Gustavo Adolfo Riera Mendoza
Address: Urb.Los Samanes, Calle del Colegio Internacional, Conjunto
Personal information: Residencial El Naranjal, Torre F, piso 13, apto.136, Baruta-
Phone: 011-58212. 942.29.02
Cel phone: 011.58416.613.62.60
E-mail: ********@*****.*** or ********@*****.***
Civil state: Married
Nationality: Venezuelan
Birth date: July 13, 1.964
Birth place : Caracas, Venezuela
Education: University :
o Instituto Universitario de Mercadotecnia (ISUM) (from
1.989 to 1.992) graduated as Business Administrator
Universidad Católica Andrés Bello (UCAB) (from 1.982
to 1.985) attends up to 3rd year of Business
Administration and Accounting.
Miami Dade Community College (from 1.985 to 1.987)
High School:
o Colegio de “Ave Maria” Urb. La Paz, (from 1.977 to
Professional Since June 04, 2013 Estudios y Proyectos Ditech bécame
Estudios y Proyectos Ditech S.A. since May 02,
2006 actually working as an Analyst of Procurement and Expediting
Lider (Buyer), this job is based in the selection of all the purchasers
involve in the process, send invitations to bidders, technical and
commercial analysis of all bids or offers received, place Purchase
Orders and make the expediting of the Purchase Orders placed.
(Specifically for client PETROCEDEÑO, former SINCOR in Venezuela,
projects SIOM, ARU-3000, New Macollas, and the latest project
Ultrafluids C.A (Oil Dealer for Pennzoil and Ultrafluids
brands) since June 2.003 to December 17th, 2005, working as a
Procurement and Expediting Manager, this job is based in
purchasing all materials and insumes necessary for the elaborations
and productions of different oil types. Also I was in charge of the
Coordination, Distribution and Logistic Transportation of all products to
all Venezuela different States.
Petróleos de Venezuela “PDVSA GAS” since 1.996 to
December 2.002 working with the Operational Engineering
Management Department in PDVSA GAS, as a Contract Analyst and
Budget Reviewer, job based in revises contracts between PDVSA and
Contractors, valuations of works, purchases and works orders, services
orders, constructions bills and budget, etc. Also, and for more than 2
years, I worked as an Analyst of Procurement and Expediting, this
work consist in the purchases of specials materials and equipments for
oil and gas industries projects, searching for different kinds of materials
and equipments in our own warehouse, preparations of materials
requisitions. It was mandatory to trace or expedite all purchase orders
collocated or assigned to our suppliers.
Corporación Venezolana del Petróleo “CORPOVEN”
affiliated company to Petróleos de Venezuela
(PDVSA) since 1.991 to 1.996 working with the Gas Engineering
Management Department, as an Accounts Analyst, job based in
revised, investigate, search and look up for each and all operational
executed expenses in all different projects. As a Budget Analyst, this
job consists in monitoring or control the official budget with all
operational executed expenses. As a Contracts Analyst this work was
based in revise valuations of works, services orders, works orders, etc.
Hotel Tamanaco Intercontinental, working in the counter area,
response to public or clients of the hotel, specifically as a concierge.
Since de 1.989 a 1.991.
Banco Provincial de Venezuela, Business
Administrator in international transactions, English spoken workers was
required for this job. Since 1.988 to 1.989.
Languages Spanish. (Native languages).
English. (As second languages).
French. (Basic Level).
Personal References Ricardo Sama, President of Ultrafluids Corporation.
Phone No. (011.58212.472.54.30), Cel phone.
(011.58414. 331.12.95).
Roxana Claro, Business Administrator, Estudios y
Proyectos Ditech S.A. Phone No. (011.58212.
433.04.42), Cel phone (011.58414.275.15.07), Ofic.
Reinaldo Daes, Business Administrator and owner of
Repuestos Hermanos Daes, Ofic.
(011.58212.472.10.57) Cel phone.
Recent Courses Course of “E.P.C Business Operation Systems from the
French company TECNIP, duration 40 hours.
Course “ELITE System Production Operating Module”,
Tecsys Latin América, duration 24 hours.
Course “Ingredients for success and Marketing for the new
millennium”, Liderazgo y Mercadeo (L y M), duration 4Hr,
Course “Management and Strategies”, COINCA,
Consultores Integrales, duración 30 Hr, 05/07/03.
Course “Management Control” CIED Yagua, PDVSA,
duration 32Hr, 27/04/02.
Course “Project Designer SAP 4.6”, CIED Caracas, PDVSA,
duration 16Hr, 27/11/02.
Basic Course of Metallurgy, CIED Yagua, PDVSA, duration
32Hr, 26/04/01.
Skills Knowledge of Operating Systems and Programs in Windows.
SAP R3 (Administrative, Financial and Procurement modules).
Elite Series (Producción modules).
Hobbies Motor sports, Motorcycle race, Mountain Bikes sports, Baseball, Football.
Gustavo Adolfo Riera Mendoza
C.I: 6.366.766