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Highly motivated and goal-oriented young Masters Graduate (in Microelectronics Systems Design) committed
to pursuing a long term career in the field of Electronics Systems Design. Demonstrating strong problem
solving skills, innovative concepts in designing automation, reliability analysis and product development with
two years of work experience as System Engineer with Infosys Limited, India (Retail Unit).
2012 - 2013 MS in Microelectronics Systems Design [University of Southampton, UK]
Distinction - 71%
Modules Included: Integrated Circuit Design, Low Power Design, MOS Theory, Pass transistors, Digital
System Design, MIPS processor Design and Architecture, Embedded System Design, Synthesis for Low
Power Consumption, Nanoelectronic devices, Individual Research Project - Multithreaded Processors,
Research Methods, MSc Project - Reliability analysis of an error Robust OpenRISC processor and VLSI
Design Project - Designed a novel 32-bit Microprocessor using 0.35µm CMOS technology.
2006-2010 B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering [Karunya University, India]
First Class with Distinction – 8.55/10
2005 - 2006 Higher Secondary [Holy Cross Matric. Hr. Sec. School, India]
Secured – 87%
2013 Designed and implemented a 32-bit novel microprocessor [University of Southampton, UK]
The aim of the project was to design a novel microprocessor unit in full custom 0.35um CMOS, using
Magic for layout and System Verilog for simulation. In addition, L -Edit was used for automated place and
route while Cadence was used for design sign-off procedures. The processor is designed using the
standard cell library created by our team.
Team Size: 4 Tools Used: Magic, L-Edit, Cadence, Calibre, RTL design compiler, NCSim
Phases of development - architecture, datapath designing based on bitslice, place and route, DRC error
check, pad ring and floor planning.
Instruction Set Architecture and datapath architecture was developed based on the requirement.
Behavioural model of the Control unit and datapath was designed using System Verilog.
Integration of the behavioural model and verification of functionality was completed.
Integration of behavioural control unit and datapath created from standard library cells (following
bitslice design). Functional verification of the cross integrated processor was performed.
Assembly language programs, like multiplication, random number generator and factorial, were
written and tested on the processor. An assembler was also designed using Perl.
Place and route of control unit and datapath was performed. 2 -layer metal routing was used.
Designed and synthesised an affine transformation processor on Altera Cyclone IV FPGA,
using VHDL. [University of Southampton, UK]
Team Size: 1 Tools Used: ModelSIM, Altera Quartus II
PicoMIPS processor architecture was modified to design the above processor.
Quartus II was used to synthesise the design and JTAG was used to program the FPGA.
Individual Research Project on Multithreaded processors [University of Southampton, UK]
Concepts of ILP, TLP, Pipelining, Super pipelining, Superscalar, Multithreading and Simultaneous
multithreading were researched and a report was submitted based on the research.
A seminar was taken based on the research and a poster was designed and submitted.
Updated July 2014
Reliability analysis of an error robust OpenRISC processor [University of Southampton, UK]
The aim of the project is to build an automated system that injects soft errors into a processor at the gate
level to analyse the reliability of the given processor. The processor’s ideal behaviour is compared with
the behaviour after injecting the faults to deduce the severity of the injected fault. The above method is
used for comparing the robustness of an OpenRISC processor with and without fault tolerant techniques.
The fault tolerant technique which is used here for the analysis is known as SETTOFF.
Team Size: 1 Tools Used: ModelSIM, GNU tool chain, MakeFile
Various Faults and Fault tolerant models were studied.
OpenRISC processor core was modified to accommodate fault tolerant model.
Pi value calculation program was written in C language to test the processor.
Mutants were designed, using VHDL, to replace the components in the processor.
VHDL Testbench was designed to inject faults into the system and check for reliability.
A ModelSIM library was used to monitor the injection of faults.
2012 Designed Standard cells for a cell library [University of Southampton, UK]
The aim of the project is to design ASIC and basic cells in 0.35μm CMOS technology.
Team Size: 4 Tools Used: MAGIC, HSpice
Designed standard cells like R-dtype flip flop, Inverter, Scandtype and ScanReg.
Spice tools were used to analyse time constants, propagation delay and area of individual cells and a
data book was written based on it.
Designed a Sequence detector and Ring Oscillator [University of Southampton, UK]
Team Size: 2 Tools Used: LTSpice
Designed and implemented a sequence detector using LTSpice and prepared a report on the same.
Assisted team mate in preparing report for the ring oscillator designed.
