



A nd SQL * Net.

Operating System : RHEL 4, RHEL 5, OEL 4, WIN

N T/2003/2008, Solaris 10,

H P-UX I tanium, IBM AIX

Languages : SQL, PL/SQL, UN IX Shell Scripting.

O ther Tools : TOAD, Putty, SQL Developer, Erwin.

Client: E MC-PNC, Chicago, I llinois J uly

2013 – Till date

R ole: Oracle DBA


● I nstallation, Configuration and maintenance of O racle11g database on UN IX.

● Maintain and followup on Oracle RMAN (Recovery Manager) of hot backup issues

using TSM/Tivoli and Networker/Legato based backup systems.

● Involved in the implementation of New Avamar backup project involving

i nfrastructure and newly developed scripted backup/ restore methods using dynamic

features of the Oracle recovery manager and D ata Boost technologies.

● 24 X 7 P roduction d atabase administration, support and monitoring to

ensure Proactive problem recognition and resolution of database issues.

● Expertise in handling and O racle Ente rp r ise Manager on daily basis observing

t he p erformance of the production database using OE M .

● Configured and installed standalone DR servers on ASM (RAC One Node).

● Applied patches to Oracle Databases using O patch utility and upgraded

databases manually.

● Implemented U p-gradation of databases f rom 10.2.0.x to 11.2.0.x.

● Created databases in R AC envi ronment using DBCA and involved in moving

databases from N ON ASM to ASM environment.

● Involved in m igrating H P-Unix databases from 10g/11g to 11gR2 Red hat-


● Involved in configuration of parameter files for extract process i n p r ima ry

and r eplica process i n standby using Golden Gate .

● Installed Golden Gate for replication of d atabase on 11gR2 RAC environment. .

● Implemented D isaster Recovery (DR) and HA using R AC and Data Guard.

● Configured parameters for the B i-di rectional replication using Golden-Gate .

● Extensively implemented and used 11gR2 Data-guard new featu res.

● Implemented D isaster recovery for production databases using D ata guard .

● Have hands on experience in creating p hysical standby databases, and involved in

converting physical to snapshot standby, and also Active Data-guard .

● Configured D ata guard-broker and involved in r egistering of databases in

D ata guard broker using utili ty D G MGR L .

● Involved in creating l isteners and T NS manually in D ata-guard Envi ronment .

● Extensively used d ata-pump at schema level and Database level for moving

d ata f rom Solaris to L inux du r ing migration

● Performed d atabase refresh f rom production to test/dev environment in both R AC

a nd NON RAC environment using R MA N.

● configured and implemented B ackup & Recovery p rocedures using R MAN .

● Performed B lock Recovery, data file recovery a nd T uned R MAN for better

p erformance.

● Troubleshooting R MAN whenever backup is failed and r esolved issues.

● Configured R MA N retention policy, archive log deletion policy for Production


● Maintained catalog server and registered databases i n catalog server . .

● Involved in Management of schemas, objects par titioning the tables &

i ndexes.

● Performed D atabase refresh using R MAN active cloning and data-pump.

● Responsible for setting and managing user accounts, Granting required privileges

to users.

● Perform other regular D BA activities i ncluding space management and

p erformance marketing.

● Granted and R evoked user privileges and r oles as per requirement and killed

b locking session and performed database refresh from P roduction to test

environment using R MAN cloning and Exports and imports.

● Creating the d atabase, table spaces, tables, indexes, settings privileges and

user logins for prod/dev/test databases and Involved in gathering requi rements

f rom end users.

● Estimated growth of d atabase size by detail analysis of the company's future

policies and generating repor ts for the m anagement to act in advance .

● Performed Oracle Database m onitoring, t roubleshoot and resolved t he issues.

● Extensive Performance Tuning, M emory (SGA) T uning, N et backup, R A I D,

RAW Devices.

● Recovery of D atabase (Recovering from Media Failu re, Recovering tables

d ropped accidentally, Recovering data files, Recovering from Block

Cor ruption ).

● Taking p eriodic Backup of the D atabase and the softwa re using R MAN and

supporting V ER I TAS Net-backup Team.

● Involved in Writing S QL scripts to monitor table space and extent growth.

● Involved in SQL tuning by generating explain plan, ADD M, AWR and TKPROF .

● Involved in P erformance tuning which includes creating indexes, analyze,

explain plan, optimizer hints.

