Chafic kolailat
● DU *************@*****.***
EC ● Mobile +961-**-****** / 03-775731
American University Science and Technology, Communication Arts Ashrafiya, Lebanon
BA in Advertising Design Expected date: 2014
Coursework includes:
• Software 1 and 2 : Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign, Flash,
• Broadcast Media
• Television Production
• Advertising Copywriting
• Advertising Creativity
• Print advertising design
• Interactive advertising
• Media planning
• Psychology of advertising
• Art direction
• Radio and Television advertising
• Physiology of advertising
• Campaign design
Learning Center for the Deaf Baabda, Lebanon
Lebanese Baccalaureate in Life Science June 2009
Objective :
To gain knowledge, experience in the field of print and digital media and to serve as a Creative Director or Associate
Creative Director in a collaborative, team-oriented company where the sharing of ideas and expertise facilitates
professional continuity and personal growth.
I am highly talented and experienced in creative animation, creative design and theater production, as well as in
traditional graphic arts. I’ve participated in various workshops, acted in different social plays, shared in professional
media production all for the goal of improving our community perception regarding people who lived differently in our
My passion for advertising has increased year after year. I strongly believe it’s the best tool we can use to deliver
messages to the society and achieve effective difference in the community.
• One month training at a leading advertising agency Promoseven June 2014
Director of Decibel Group
Beirut, Lebanon 2009 Present
Acting classes for hearing impaired students at Dar Al Aytam Al Islamieh
Assistant director in new play “ My right without color “
Beirut Theater Management Group
Main actor in “The Grand Inquisitor” by Peter Brook.
Main actor in “1909-629” play.
Main actor and assistant director in “ world without sound ” play.
Sign language teacher.
The Other Project: Supervised by A Step Away, 2005 to 2008
o Animated movie development.
o “http:// “ ; website design and development.
o Forum Theatre project
Right To Play Workshop “Children amusement” during July War 2006
One Minute: Short Film Workshop
RAMI “Technical Theater”
Our Voice Media Room “Media Project for the Inclusion Network”
o A 9 min movie addressing various incorporation in our society ;available upon request.
o Inclusive Media Room establishment
Languages: Arabic ; English
Computer Skills: Adobe : Photoshop, illustration, indesign, Flash “ Animation “, Microsoft office
Red Ball Child Play, Right to play, August 2, 2006.
The One Minutes Competition, 2007.
Creative Advertising For everything: Posters – Billboard – Magazine – TV
Creative Production : Theater - Short film – Animation
Software one : adobe photoshop
Anti-smoking in publice
Mac promotion
Child Abuse Awaremess
Layout and page : Adobe Indesgin
MARCH ۷ ۲۰۱۱
Br g
Why china’s
Germany: The budget
The world’s
battle in
Europe’s not like the most unusual
Pwerhouse cookbook
Middle East
‘It doen’t look like Michelle
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
Obama follows her own
nutritionary,dietary advice.’
Onet inullup iciatia sinum
۱. Ximolumq uossinctae nossequia volorepe la velento ditempostio. Name ditatum ab im
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
iusciendit essinci que provit a
nimusam etum sentis rectorem
sim que vendebitis sitatiam re volesti occuptatur quas et aut eatem qui dolorem
Aturis enim re esciisq uiassim olupta aborpore pra erion es ipsum quatio.Nem vid ma venis modi volupta tiassus seritatibus et fuga. Nam inveliquam remporrum quo que maio. Et excearchil et as et et estium re vellor arum nossuntEst, que et modi inctur a debis dem
qui cum isitiae. Nam, ut andit,
‘Harry Reid will have to pry the cathouse
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
keys from my cold, dead hands.’