Developed a replication monitoring system (patented) [Infosys Limited, India]
The aim of the project was to develop a tool which would reduce the time spent on monitoring the
replication activity between various servers. The tool has to read the log files from all the servers and
should provide a live progress bar for each server, which would indicate percentage of completion. If an
error is encountered then the user should be informed about the severity, type and time of occurrence.
Team Size: 1 Tools Used: Eclipse
Duration: 4 months Languages & Technologies: Java, Shell, Perl, HTML5 and CSS3.
Designed, developed and tested the tool in local and client network.
The system decreased the monitoring time from 10 minutes to 30 seconds.
2011 Developed an automation tool for asset management (patented) [Infosys Limited, India]
The aim of the project is to develop a s tand-alone application to upload data into a Digital Asset
Management (DAM) system. The application makes use of the services provided by DAM to
automatically upload data into it. The tool has to read data from excel/database and has to upload assets
based on the data. The tool increased the productivity rate by 6 times.
Team Size: 1 Tools Used: Microsoft Visual Studio, Virage MediaBin
Duration: 2 months Languages & Technologies: C#, ASP.Net
Developed and tested the tool in local and client network.
Prepared design documentation and user manual for a client’s website. [Infosys Limited, India]
2010 Developed CAN based communication interface in Electro Static Precipitator controllers
using AT90CAN128, an 8-bit microcontroller. [Bharath Heavy Electricals Limited, India]
Updated July 2014
2013 RGIS, United Kingdom, Inventory Specialist – Part time; Annual stock auditing at stores in UK.
2010-2012 Infosys Limited, India, Systems Engineer – Full time
Design, development, impact analysis, creating design specifications, conducting reviews, reviewing
artifacts and testing of various websites or applications and working on 'Go-Live' activities.
Developed programming & scripting skills and server & database administration skills.
Verilog, System Verilog, VHDL, SystemC (including testbench)
Magic, L-Edit, Cadence, Calibre, RTL design compiler, Altera, Quartus II, ModelSim, NCSim, MakeFile
EDA tools
Spice tools: Hspice, Pspice, LT Spice
Hands on Cell layout design - gates, flip flops, complex digital circuits
experience RTL to verified netlist, block and chip level Floor planning, power analysis, Place & Route, Deep sub -micron
technology of 35nm, Synthesis, FPGA programming, PLC (Omron), SCADA (Siemens)
Scan-in, Scan-Out, Boundary Scan, Built-In Self-Test
C, C++, C#, Java, Perl, TCL, MakeFile, Shell Scripting (automation scripts), JavaScript, CSS, HTML
IT skills
& tools Database: MySQL, MS-SQL, db2, Oracle; Microsoft Office: Word, Visio, PowerPoint, End Note, Excel
Revision control: VSS & Subversion. IDE: Eclipse, NetBeans, Microsoft visual studio
IELTS - Obtained overall band Score of 7.0. [India]
PLC & SCADA - Attended a training course. [MSME, India]
VLSI - Attended a training course. [Karunya University, India]
eTRIX - Participated in Autonomous Robotics Workshop. [The Robotics Institute- IIT, India]
Student Helper on open day - Assisted prospective students and helped them to complete registration
formalities. Developed communication and organi sing skills. [University of Southampton, UK]
Volunteer at Graduate Ceremony - Greeted graduates on their way into their ceremonies, offered
general advice and help to graduates and parents on the day of ceremony. [University of Southampton, UK]
2011-2012 Organizing Secretary - Effectively planned and organized project parties within the Retail Unit. [Infosys
Limited, India]
2008-2010 Online strategy games – Won titles playing DotA and Counter Strike in intra-college tournaments. [India]
2009 Movie Spoof – Spoofed two movies with a team of 10 members within a time span of 10 min utes and won
first prize. [PSG, India]
2008 Robot Sumo Wrestling – Designed and built a robot which is capable of simultaneously fighting other
robots inside a ring and won third prize. [SRM University, India]
2005-2006 School Pupil Leader - Lead the school of 6000 pupils and received award of excellence for my leadership
skill from my institution Chairman. [Holy Cross Matric. Hr. Sec. School, India]
D.O.B. 08- NOV-1988
Address 31, Anubavarunodya Apartments, Swamipillai Street, Choolai, Chennai – 600112
Hobbies Swimming, online gaming, Volleyball, acting
Languages English, Tamil
Marital Single
Passport Yes
Mr Iain McNally, Professor, University of Southampton E-mail: *.*******@***.*****.**.**
Dr Basel Halak, Professor, University of Southampton E-mail: ***@***.*****.**.**
Updated July 2014