George Del Pozzo
Alexandria, VA 22306
Professional Writing Experience
John Hancock Financial Services – Copywriter Responsible for developing marketing
materials and seminar coordination in the Annuity Marketing Area at the company’s Boston
headquarters. (1988 1995)
Comstock’s Business Magazine – Feature Writer Wrote in depth feature stories on
commerce related events in the Northern California region. Named Senior Contributor
within a year of reporting for the publication. (1996 1998)
Government Technology Magazine – Staff Writer Worked as Senior Writer of the Custom
Publications Department of the magazine. Was the recipient of the “Story of the Year”
award for my work on the IBM advertorial. (1999 2001)
Campbell Ewald Advertising – Staff Writer Composed feature stories of interest for the
benefit of the employees of General Motors, GMAC and ACDelco. I was chosen to cover
numerous marketing events sponsored by our clients. (2001 2003)
Entex Information Services – Senior Editor Was the Senior Editor of the Government
Contracts Division. In this role I managed many projects including devising the language
used in a $100 million state of California contract bid. (2004 2008)
MotorCities National Heritage Area – Contributing Writer Author of the “Story of the
Week” feature of the organization’s website. Topics focused on the personalities that came
together to make Detroit the hub of the world’s auto industry. MotorCities National Heritage
Area is an affiliate of the National Park Service.
(2009 2010)
Book Development – Since the economy in Michigan was and continues to be in distress it
made it difficult for me and other writers to find work. In that regard you’ll note no staff jobs
on my résumé for the last three years which was fortuitous because it enabled me the
opportunity to complete my second book. Because of that slow growth, however, we
relocated to Northern Virginia which has the reputation of being one of the most
economically vibrant areas of the country. (2011 2014)
Professional Writing Skills
Creative Thinker Creativity is something you can’t teach but is integral to keeping projects
fresh and appealing.
Interviewer I’ve conducted hundreds of interviews with key personnel in the development
of storylines. Had the opportunity to speak with everyone from the CEOs of Fortune 500
companies to the owners of mom and pop enterprises who had a compelling story to tell.
Organizer Critical to the writing process is the organizational framework of the story which
keeps my reader absorbed and on point regarding the ideas I want to convey.
Researcher In addition to speaking with primary source contacts, I’ve done extensive
research using newspaper articles, the Internet and other sources for story development.
Proofreader Your communications, correspondence and marketing materials are your first
opportunity to make a good impression with your customers, colleagues and the public.
Pristine messages assure you are considered professional at every turn. I have an effective
proofreading method that guarantees information is employed with the greatest possible
effect without blemishes.
It is my belief for a writer, of any bent, to be
effective it’s essential to ask yourself just who your
audience is and what they need to know. No fluff.
No extraneous word play. Just a narrative that will
provide easy to understand text they can use.
“On the Brink of Something,” Champagne Books (2007)
“Chasing Nickels and Dimes” (Recently completed)
Bachelor of Arts, San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
(Political Science)
Master of Arts, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA.
(International Studies)