● Provided support to Application Database Administrators i n d esigning the

d atabase.

Environment:Oracle 10g, 11g, SQL, Oracle Grid Control, Oracle Enterprise

M anager, RAC Database Control, TOAD, OEM 12c, ASM, AIX, Goldengate, Tivoli,

Avamar, Data Boost

Client: Avanade, Chicago, I llinois A pr 2013

– J un 2013

R ole: Oracle/MS-SQL DBA


● I nstallation, Configuration and maintenance of O racle11g database on UN IX.

● I nstallation, Configuration of MSSQLSERVER 2008 on Windows 2008R2


● I nstallation, Configuration of Oracle Goldengate on UN IX and Windows


● I mplemented I n i tail load and Change Data Capture from Oracle 8i to


● Responsible for creating a better plan for upgrading oracle forms 6i to updated


● Involved in requirement gathering meetings, brainstorming sessions and detailed

design meets.

● Worked through all the project life cycle SDLC

Environment : O racle 8i, 11g, SQL, Oracle Enterprise Manager, ASM, AIX,

GoldenGate, MSSQL server 2008, Oracle forms/reports 6i, TOAD, OEM 12c,

ASM, AIX, Goldengate, Tivoli

Client: E nterprise, St.Louis, Missouri Nov 2012

– A pr 2013

R ole: Oracle DBA


● I nstallation, configuration and maintenance of O racle 10g and 11g database

on AIX.

● Monitoring Day-to-Day Backups, Log’s & recovering t hem as per the


● Successfully implemented B ackup & Recovery using R MA N, Hot and Cold

b ackups.

● Taking the R MAN incremental and cumulative backups.

● Scheduling the databases backup using C ron tab.

● Implemented D ata Guard w ith m aximum availability, protection and

p erformance configurations and worked with D ata Guard Fail over and

S witch over cases.

● Monitoring the O racle I nstances, Users, Tables, Tablespaces, Memory

structu res, and Rollback segments, Redo logs, Archived Redo logs and

A lerts.

● Creation of Users and granting them the required R oles and P r ivileges


● Involvement in space management, rectification of lock problems, managed

q uotas.

● Configuration of L istener and Net Service names using N E TCA.

● Created, monitoring database objects like T ables, I ndexes, Views, Users, and

D B Lin ks etc.

● Migrated databases from filesystem to ASM using R MAN .

● Cloned schemas, objects and data on new server using D ata pump .

● Responsible for capacity planning, recovery planning and installing patches

● Conducted t ime to t ime analysis and monitoring of the software and hardware

requirements and act accordingly.

● Configured D atagaurd for disaster recovery purposes.

● Installed 12c agents on hosts and d iscovered ta rgets.

● C reated new G roups, Templates, I ncident Rule sets i n O E M 12C .

● Configured new T h resholds for M et r ics.

● Automated gather stas as a c loud job i n O E M 12c.

● Shell script to a djust dblinks a fter database refresh from prod to dev.

● Shell script to change d b user passwords a fter refresh from prod to dev.

● Designed and tested p atching t hrough O E M 12C.

● Configured and implemented O racle Golden Gate replication.

Environment :Oracle 10g, 11g, SQL, Oracle Grid Control, Oracle Enterprise

M anager Database Control, TOAD, OEM 12c, ASM, AIX, Goldengate, Tivoli

Client: Vanguard, Malvern, PA Jan 2012 – Nov


R ole: Oracle DBA


● I nstallation, configuration and maintenance of O racle 10g and 11g database

on OEL.

● Involved in construction of D R sites for all the Production databases.

● Involved with installation and maintenance of O RACLE RAC for high availability.

● Upgraded the O racle 10g database to 11g version and also applied p atch set and

i nter im patches w henever required to make the database software up to date.

● Monitoring Day-to-Day Backups, Log’s & recovering t hem as per the


● Successfully implemented B ackup & Recovery using R MA N, Hot and Cold

b ackups.

● Taking the R MAN incremental and cumulative backups.

● Scheduling the databases backup using C ron tab and VER I TAS net backup.

● Extensive experience in R MAN recovery in RAC and stand alone database.

● Created a C lone Database using R MAN on remote Server and used S RVCTL

commands for Real Application Cluster (RAC) Databases.

● Implemented D ata Guard w ith m aximum availability, protection and

p erformance configurations and worked with D ata Guard Fail over and

S witch over cases a t the times of up gradation and migration.

