. Excellent communicator who skillfully interacts with all levels and
persons involved in technology projects.
. In-depth systems and software project knowledge and experience
participating actively in roles as project manager, software developer,
system and software designer, quality analyst and tester, source code
reviewer, requirements analyst, technical support, customer trainer, and
customer support.
. Analytical and problem solving skills include developing and winning
complex system and software designs utilizing SDLC and Agile and OO
methodologies leading to many successful deployments with prominent
. Application Domain expertise includes, but is not limited to
Telecommunications, Criminal Justice, Finance and Banking, Transportation
and Logistics, Medical Claims Adjudication, and Voting Systems.
. Diverse applications and platform experience ranges from hand-held,
microcomputer-based proprietary OS SW applications in C/C++, to Internet
and Web Site applications utilizing Microsoft .Net, C#, Java, SQL Server,
PHP and MySql technologies, to very large scale, globally dispersed
systems running on IBM MVS z/OS mainframes.
. Highly adaptable Systems Engineer and versatile team player with hands on
experience with a variety of Scheduling, Modeling, Diagramming, Source
Control and Configuration Management, Test Automation, Defect Tracking,
Project Management, Code Verification and IDEs.
. Writing skills includes production of project related requirements and
design documentation, user documentation, and other related artifacts.
. Software Quality Assurance knowledge includes all facets of system and
software testing including requirements traceability matrix and test case
development, defect reporting, source code conformance and security
vulnerability inspection, verification and validation, and requirements
. Key participant in several unique "first-in-kind" Information Technology
projects in the United States; 1 - Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD) for the
Transportation Industry, 2 - The Colorado Integrated Criminal Justice
Information System (CICJIS).
. Telecommunications Industry - Onboarding Manager with AT&T Architecture
and Common Service Integration (ACSI), helped coordinate 78 diverse,
mission-critical software project initiatives to implement SOA and Web
. Banking Industry - Asset-side Management with several large financial
institutions includes successful branch network loan production and
servicing systems improving quality of service, production capacity, and
document accuracy while facilitating new product introduction, sales and
marketing, regulatory compliance, while delivering an exclusive
competitive advantage.
. Transportation Logistics - Key developer on a "First-in-Class", metro-
wide, RF Computer Aided Dispatch System piloted by Yellow Freight
Systems, Inc. Created winning system designs, leading to development of
several unique custom software projects including the "Center Point"
(Freight Dock Logistics) scheduling, planning and tracking system for Wal-
Mart Stores, Inc.
. Quality Assurance: Traceability matrix and test case development, defect
reporting, code conformance and security inspection, verification and
validation, and requirements certification. Testing includes automated,
end-to-end, acceptance, use case, static and dynamic, system, stress,
load, performance, accessibility, unit, component, environment, build and
configuration management, and manual and automated source code review.
. Management: Past Titles include: Vice President of Loan Systems, Senior
Systems Engineer, Manager of Software Development, Manager of Quality
Assurance, Manager of Technical Support, and Manager of Customer Support.
Software and Languages: C, C++, C#, ASP.NET, VB, Java, JSP, JMS,
Fortify, ExamDiff, Parasoft, Insure++, Adobe Creative
Suite, MS Office Suite, MS Project, MS Visio, CA
Endevor, CA Librarian, Panvalet, et al.
UI/UX: Design, Evaluation and Implementation of Interactive Computing
systems (HCI), User-Friendly, Adaptive and Responsive
Systems, Intuitive Custom Controls, Prototyping
(Wireframes, Blueprints, Storyboards), Usability,
Ergonomics, Accessibility, Flow and Navigation (User
stories, Interaction, Functional Layouts and
Simulations) Hand-held and Desktop devices
RDBMS: VSAM, IMS, SQL Server, Oracle, Informix, SyBase, MySql, DB2,
Web Server: Windows Server 200n, IIS (Internet Information Server),
Apache Web Server
Environments: Mainframe: IBM z/OS,OS/390,MVS, DEC, Unisys, Medium
Systems: (HP Unix / MPE, Unisys, IBM AS/400), Micro
Systems: MS Windows XP, NT, VISTA, 7, Windows Server
200n, Linux.
Methodologies: SDLC, Agile/XP, OOA/D- Object Oriented Analysis and
Design, Scrum, RUP, CMMI, MSF, SOA- CBDI.
Iusat.Com, Independent Apr 2002 -
Universal Support Auxiliary Technologies, Aurora, CO
Consultant, Software Developer, Senior IT Specialist
. Created Iusat.Com in April 2002.
. Owner and operator of a technology consulting company with a unique
business model helping small businesses and residential computer users to
increase productivity from new technologies.