۲. Ximolumq uossinctae nossequia volorepe la velento ditempostio. Name ditatum ab im
Onet inullup iciatia sinum
sim ques dolorep eraturem sitatiam re volesti occuptatur
iusciendit essinci que provit a
nimusam etum sentis rectorem
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
quas et aut eatem qui dolorem
‘I feel younger now than when i was in my ۳۰s and
qui cum isitiae. Nam, ut andit,
simagnitPorereru mquatiatem
cum quaessuntem quassequi
٤۰s and had all those problem’
reium apicid magnissit lacerro
restinctum ullore nustiatur, a
۳. Ximolumq uossinctae nossequia volorepe la velento ditempostio. Name ditatum ab im
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
sim que scient peraturem sitatiam re volesti occuptatur
‘ He did not have the focus correct all time, but that doesn’t
After 42 years, ٤. Ximolumq uossinctae nossequia volorepe la velento ditempostio. Name ditatum ab im
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
the rule of Libya’s sim que scient am eraturem sitatiam re volesti occuptatur
is collapsing
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
to the moon is on.’
How bloody Onet inullup iciatia sinum
iusciendit essinci que provit a
will it get?
nimusam etum sentis rectorem
٥. Ximolumq uossinctae nossequia volorepe la velento ditempostio. Name ditatum ab im quas et aut eatem qui dolorem
qui cum isitiae. Nam, ut andit,
BY BOBBY CHOSH sim queam cus dolorep sitatiam re volesti occuptatur simagnit
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
٥ Onet inullup iciatia sinum
iusciendit essinci que provit a ni-
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Syria ۱٥۰۰۰LL
America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $
musam etum sentis rectorem quas
٤ et aut eatem qui dolorem qui cum
isitiae. Nam, ut andit, simagnit
Aturis enim re esciisq uiassim olupta aborpore pra erion es ipsum quatio.
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL Lebanon ٦۰۰۰ LL
America ٤ $
America ٤ $ America ٤ $ America ٤ $
America ٤ $ America ٤ $
Erupe ٦ $ Erupe ٦ $ Erupe ٦ $
Erupe ٦ $ Erupe ٦ $
VOL. I۷۷, NO. ۲۰ ۹۱۱
Compartiors are
starting to wake up
5 Verbatim
and smell the java but
Rush Limbaugh on nespresso’s capsules
Michelle Obama’s remain a category
diet killer
6 Closeup
The Christchurch 48 Food
earthquake Billionaire scientist
Nathan My hrvold
8 World aims to change the
China clamps down; way we cook
Somail pirates kill
51 ART
U.S citizens
The street scenes of
12 Economy photographer Vivian
The bull market
you might not
51 Global adviser
Crackdown the funeral of a Bahraini prosester.Photograph by Yuri kozyrev-Noor for Time
have noticed
Essential jaipur;
14 Health & china’s winter wilder-
ness, divine getaways
in japan
Cell-phone emis-
sions and brain
16 Cover 32 United States 55 Essay
15 Milestones In the arena China doesn’t have to
worry about a jasmine
Fareweoo to journa- The state of Wisconsin’s
Libya threatens to be Revolution -at least for
lis Bill Monore unions by joe klein
different by Bobby ghush now
10 56 Questions
22 World 36 United States
David Ferrucci, the
brains behind IBM’s
Don’t Fear the revolation Puplice Servants
waston computer
The messy way to a better Government workers at the
world by Micheal elliott crossroads by amanda Ripley
28 World economy
German Tiger
How the country turned
into an export machine
by Michel scuman
CPI/Art Deparment
Tatibus illabore omnienis aut quia sandicilia con rat.Acitassi quosapissit, im quae. Please visit or
quam quam sam que pa volupic ipsunt, cor aut omnis ducient iatium enimpor sequassitiae sum fugit alit, sam, que mos ma con necus el exerum entur aut experciat porporrore con eventium resto volesto oditaquae quam vellati aspiciam re, occust, conseque
nossimaxim exped qui bera ditiorest andis asserspedis aut evendae pre, sequibea nissinventor sam quos duntior untiam et veliquunt ipsunto mod quate odi ut quid que voluptas dus doluptaquae aut derspicaecum fugit poria quos eost enisi dolorernam es mos
eumquam, im solestia sit option cuptus eum re ventio esti ulloreceaque cus quostis as idemodi tistia sam aut ulpa volorroribus et quas eum qui ditiam, sequos etur audae. Ed que dolut autempos sus, ommos que sum assitin veniendam im deles velita nobit,
voloreped molestis as dipidel esequas dolupta quunt, odit is alia volorer chictor re dolupta volorem seque coreium, ni doluptumet Pa que parum quibus re, quatur.Porror aci doluptati idento.
