Gl i n da J. Wi l l i a ms
C e l l: 832-***-**** - H o m e: 281-***-****
g l i n d a w 4 5@ y a h o o . c o m
E x ec u t i v e A d m i n i s t r a t i v e Ass is t a n t / O f f i c e M a n a ge r
H ighly skilled Executive Administrative Assistant with 15+ years’ experience in the personal
computer industry, Sales and Marketing, Medical and Healthcare. Key strengths include
ensuring goals and project deadlines are met; and providing quality internal and external
customer service. Professional Executive Assistant with a passion for enabling high-level
executives to meet and exceed their organizational goals and objectives. Administrative support
p rofessional offering versatile office management skills and proficiency in M icrosoft Office
p rograms. Strong planner and problem solver who readily adapts to change, works independently
and exceeds expectations. Able to juggle multiple priorities and meet t ight deadlines without
compromising quality.
Texas School of Business - Houston, TX
Legal Secretary/Executive Secretary - Diploma/ Certificate
President's List 4.0 - Director's List - 3.6 GPA
Professional Development:
• IAAP – Current Member of The Woodlands Chapter
• Project Management Fundamentals
• MS Office for Professional Staff
• Communication Skills for Executive Assistants
• The Administrative Support Professional
• SharePoint Training
• Stephen Covey 7 habits to Highly Effective People Seminar
Key Skills
Office Management Spreadsheets /Report C-Level Executive
O ffice
s Support
Records Retention Management
S kills:
Event Management Domestic / Internation
Database Administration
al Travel
Multiple Calendar
Expense Reporting
M anagement
Computer M S Word MS Project MS Publisher
MS Excel Event Management Windows Movie Maker
S kills:
MS PowerPoint Multiple Calendar VISIO
M anagement
P rofessional
M embership Texas Notary Public
s Member of IAAP (International Association of Administrative Professionals)
Volunteer The Church Without Walls - Women’s M inistry, Children M inistry, Cy-Fair ISD -
E xperience J unior High and High School Volunteer, Band and Color Guard Volunteer
Project 2020
hibu, formerly Yell Group - 8/2011 –March 2014
Executive Administrative Assistant to CEO and Chief Customer Experience Officer
• Provide executive support to Chief Executive Officer for a global company that operates in the
U K, US, Spain, Argentina, Chile, India. Philippines and Peru.
• Trusted confidante and daily life organizer, both personally and professionally
• Abili ty to think outside of the box in a fast paced environment to imaginatively resolve
p roblems and issues
• Abili ty to effectively communicate with Customers and internal stake holders
• Ar range and coordinate extensive t ravel for CEO, Leadership Team and executives using
commercial t ravel agency both domestic and International t ravel for multiple locations in one
t r ip I t inerary
• Weekly attendance of CEO and Chief Customer Experience weekly staff meetings.
• Plan, coordinate and attend all Leadership meetings planned in the US with CEO and
Leadership Team
• Prepare and manage expense reports for CEO and Leadership Team. P rovided support for
a ll executive Expense Reports in Wells Fargo expense reporting system. Consolidated all
receipts and complete details to input in expense reporting system.
• Create and Update CEO and Chief Customer Experience Organizational Charts
• Manage meeting schedule and for other business organization affiliations (i.e. Chairman of
t he Board and i t’s Board Members
• Back-up support for U K CEO when visiting the US for Board and Budget Meetings. Event
p lanning and assisting with special projects. Have strong planning, organizational and time
management skills and the ability to work independently and prioritize multiple projects.
• Event Planning proficiency - My skills as an event planner have often been utilized by the
company for Annual Major Sales and Sr. Management Leadership Training.
• Coordinate meeting space and meals for Quarterly MBR and Interlock Meetings
• Provided assistance to Communication Team for all major events and Senior Management
Conference as well as Board Meetings. Major events consist of 100+ attendees. 10 + years’
experience negotiating contracts with hotels and vendors from various industries. Assist
w ith acquiring hotel, lunch and dinner events as well as major evening events for all
a ttendees.
ASU I Healthcare And Development Center
Office Manager, Dr.’s Assistant; Nurse’s Assistant; Appointment Scheduler - 11/2010 – 8/2011
• Provide Office Management for a team of six employees. Maintain a well diverse team.
Responsible for hi ring and releasing staff members; adequate problem solving; maintain
P rogram Director’s calendar; scheduled Dr.’s appointments for a total of 46 clients.
• Daily one on one communication with a group of 10 Physicians. Maintain updated
Medicare Cards for 46 consumers. Maintain leasing of office building. Process weekly and
monthly paperwork for all 46 consumers/clients. Work with nurse’s to maintain accurate
Medication Sheets and Physician Orders. Tracking project hours and statistical reporting.
O rganizational and Project Management skills; ability to coordinate large projects;
excellent follow-th ru skills. Work closely with Case Monitor and Compliance Manager to
maintain H IPPA requirements.
Compaq Computer/Hewlett Packard - 5/1994- 11/2009
Administrative Assistant IV/Space Executive Assistant to Vice President -
P lanning Coordinator North America Partner Sales &
M arketing
Handled mult ifaceted Administrative Assistant tasks. Coordinated t ravel arrangements,
M ajor Event Planning. Quickly became a t rusted assistant known for “can-do” atti tude,
f lexibility and high-quality work. Received Outstanding Accomplishment Award.
H ighlights:
• Travel management - Manage complex domestic and international t ravel
a rrangements international/domestic car service, hotel accommodations, acquired
V ISA’s and Passports for all international t ravel. Manage purchasing card.
• Maintaining the Project Schedule (plan) using automated project management tools,
i ncluding updating the project database for use in analysis, t racking Provided
support for all executive Expense Reports in Wells Fargo expense reporting system.
Consolidated all receipts and complete details to input in expense reporting system.
• project hours and statistical reporting
• Maintaining project records, including electronic directory, hard-copy files and
p roject notebook, process purchase orders from beginning to end with requires
approvals and also various department documents
• Organizational and Project Management skills; ability to coordinate large projects;
excellent follow-th ru skills. Keep updated organizational charts for entire
• Provided administrative leadership to executive management for a complex business
exceeding $10B in revenue. Day to day activities required strong communication
skills interacting with "C" level executives in the partner community.
• Comfortable interacting with various levels of management; established strong
r elationships to gain support and effectively achieve results.
• Event Planning proficiency - My skills as an event planner have often been utilized
by employers; I was chosen as one of the few executive assistants entrusted with
client greeting, tour leading, and other hospitality services for the CEO and his
D irect reports.
• Developed innovative PowerPoint presentations for several managers.
• Earned excellent marks on performance reviews, for excellence in areas including
work volume, accuracy and quality; ability to learn and master new concepts;
positive work ethic; and commitment to providing unsurpassed service.
• Travel with Sr. VP’s and Directors to help maintain one-on-one scheduled customers
meetings at corporate Partner sales events, provided assistance to Communication
Team for all major Sales and Marketing Events and Senior Management
Conference. 10+ years’ experience p lanning meetings and conventions with an
average attendance exceeding 500+. A m inimum of 10 years of experience
negotiating contracts with hotels and vendors from various industries.