. Perform all levels of technology support to clients with services ranging
from web sites and custom applications (Microsoft .NET, PHP/MySql), PC
upgrades, builds and repairs, specialized office automation projects
utilizing custom software and integrated with Microsoft Office Suite
including Excel, Access and Word, software and systems integrations,
document and book layout, design, and publishing, network setups (Wi-Fi,
LAN, WAN), software acquisition, installation, conversions, upgrades and
. HIX - Hired by for a project at Great Western Life to
reverse engineer the "Auto Adjudicator" medical billing module and to
create documentation for the development staff to facilitate future
maintenance of that module. Typically, it would take a month or more for
a developer to familiarize themselves with that module in order to be
comfortable with making new changes. My documentation provided a guide to
the developers so they could quickly understand the architecture of the
Auto Adjudicator module in order to make changes and provide a path
forward to re-factor the module and greatly reduce the long term
maintenance costs. September 2003 - February 2004
Environment: Microsoft .Net, ASP.Net, .Net Framework versions 1.0-3.5,
Windows NT, XP, Vista, 7, and Server 2000-2008, SQL Server, C#, Java,
Javascript, MVC, Visual Basic, CSS, XML/XSLT, PHP, MySQL, Adobe Creative
Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, ImageReady), Web Services, AJAX, MS Office
Suite (Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Publisher, Word), IIS, Apache,
AT&T, Architecture and Common Services Integration, Richardson, TX Apr
2011 - Apr 2014
Onboarding Manager
. Managed and assisted multiple, concurrent project efforts to implement,
test, and deploy using AT&Ts Common Services Architecture.
. As an Onboarding Manager with ACSI, assignments were primarily "internal"
projects focusing on AT&T mission critical applications to bring about
new and enhanced functionality to all areas of the AT&T business
portfolio (Sales, Service, and Billing).
. Analyzed project business and systems requirements, system architecture
and software design artifacts to perform due diligence analysis
concerning infrastructure impacts for exceptional requirements such as
high transaction volumes and low response time requirements.
. Assisted with providing budget estimates and approvals necessary to
provision all of the impacted systems in advance of deployment to insure
successful deployment while meeting the business objectives.
. Several project initiatives involved helped coordinate the re-factoring
of network and server hardware, application and ancillary software to
achieve the response time and throughput objectives set forth by the
. Several strategic initiatives involved interacting with all levels of
AT&T internal engineering resources; from enterprise architects, network,
and security, ACSI development and production support, ACSI performance
and load testing, et al, to fulfill the project objectives.
. Supported the successful launch of 78 project initiatives.
. Project support involved reviewing system architecture and software
designs and working directly with the business leadership, project
management, system architects, developers and testers to investigate and
resolve issues.
. Provisioned the technical teams with tools and documentation to correctly
implement the CSI services to facilitate successful deployment.
Environment: WebLogic and WebSpere, Apache Web Server, SOAP Web Services,
Java, XML, Soap. Enterprise Message Bus, JMS, SOA, SDLC and Agile
methodologies, WSDL, XML Schemas (XSD), XML Transformations (XSLT), SSL
(Secures Sockets Layer-Cryptography), Voltage Cryptography, Et al.
SLI Global Solutions, Formerly Systest Labs, Inc., Denver, CO
Apr 2007 - Oct 2008
Source Code Reviewer and System Test Specialist
. Source Code Reviewer and System Test Specialist worked on Voting Systems
Federal Certifications as an (ITA) Independent Test Authority for the
Election Assistance Commission ( and
. Performed manual and automated reviews of voting system software source
code and any associated COTS (Commercial off the Shelf Software), and
reported discrepancies for conformance to regulatory requirements
relating to structure, maintainability, and security with the aid of
tools such as Fortify, Parasoft, and Insure++.
. Developed, executed, and reported results of specialized test cases for
voting system functionality and conformance to federal regulatory
. Created and maintained reports specifying new and corrected system
discrepancies to the regulatory agencies and the voting system
Environment: Microsoft Windows XP, NT, Windows CE, .Net Compact Framework,
Linux, QNX, C, C++, C#, VB, Java, PowerBuilder, COBOL, ExamDiff, Parasoft,
Insure++, Fortify, MS Office, Visual Basic.
