College of Engineering, Guindy
Anna University, Chennai
Gokuul V
CHENNAI-600 099.
EMAI L: **********@*****.***
• Father’s Name: M VEERASAMY
• Date of Bi rth: August 14th, 1992
• Languages Known: English, Tamil, H indi, Telugu(to speak)
Nov 10 M ay 11 Nov 11 May Nov 12 M ay Nov 13 May 14
12 13
9.41 9.04 9.4 8.92 8.64 9.16 9.12 9.25
B. M a te r ials Science and Engineering C GPA : 9.11
E ( Metallurgy equivalent)
Class XI I 2010 St.John’s Mat H r Sec School Villivakkam, 95.75
(State Board)
Class X 2008 St.John’s Mat H r Sec School Villivakkam, 94.4
( Mat riculation) Chennai
Academic ACH I EVE MENTS AND co-cur r icular activities
- 4th academic rank in the department.
- Won 2nd p lace in Hephateses Oracle, Metallurgy quiz conducted by the Society of
M aterials Science Engineers in A nna University i n 2013 (Quanta ’13) and cash award
of 1000INR for the same.
- Won the P aper presentation competition conducted by the Society of Materials
Science Engineers in A nna University i n 2012 (Krysta ’12) and cash award of 1000INR
for the same.
- Second place in T echno Craze competition in K rysta ’12 conducted by A nna
U niversity Chennai.
- Scored 97.5%, 98.5% and 98.5% in Maths, Physics and Chemistry in Std 12 Board
E xam.
- Scored 100% mark in Mathematics and 99% in Science i n Std 10 Board Exam and
cash award of 1000INR for the same.
- Ranked 6th and 51st i n the U nified Council State Level Science Talent Exam i n
2003 and 2008 respectively.
- Regional level gold medalist in the National Cyber Olympiad in 2004.
- Ranked 18th i n the Young Ramanujam Contest by Sethu Baskara Group of Schools in
-AIR 1029 in the N ational Cyber Olympiad i n 2010.
- F irst place in the I n t ra School Bournvita Quiz Competition (BQC) conducted by
Zee TV in 2000.
- Ranked 4th i n the M ath Fest conducted by St. Mary’s group of colleges in 2008.
- Scored 295 in BITSAT.
- Qualified for the R egional Level P resentomania Competition conducted by N I I T
L td demonstrating the topic of “Advances in Storage Technology” .
- Submit ted and demonstrated working projects on
Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, Magnetic production of current, Fruit Battery,
Heights and Distances, Medicinal Plants, Choosey Animals at the School Level.
- Secured many academic proficiency awards in school.
PROJECT WORK/ t raining
-Summer In ternship at CSIR-National Metallurgical Laboratory-Jamshedpur.
-Attended Inplant t raining on t esting of materials i n P erambur Locomotive
Works(Par t of I C F) i n Dec 2011.
-Attended Inplant t raining in Q uality Assurance and Technology Development
D epar tment i n V izag Steel Plant, Vishakapatnam.
-Attended Inplant t raining in R ubber and tyres division of S undaram I ndustries
L imited.
Completed projects on:
1. Alumina-ti tanium diboride in situ composite by self-propagating high temperature
synthesis (SHS) dynamic compaction: Effect of compaction pressure during
synthesis -“ I n te rnational Journal for Refractory Metals and Ha rd
m aterials”, Ma rch 2014, Pg 19-24
2. Effect of stir ring gases on Basic Oxygen Steel Making by FactSage – Tata Steel
Sponsored-Submitted for review by plant managers.
3. Friction Stir Welding of AA6061 and AA7075 alloys.- DST Funded and University
Sponsored-Presented in the “ I n te rnational Conference for Mate rials and
C haracterization Techniques 2014, ” p ublished in the “ I n te rnational Journal
of ChemTech Research”, May-June 2014, Vol.6, No.3, pp 1753-1755.
4. Synthesis, sintering and determination of sinterability of Cu-Al-Mn based nano
S MA through Mechanical Alloying- CTDT funded-published in the “ I n te rnational
J ou rnal of ChemTech Research”, May-June 2014, Vol.6, No.3, pp 1715-1717.
5. Production of (Ce, Sm, Mn) doped PZT (Lead Zirconate Titanate) using SHS-Sent
for Peer review in the “ Ma ter ials Science and Engineering A.”
- Attended R ecent T rends in Nano-engineering workshop conducted by
S MSE(Society of Mate rials Science Engineers, Anna University) and
M MS ( Madras Metallu rgical Society).
- A ttended A utomotive Ma te rials workshop conducted by SMSE and M MS.
- Attended S urface Engineering wor kshop conducted by SMSE and M MS.
• Languages : C, C++(Professionally certified)
• Operating System : W indows, L inux, Macintosh
• Packages : M S Office, Star Office, Autocad(2d&3d), Ansys,
I nventor Fusion, Photoshop, After Effects, Dreamweaver,
I l lustrator, Morph, HTM L, 2D Animator, Cisco Packet
G IF Animator, Visual Studio, M icrosoft Publisher, Data
Structures and Algorithms.
• Hardware : N I IT-Comptia Certified hardware and networking.
Positions of Responsibil ity
-Member of the Computer club of Anna University, Green B rigade club of CEG
and C EG Tech Forum .
- Organizer of F (mater ials), Online quiz and T alaash i n Q uanta ’12 - I n tercollege
symposium conducted by S MSE and M MS.
-Volunteer and coordinator of Quanta ’11 and Quanta ’12 respectively.
-Vice P resident of M MS i n effect from July, 2012 to May, 2013 and conducted In t ra
college symposium
K rysta ’12, Workshop on Ma ter ials Technology, 2nd I n te rnational Conference
o n Advances in Mate rial processing and Characterization and Q uanta’13..
-T reasurer of M MS i n effect from July, 2013 and organized workshops on Material
p rocessing, Non-Destructive Testing and Modeling of Castings.
- Part of NSS U nit 4 team of Anna University w hich completed the l ake
r eclamation project ( lead to the winning of I ndia’s’ best NSS Unit award ),
constructed the adequate r ain water conservation facilities, awareness campaigns
about h igher education and cancer, power conservation programme by replacing
t he old electric bulbs with new CFL bulbs leading to 63% power saving a t S iruvapu ri
v illage near R edhills.
C ultur a l Activities:
- F irst in L itera ry reading contest conducted by St. John’s Group of schools in 2006.
- Cleared the fi rst round of a m emory test i n 2008.
- Participated and clocked a 25 kmph record in H e rcules T u rbodrive cycling
competition in 2007.
- Won 3 competitions in Tamil wri ting.
- Won many essay-wri ting and elocution competitions (English and Tamil) in my school.
Awa rds:
- Awarded A ravind Mehta Memorial P r ize for “Proficiency in Industrial
M anagement, Production Resources etc.” by College of Engineering, Guindy -Alumini
- Awarded B est Writer in Tamil by my school.
1. Dr. A . Siddharthan 2. Dr. Suman Kumari
M ishra
Assistant Professor Senior Principal
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering CSE Division
Anna University, Chennai CSIR-NM L Jamshedpur
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D eclaration:
I hereby declare that the above mentioned details are t rue to the best of my knowledge
and belief.