● Monitoring the O racle I nstances, Users, Tables, Tablespaces, Memory

structu res, and Rollback segments, Redo logs, Archived Redo logs and

A lerts.

● Creation of Users and granting them the required R oles and P r ivileges


● Involvement in space management, rectification of lock problems, managed

q uotas.

● Configuration of L istener and Net Service names using N E TCA.

● Created, monitoring database objects like T ables, I ndexes, Views, Users, and

D B Lin ks etc.

● Cloned schemas, objects and data on new server using D ata pump .

● Responsible for capacity planning, recovery planning and installing patches

● Worked extensively on monitoring 10G grid control database, configuration of error

notifications, installing listeners, and adding them to the grid control.

● Conducted t ime to t ime analysis and monitoring of the software and hardware

requirements and act accordingly.

Environment:Oracle 10g, 11g, SQL, Oracle Grid Control, Oracle Enterprise

M anager Database Control, TOAD, SQL Developer, SQL* Loader, Red Hat

E nterprise Linux, ASM.

AAA I nsurance, M t.laurel N J J an 2011– Dec 2011

Role: Oracle DBA


● Involved in monitoring the Database related activities using Oracle Enterprise

M anager 11g Grid Control (OE M Grid ) and monitoring the backup jobs scheduled

i n OEM Grid.

● Performed configuration of Oracle ASM on H P-UX, R H E L .

● Performed Installation, Configuration and Monitoring of Oracle 11gR2, 11gR1, 10g

on U N IX, L inux AIX, H P-UX and W indows environments.

● Installed, configured and monitored O racle RAC11gR2 and 10gwith ASM.

● Configured and implemented Oracle 11gR2 Data Guard for Database disaster


● Performed oracle Database data refreshes using export/import f rom production to

test Servers.

● Involved in performance tuning by general health checks and maintenance for

Database using AWR and A DD M reports by finding wait events.

● Performed logical backup of the database and Schemas using D ATAPU MP

( Expdp/Impdp ) as per the requirement.

● M igration of databases from MS SQL server 2008 and O racle 11g.

● Involved in implementation and support of 10g and 11g migrations and

u pgrades f rom Oracle 9i and 10g databases on HP-UX and L inux.

● Involved in applying C PU and P SU patches for Oracle Server.

● Involved in wri ting U N IX Shell Scripts for maintains tasks for oracle database.

● Worked on Data modeling Using Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler.

● Configured and implemented O racle Golden Gate replication.

● Involved in P L SQL programming and Performance tuning for oracle Database by

generating AWR and A DD M r eports

● Performed Database activities using In tegrated Development tools like S QL

D eveloper and T OAD .


Oracle 10g/11g, Linux, SQL Server 2008, Oracle Enterprise Manager Database

Control, RDBMS, TOAD, PL/SQL, Shell Scripting, ASM, Data guard.

TCF Bank Wayzata, M N N ov 2008

– D ec 2010

Role: Oracle DBA


● Configuration and maintenance of a T wo node RAC on O racle 10g.

● Configuration of ASM w ith n ormal and e xternal redundancy.

● Responsible for p lanning, testing and i mplementing different backup and

r ecovery strategies.

● Responsible for scheduling backups.

● Taking I ncremental backup using R MAN.

● Alert monitoring and T icketing.

● Performing a nalysis and d iagnosis of database performance statistics.

● T uning performance using A dvisors, AWR, ADD M, SQL tuning etc.

● Performing O nline and O ffline backups w ith RMAN as well as User managed.

● I nstallation of O racle 10g on R H E L 4.

● Used S hell Scripting to backup database.

● Physical and logical d ata modeling using E r w in tool.

● Responsible for g ranting required p rivileges and r oles to users.

● T uning SQL queries w hen the performance is poor .

● Restoration of p urged tables using F lashback.

● Implementation of l ogical backups using L og M iner.

● Upgrading databases f rom to using P atch sets.

● Scheduling Oracle Jobs in the database.

● Implemented Point in time recovery using R MA N.

● Responsible for Space m anagement.

● Responsible to provide 24 x 7 database administrative activities over

d ifferent database servers .


Oracle, Linux, Solaris 10,Window 2003, Oracle

E nterprise Manager Database Control, RDBMS, TOAD, PL/SQL, Shell

Scripting, ASM, Data guard.