Senior Systems Engineer and IT Specialist, Contractor
Sep 1998 - Apr 2002
Colorado District Attorneys
-Designed and developed interface and integration software (Cobol II /
SyBase) case management system and the CICJIS project on HP-MPE & UX
platforms. (CICJIS-Colorado Integrated Criminal Justice Information System
Colorado Student Loan Program (Student Loan Guarantee Agency - IBM OS/MVS)
-Developed detailed software design for an automated Student Loan
Application Processing software system for
CITI Corporation
-Developed enhancements to the Visa Interchange Tracking System (ITS) and
the Visa International products, and key developer for Credit Protector
product introduction for CITI Corporation
Environment: IBM z/Os MVS, Windows 98, ME, NT, COBOL, PL/I, SyBase, VSAM,
DB2, CICS, TSO/ISPF, CA tools - Librarian, Endevor, Panvalet, HP MPE/UX,
Colorado District Attorneys' Council
Sep 1997 - Aug 1998
Systems Engineer and IT Specialist Contractor
. CDAC (Colorado District Attorneys' Council) Developed and implemented the
integration software for interfacing of the DA's criminal case tracking
system to the CICJIS project.
. CICJIS is the first in the United States, fully integrated Criminal
Justice Database named the Colorado Integrated Criminal Justice
Information System (see:
Environment: HP 3000 MPE/UX, COBOL, SyBase, Windows 95, 98.
Industrial Computer Systems, Inc., Evergreen, CO Aug
1990 - Sep 1997
Manager of Technical and Customer Support
. Positions held while employed at ICS included Manager of Programming,
Quality Assurance Manager, Customer Support Manager, Technical Support
Manager, and Software Programmer.
. ICS was a premier supplier of transportation and freight distribution
software involving transportation company logistics.
. Responsible for winning and managing several multi-million dollar custom
software projects with the nation's premier transportation companies, and
was a principal developer for the first metropolitan-wide radio-computer
dispatch software system for the LTL (Less-than-truckload) Trucking
Industry (clients included: Union Pacific-Overnite Transportation, Yellow
Freight Systems, and Wal-Mart Stores).
Environment: Microsoft NT, 95, Netware, C, C++, MVC, COBOL, Informix,
Oracle, OOA/D, SDLC, Unix, IBM OS/MVS, Client-Server, Mobile Radio
Formation Technologies, Inc., Denver, CO Jan
1990 - Aug 1990
Technical Support, Developer, Customer Support
. Instrumental in designing, developing, and producing several new system
features to the MortgageCalc and LoanCalc software system products.
. As a consultant (since 1984), and full time employee, developed and
enhanced several areas of the FTI's software production and customer
service operations.
Environment: Windows DOS, BASIC, Netware, Borland C.
Bank Western, a Federal Savings Bank, Denver, CO Apr
1983 - Jan 1990
Vice President, Manager of Loan Systems
. While at Bank Western, the largest Colorado based Financial Institution,
ascended from Programmer to Vice President and Manager of Loan Systems.
. Supervised a staff of systems analysts coordinating and managing IT
systems requests from the Asset side of the Bank, consisting of the
Marketing, Consumer, Residential, Construction, and Commercial divisions,
and the respective Production, Servicing, and Collection departments.
Environment: IBM OS/MVS, COBOL, CICS, TSO/ISPF, JCL, Lotus 1-2-3, Word
Perfect, CA Panvalet, DOS.
World Savings and Loan, Formerly Majestic Savings & Loan, Denver, CO
Aug 1981 - Sep 1982
Systems Development Manager
. Managed computer systems operations and systems and software development
to enhance the daily loan production and marketing operations of the
. Directed implementation of a Branch network Automated Loan Production
system enabling a distinct competitive advantage as the third largest
lender in Colorado.
Environment: Unisys (Burroughs Medium Systems) COBOL, CPM.
Columbia Savings and Loan Association, Englewood, CO Jul
1980 - Aug 1981
Systems and Application Programmer
. Implemented automated computer loan document preparation in the branch
. Provided programming and operations support for the residential loan
production, servicing, and collection operations.
Environment: Unisys (Burroughs Medium Systems) COBOL, DOS, CPM
Financial Data Systems, Inc., Mid-Continent Aug
1974 - Jul 1980
Computer Services, Inc., and Micor Int'l, CO and AZ
Senior Computer Operator, Computer Center Operations
. Performed daily computer center operations including network monitoring
and troubleshooting, ran daily and periodic computer jobs at large data
processing centers.
. Micor and Mid-Continent respectively, were two of the largest hotel
reservation and bank teller networks in the US.
Arapahoe Community College, Littleton, CO Aug
1974 - Dec 1976
. Computer Science, Music
. GPA 4.0.
. Studies focused on computer programming and music performing and writing.
University of Denver, Denver, CO Aug 1977 -
Dec 1979
. Computer Science, Music
. GPA 4.0.
. Studies focused on computer programming and music performing and writing.
National Radio Institute, Division of McGraw-Hill, Washington, DC
Aug 1976 - Dec 1979
. Microcomputer Technology
. GPA 4.0.
. Obtained Technical Certification for Microcomputer repairs and