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Jan 2013-Dec 2014
M aster of Science in Com puter Network s and Telecommunication
The George W ashington Universit y, W as hington, D.C
Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Comm unication Engineering July 2008-June 2012
Gujarat Technological University, India
Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP), Routing and Switching …. activ e
Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) …. active
Software Def ined Network s (Cours era)
Network Devices and Applications (HCL)
Routing Protocols: BGP, OSPF, EIGRP, IGRP, RIPv1, RIPv2, IS-IS, MPLS
Network Securit y: AAA, RADIUS, TACACS+, IDS, IPS, VPN, IPsec
Im plem entation of STP, VTP, HSRP, VRRP, GLBP, DHCP, FTP, TFTP, Access Lists, Route Maps Distribute Lists
Im plem entation of QoS features using FIFO, W FQ, PQ, Custom Queuing, RSVP, RED.
Tools: GNS3, W ireshark, Cisco Configuration Professional, Cisco Pack et Tracer, Virtual Box, OPNET Modeler, F5 load balancer
Programming/Scripting: Python, UNIX Shell Script, Java.
Graduate Assistant at The George W ashington University, W ashington, DC. Aug 2013-P
Daily res ponsibilities include design, configuration, m aintenance and troubleshooting of technical issues
Assisted a Professor for Exploring Finance with Sim ulation class using FinGam e; Assisted in the Portfolio
Managem ent class; Maintaining a database of book s and journals
Network Engineer Intern at HCL Career Development Center Ahmedabad, India Aug 2012- Dec 2012
Sim ulated various network s using a pack et tracer and configuring Cisco routers, switches and other devices
Configured a Cisco Firewall 2811 for a W indows network
Network Transformation: Analyzed the current infrastructure of a com pany Advatech consisting of interconnected W AN,
LAN and a data center with its applications. Designed a data disaster recovery m odel for the increasing network traffic and
evaluated the cost of m igrating to the cloud service along with secure options for transporting the data.
Network Performance Analysis: Anal yzed the behavior of a queue fed b y FTP, Voice and Video traffic through different
cables using OPNET Modeler to determ ine the block ing probabilit y of a circuit-switched network to m aintain the QoS.
Network Virtualization Slicing: Im plem ented Topology & Flowspace based slic ing to separate the la yers in the topology
and the t ype of traffic (here Video and Non-Video traffic).
POX/ PYRETIC firewall: Im plem ented a La yer-2 firewall, running alongside the MAC learning m odule, on the POX
OpenFlow SDN/ P yretic controller using P ython
Datacenter Topology: Designed and im plem ented the topolog y for a 3-tier Datacenter Network Architecture and assigned
param eters such as bandwidth, delay, loss and queue size using Mininet p ython API
Android App: Created an app to b ypass the in-built contact list with which Users could allow or den y an y other app from
accessing the contact list and custom ize the visibility
Red To Live: Developed an Android application interface using Android SDK tools to allow end user view availabilit y of blood
bottles near his or her location and hosted the databas e on the AW S using Am azon Sim pleDB
- Network Perform ance Anal ys is - Advanced Network Architecture - Grid and Cloud Com puting
- Telecomm unication Security - Telecomm unication Enterprise Network s - Com puter Network s
Blind People Association: Taught Com puter Technology at School for the Blind and recorded Audio Book s for
the Librar y.
Preparing for CCNP Troubleshooting and CCNA Security Certifications