An ambitious mechanical
engineer, out to satiate both
personal and company’s goals
E -m ail: r *********@*****.*** B .T ech. M ech ani cal E ngin eer ing
Cont act No.: 789-***-**** M VGR College of E ngineering
C areer Objective:
To gain work experience and to constantly improve my skills and
i mplement them for the achievement of personal and company’s goals and eventually win myself
a good worker tag.
A ca de m ic Q u ali f i catio n s:
Ma r
Qu a l i f y i School / B oa r d /
Pe r cent a g
ng C oll ege U ni ver sit Obt a in e Max i m u
J .N.T.U.
College of
K akin ada
E ngineering
Sr i Ch ait an y a
B .I .E. 733 1000 73.3
I nt er m edi at
J unior Col l ege
S.S.C 451 600 75.1
V idyalayam H igh
Abili ty to multi task in a busy work environment.
Proven leadership and public speaking abilities through student groups.
Reasonably good background in mechanical engineering acquired through course work.
Work effectively in a team as well as independently under minimal supervision.
Abili ty to work good under pressures and chase deadlines.
Fairly proficient in production and design subjects, word, excel, powerpoint
Moderate skills in Adobe photoshop.
I T S k i lls:
C L anguage
• AutoCAD
• ProE
P rojects, Workshops and paper presentations :
• F I NAL YEAR PROJECT- Led a team of 4 members in the fabrication and
testing of a Savonious wind tu rbine with the int roduction of a fi rst of i ts kind
curtain arrangement. We fabricated it from scratch, tested it, gave it a curtain
a rrangement to improve i ts efficiency and achieved it.
• Led a team of 4 members in the event JAHAAZ conducted in Technozion, a
n ational level fest organized by N IT Warangal. In this we built a working model
of a boat which was then made to compete in an obstacle race within a t ime
l imi t.
• Participated in a team of 4 members in the even HOVERMAN IA and
A EROSMITH conducted in Technozion, a national level fest organized by N IT
E xt r a - C u r r i cu la r & Co-Curricular A ct i v i ti es:
• Actively participated in a group dance held in our national level college fest-
• Participated in school level cricket tournaments.
• Organised departmental events.
Par t i cip at ed i n G roup discussions held at school and college.
P er son al D etails:
• th
D ate of B i r th: 24 A ugust, 1993
In t rests/Hobbi es: B ike enthusiast, t ravel journalism, reading books, cricket and
m usic.
Languages known: English, H indi and Telugu.
St r engths
• Adaptable to any situations and any working environments.
• Compatible with my classmates.
• Self-motivated and optimistic in nature.
Happy and healthy individual.
• Qui ck L earn er and Smar t W ork er.
F r i end l y n atu r e.
A ddr ess for Comm uni cat ion:
Flat no. B/D11, plot no. 228
Sai Oakdale apartments,
Gayathri nagar, P.M.Palem