Cigna Healthcare, Sunrise, F L Nov 2007 -

Oct 2008

Role: Oracle DBA

● In charge of maintaining DPH and EPA Production and Development Oracle


● Managed and monitored the O racle Real Application Cluster (2 node


● Supporting more than 125 production and development databases

● Created and maintained f ailover logical standby database.

● Migrated databases from 10g to 11g using t ransportable table space and data pump.

● Using Oracle D ata-Pump for export and import.

● Involved in m igration of databases from standalone (ASM) to cluster

E nvironment.

● Using Automatic Shared Memory Management ( ASM M) for optimal use of

available SGA memory.

● Maintained catalog server.

● Using SQL Tuning Advisor and SQL Access Advisor to fix the SQL

s tatements.

● Installed and configured O racle Enterp r ise Manager 10g Grid Control.

● Worked on P erformance Tuning Oracle D BA (11g &10g) on Solaris 10,

A IX 5.2.

● Installed and u pgraded O racle database to

● Developed a bunch of I ndex monitoring scripts i n order to sort out the unused

space occupied in table spaces.

● Implemented advanced features of O racle 10g such as A utomatic Database

D iagnostic Monitor ( ADD M), A utomatic Workload Repository (AWR) for

monitoring database performance. Modified and updated the P erformance

t uning scripts.

● Tested database performance issues (monitoring and tuning) to ensure database


● Performed T uning, coding and M onitoring for O racle R eal Application

C lusters (RAC) n odes, P roduction Standalone Servers via T oad .

● Creation of materialized views and fine-tuned them for better performance.

● I nvolved i n Oracle Golden Gate configuration and t roubleshooting

● Working Experience with latest T OAD having new features like PLSQL & SQL

Script Debugger, Database Health Checkup, ASM Manager, Diagnose Extents,

Segment Advisor, SGA Trace, Query Builder.

● Tuning SQL statements using E xplain Plan and S TATSPACK .

● Modified SQL*Loader control scripts for example to eliminate spaces

generally used for data loading.

● Created b it-map I ndexes for d ata wa rehouse databases.

● Configured P hysical and L ogical Standby database for reporting


● Performed administrative maintenance, monitoring on O racle database systems

i n a global 24x7 operational environment.


O racle 11g/10g RAC on Solaris/Linux, RMAN, Data Guard, UN IX Shell Scripting,

Quest Performance Analysis, Quest Space Management tool, DB Artisan, Toad,

P L/SQL Developer, OEM, Windows NT/XP.

BSNL Telecommunications, H yderabad, I ndia M ay

2006 – Oct 2007

Role: Oracle DBA


● Provide backup/recovery, problem diagnosis, performance tuning, data

reorganization and database upgrade support for approximately 40

O racle databases.

● Installed, configured and maintained O racle 10g R eal Application Cluster

( RAC).

● Installation and maintenance of O racle 10g D ata Guard for Database

D isaster Recovery.

● Involved in backup and recovery using RMAN.

● Providing technical support to Application Support team for performance and

database related issues.

● Performed Logical backup using and full/partial export/import and D ata

P ump .

● Database Restore using R MAN, Cold Backup and Export/ Import.

● Responsible for planning, testing and implementing different b ackup and

r ecovery strategies.

● Creating and managing the database objects such as tables, indexes and

v iews.

● Table Partitioning, creating Index Organized tables, Creating Locally

managed Table spaces.

● Responsible in configuring and backing up database using h ot backups,

Cold backups and L ogical backups.

● M ig ration / Up-gradations of Databases.

● Patched O racle Database Server 10g using O patch .

● Implemented scripts for daily monitoring like d b status, no of extents, free

space etc.

● Upgrading/migrating O racle databases from 8i/9i to 10g.

● Performance tuning on production databases supporting the application

using stats pack/AWR.

● Develop, document, and implement security configuration

for O racle software and database instances to comply with existing standards.

● Refresh development/test databases from copies of production.

● Performance tuning via O E M, STATSPACK/AWR for 9i/10g.

● 24x7 Production-on call supports for all the production databases

w ith O racle 10g/9i.


Oracle 10g/9i, SQL, PL/SQL, SQL plus, TOAD, Import/Export Oracle

E nterprise Manager, Windows NT/2000, Sun Solaris 2.5/2.6, Red Hat L inux


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