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Profile W ork Educ ation Pre vie w
Larry Ramos
Modes to, CA
larry lok o@y ahoo.c om - 209-***-****
Wo r k Exp e r ie n ce
Truck Driver
Pe n ske lo g istics - Patterson, CA
September 2003 to July 2014
Res pons ibilities
Senior delivery driver delivered freight to Longs Drugs /CVS s tores throughout California, Nevada,and
W as hington. CDL Pre-trip/Pos t trip ins pec tion of trac tor trailer. Provided ex c ellent c us tomer s ervic e to
all s tore pers onnel. Pic k up bac k hauls as needed, and met all s c heduled delivery appointments on
time. Compliant with all federal and s tate hours of s ervic e regulations utiliz ing Xatanet elec tronic logs .
Ac c omplis hments
8 y ear s afe driver award, A member of the c ompany 's empowerment team, Snow c hain ins truc tor.
Rec eived numerous c us tomer s ervic e and attendanc e awards . Als o as s is ted with
new hire orientations .
Sk ills Us ed
Smith s y s tem c ertified. Able to operate the following. Elec tric pallet jac k,Lift gate, s now c hains fork lift
Heavy duty tow truck operator
Su n n yv ale To win g - Sunnyvale, CA
January 1999 to May 2003
Res pons ibilities
Heavy duty towing and rec overy s pec ialis t.Operated a 70 ton wrec k er and landoll lowboy .
Ac c omplis hments
Member of the California tow truc k as s oc iation.And Certified W rec k mas ter level 3/4
Sk ills Us ed
Towing of s emi trailers,c ounty trans it bus es,c ement mix ers,garbage truc k s,fire truc k s and as s is t in
the rec overy of ups et big rigs for the California highway patrol
Ed u catio n
High school diplom a in Ge ne ra l e duca tion
Alha m bra a dult e duca tion - Alhambra, CA
1990 to 1993
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