Amit Kumar
Middletown, NJ *****
Email: *******@*****.***
Summary: Looking for entry level position in research and development or quality assurance of medical
devices. Familiar with design and fabrication of MEMS devices. Possess extensive knowledge of
cardiovascular system, from a cellular, mechanical, and electrical perspective, including therapies
and research. Good communication skills acquired in customer service in previous jobs.
Education: M.S. Biomedical Engineering (May 2014)
New Jersey Institute of Technology, Newark, NJ
B.S. Biomedical Engineering (May 2012)
Rutgers University, Piscataway/New Brunswick, NJ
Skills: MATLAB, HSPICE, ANSYS, Microsoft Office, Pymol
Relevant Courses:
Semiconductor Circuits, Cardiovascular Mechanics, Medical Instrumentation, Medical Imaging
Systems, Micro/Nano Interface with Cells, BioMEMS,Bioelectric Potentials, Cardiovascular
Engineering, Biomaterials, Principles of Drug Delivery, Biochemistry, Cardio Tissue Engineering
Academic Experience:
• Designed and tested bioreactor to grow blood vessels under periodic axial strain, detailing
improvements and further work in report.
• Designed and characterized fluidic microchannels using a novel technique utilizing a
scotch tape mask and a PDMS as substrate.
• Determined heart rate variability from ECG signal acquired using BIOPAC and was also
able to show parasympathetic and sympathetic activation.
• Designed a rudimentary, easy to use BCI using EOG signals and performed simple tasks
with detailed report on how to increase its speed.
• Prepared a research proposal to investigate the antibiotic effects and cost-effectiveness of
theorized copper-infused gauze based on existing research, including estimated costs of
laboratory space, materials, labor, and cost of manufacturing.
• Modeled Blood Pressure response of heart under various stresses and pathologies
• Modeled sarcomere length, calcium ion concentration, chamber volume, and wall thickness
of heart muscle
• Used HSPICE to complete coursework for Semiconductor Circuits class based on
• Used ANSYS to complete project analyzing properties of fluidic micro channel.
Employment: Unrelated Experience
Walgreens Infusion Services – August 2012 – August 2013
Foodtown of Port Monmouth – July 2007 – August 2009