TIME March ۲۰,۷۱۱
Print Advertising Design and Production
Ogilvy The Father of Advertising
Classic advertisement
On Advertising
Today it is having more than 450 offices in 169
He knew that if he was going to be
In 1948, David Ogilvy founded the successful as an expatriate running
agency that would become Ogilvy & an under-capitalized offshoot of an old
Mather. Starting with no clients and a British firm in the country that invented
staff of two, he built his company into modern advertising (in the city that was its
one of the eight largest advertising epicenter), he would need to build a strong
networks in the world. agency brand.
From the very beginning, David The first two fundamental components of
Ogilvy intended to have a different that brand would be the quality and diversity
kind of company. of the people, and the quality and class of
the operation. «Only first class business,
and that in a first class way.»
Our history is the evolution
«At 60 miles an hour, the loudest noise
of one man s thoughts,
talents, and work ethic
in this new Rolls-Royce comes from the
translated into a company
culture, a defining
electric clock.»
business strategy, a
Adroitly combining the pragmatic research and position the product, column, you can adjust the shock-
with the romantic, David Ogilvy s develop a brand image, and have a absorbers to suit road conditions.
copywriting was at the heart of big idea. Notice how every question in the
many of advertising s most famous consumer’s mind has been thought
campaigns, including perhaps the The car has power-steering, of and answered in this ad.
best-known headline ever written power brakes and automatic
for an automobile ad: «At 60 miles gear-shift. It is very easy to drive This is, in fact, a direct response
an hour, the loudest noise in this and to park, No chauffeur required. ad since it seeks a response. David
new Rolls-Royce comes from the Ogilvy’s “first love» was direct
electric clock.» The finished car spends a week in response and he believed that
the final test-shop, being every copywriter should have a firm
David firmly believed that the fine-tuned. Here it is subjected to grounding in this form of advertising.
function of advertising is to sell, 98 separate ordeals. For example,
and that successful advertising for the engineers use a stethoscope to Why? Because copywriters learn
any product is based on information listen for axle-whine. to think and write through the
about its consumer. minds of their readers. They must
The Rolls-Royce radiator has find out as much as they can about
His copy was written to sell never changed, except that when them. Their lifestyle, their likes
products, and it followed the basic Sir Henry Royce died in 1933 the and dislikes, what they look for in
rules of advertising: monogram RR was changed from products, etc. Besides, the challenge
red to black. of eliciting response sharpens up a
By moving a switch on the steering copywriter’s skills.
Advertising Creativity
Product campaign
Dettol” Hand Gel”
Gender Equality Now in
Education, Work, and Family
The cover of Arab Ad
Magazine “ Smartphone”
Advertising Copywriting
The act of disappearnce
Child Abuse Awaremess
Art Direction
Product campaign
head and shoulders shampoo
Get Real Campaign
Get a life Get a life
Get Real
Get Real
Art Direction
Peace one day campaign
Senior project in advertising : Decibel group « An advertising campaign»
One month training at a leading advertising agency Promoseven
Byblos bank : Volant d’Or 2013 « car loans awards » (e-invitation)
One month training at a leading advertising agency Promoseven
Byblos bank : New Branch Opening- Dbayeh
One month training at a leading advertising agency Promoseven
Jaguar: Road Safety Campaign in Kurdistand « IRAQ »
Web design
Flash web
Juice ad
The pincel Program animation
The other program
the one minutes workshop
Pace one day