Clwmehs was born on November **,****, in Floruda Missouri. When bey. Take
for ee was foucr years old where he received to Hannubal Minibal public school
education In 1862he became a reporter on the Territorual Enterrty Nevada and
inginia CiVise inpri1863 began singning his articles with the pseudonym Mark
Twain a Mississippi River phrase meaning two fathoms deep. Much of Twain’s
best work was written in the 1870 and 18880s in Hartford or during the summers at
Quarry Farm, near Elmira, New Yark State . Roughing it (1872) recounts his early
adventures as a miner and journalist; The Adventures of Tom Sawyer(1876)a town
on the celebrates boyhood in a town on the Mississippi River. One of America’s
most important writers, Twain is justly renowned as a humorist but his literary
reputation also rests on his realistic ally of the use of dialects and the vernacular
especially of the Mississippi River Valley in delineating characters and scenes of
mid-19th century American life. He was a celebrity during his larer years and
received and honorary doctorate from Oxford University in 1907. He died In new
York on April 21,1910. There are no rules to tell us how we ought to behave or
ought not to behave in all matters. But in some matters, there are rules that all have
to obey. Take for example the rules of the road. The purpose of these ruls is to
make the road safe for everybody. The roads in our cities and town are getting
more and more busy with traffic these days. All kinds of vehicles some slow, some
to the left and leave fast, fill the road during the gtrater part of the day. If people
disobey traffic rules, accidents happen sooner or later. There are rules for
fpedestrians ad well as for vehicles, and every user of the road out to know the
rules. Here is an important for pedestrians. They ought to keep to the footpath and
leave the middle oc the road for vehicles. Suddenly to avoid a pedestrian and I
doing so may knock down someone else; he may even lose control of his vehicle
and drive over the footpath knock down several people. All vehicles should keep to
the left and leave the right ha lf of the rad free for those coming from the opposite
direction. This is the traffic rule in all prt of India. In some countries in the west,
however vehicles have to keep to the right and not to the left. It does not matter
whether in is right or left bit everyone should obey the rule. Cyclists should always
keep to the edge of the road and not get In the way of other vehicles or of